Genealogy and DNA links


DNA projects on Manx Surnames


ManxDNA is the homepage of a project using YDNA testing to identify the haplogroup origins of around 100 common Manx surnames.


Cannell YDNA is an early stage project to explore the origins and genealogy of that family.


Manxfamilyhistory includes a section describing DNA projects against several interconnected Manx and Scandanvaian familes: Cormode, Cretney, Keig, Oates and Skaggs.


FTDNA surname search provides a search option for the 11000+ projects hosted by FTDNA. The search tool and partial access to the projects is free.


Genetics and Genealogy


ISOGG is the extensive site of the "International Society of Genetic Genealogy" which contains an abundance of reference material.


Tracking Back is a website for the exploration of genetic genealogy and population genetics.


Advanced Genetic Genealogy Tools


YBrowse is a free Y-Chromosone browser which can be searched either by SNP or position, and which displays the reference bases and all named variants corresponding to that region.


BLAT Search genome is an tool which attempts to position a sequence of bases on the human genome.


YHRD provides statistics for common Y-STR markers, and also supports queries into a large international database.