This transcription is based on that originally produced by Roger Sims (MHNLib librarian archivist) and his advanced reading group and published in IOM FHS XXIV 2 May 2002. The version below retains the document's original line breaks and spelling which were missing in the published version. The testame[n]t of Jenett ine ott[e]r wch dyed the firste of Septembr. Irm bequeath to the poor 3 f. maltew 3 halfe firlots wheatt & 2 shepe : Itm left to willia[m] kennath her husband his ridinge horsse oute of the whole & her wyte kertell & halffe a shete : Itm left to her syst[e]rs Jenett & Ales ottr 1 kyrtell 1 charcheffe 1 shepe 1 blanckett betweene them bothe. Itm to Ales ottr the eld[e]r his syst[e]r 1 kertell & 1 carcheffe. Itm to m[a]rgrett & annes ottr her sist[e]rs 1 wyte blankett betwixe them. Itm to Sr philippe huggell 1 [yeuwe?] Itm willed & ordayned John ottr her brother her moste lefull executors Sr philippe huggell } test[e]s willia[m] coren } pbat et sll 12d