Early Lib Assed
Spiritual Courts
- A Libri Vast. Volume
- A typical Liber Vast. (1656)
- A later Liber Vast. (1764)
- An early Liber Vast. (c1520)
- A Liber Assed. booklet
- A typical Liber Assed. (1694)
- A late Liber Assed. (1901)
- An early Liber Assed. (1530)
- 1643 Composition Book
- 1679 Composition Survey
- 1691 Composition Survey
- 1704 Composition Book
- Property Contract (1652)
- Liber Cancellarii (1578)
- Charge Book (1591)
A page from the 1694 Liber Assedationis
The image below is a page of the 1694 Liber Assedationis (also known as the Setting Book) which records the tenants of the Lord's land for the year.

This image by courtesy of Manx National Heritage and also of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which produced the microfilm from which it is taken.
This page contains the first part of the Liber Assedationis entries for the Parish of Kirk Michael. My literal transcription of the header is as follows.
Parochia St Michell } Wm Cannon } Noia iiii } Jon Curlett } Jur ibm } Jon Cannell } jurat } Wm Cannell }
This gives the names of the four man jury (the Setting Quest) which oversaw the land transfers recorded in for that Sheading Court as recorded in the Liber Vastorum for the preceding year. They were liable if new tenants were unable to pay the rent
My literal transcription of the first section is as follows.
Ballacrynane Jon Cannell --------------------------------------- } xxvis viiid Jon Cannell --------------------------------------- } xxvis viiid ixs iiiid iiiis viiid Phillip Cannell Hen: Kaighen -------------------- } xiiiis Sum } iiil viis iiiid
The word on the left indicates the type of land concerned. The roman numerals on the right of the brackets give the sub-parts of this land. In this instance Ballacrynane is the name of a treen and the rents correspond to the quarterlands (ancient farmlamds) within the treen. The lands and sub-divisions always appear in the same order within the Liber Assed, but the individual place-names of the sub-divisions are never given. The rents are nearly always given in Roman numerals and the l,s and d abbreviations are used for pounds, shillings and pence respectively. The three rents above are 26 shillings 8 pence, 26 shillings 8 pence and 14 shillings respectively.
The middle of each line records the name(s) of the tenant(s) of that sub-division. Where just one name is given, that individual rents the entire land. Where multiple names are present (as in the third line) the tenancy is divided between them. The figures above their names record the share of the rent which they pay. In this case Phillip Cannell pays 9 shillings 4 pence of the 14 shilling rent and Henry Kaighen pays the remaining 4 shillings 8 pence. (The colon following Hen indicates an abbreviated name.)
The final line of this section is simply the sum of the total rent, in this case 3 pounds 7 shillings and 4 pence.
My transcription of the remaining entries on this page is given below. One significant aspect in this entries which is not described above is the partial box around certain tenant's names. This reflects that the fact that these tenant(s) of the specified plot of land changed during the year. These changes would have been confirmed at the Sheading Court (for 1694) and recorded in the corresponding Liber Vast. Another is the occasional use of Latin as in the first line for Shalcagh: cu (with) and et (and).
vs iiiid iis viiid viiis Ballister Jon Quayle Jon Caine Wm Quayle Margt } viid vd xxiid } Quayle Patr Kaighen James McBoy ----- } xxs iid xiid } William Quayle Margt Quayle ---------- } viiis viiis Jon Quartaige Jon Quayle + ----------- } xvis -----------| iiis ixd iiis ixd Jon Caine William Cannon --------- } viis vid vs vd iiis id iid Will Quayle Margt Quayle Wm Quayle - } xs xd iis iid } xxis viiid James McBoy William Quayle ----------- } William Cannell Jon Carrett ---------- } iiis iiiid Sum } iiil viiis vid iiis xd ob Shalcagh Will Quayle cu Jon Quiggin et Don: Cannell } iiis xd ob vid } Dollin Caine Will Quayle Jon Quiggin Doll } xviis vid vid xiid } Caine Wm Quayle Wm Quayle ---------------- } iiis viiid ob Jon Quiggin Doll Caine Jon Cannell Jon } xiid } xiiiis xd Cannell Wm Cannon ------------------------- } finloe Cannell Will Cannell Thomas } xviis xiid } xxxis vid Cannell Will Cannell Jo Tear ------------- } Sum } iiil iiis xd vis iid vis iid Ballanymade Wm Quartaige Wm Caine Jon Caine ---------- } vis iid vs xd iiiid } xxiiiis viiid James Boy Tho Crellin Tho: Quayle -------- } viiis viiid viiis viiid Wm Curleod + Thomas Curleod --------------- } xviis iiiid -----------| vs viid ob vs viid ob iiis ixd Jon Quayle Jon Quayle | Jon Caine ------ } xvs ------------------------|