This transcription is based on that originally produced by Roger Sims (MHNLib librarian archivist) and his advanced reading group and published in IOM FHS XXIV 2 May 2002. The version below retains the document's original line breaks and spelling which were missing in the published version. The testame[n]t of John corlott wch dyed the 24th of novembr bequeth to Edmond his sunne 1 shepe 1 yeowe [p?] of a colte. too Elisabeth corlott her daptr 1 shepe & 1 yeawe if she bee gooten. to Annas ine corlott her daptr 1 lambe. to Sr Edward begellie & the clerke 1 lamb And constitued Donald John Willia[m] Jonie, Johne and margarett corlott her execs. witnes Sr Edward begauley & the clerke donald mc killye