Early Lib Assed
Spiritual Courts
- A Libri Vast. Volume
- A typical Liber Vast. (1656)
- A later Liber Vast. (1764)
- An early Liber Vast. (c1520)
- A Liber Assed. booklet
- A typical Liber Assed. (1694)
- A late Liber Assed. (1901)
- An early Liber Assed. (1530)
- 1643 Composition Book
- 1679 Composition Survey
- 1691 Composition Survey
- 1704 Composition Book
- Property Contract (1652)
- Liber Cancellarii (1578)
- Charge Book (1591)
1679 lives (Composition Book)
The following image is a single page from the 1679 survey of lives in being for compositions.

This image by courtesy of Manx National Heritage.
My personal transcription of this page is given below. (This is an extract from the transcriptions section.)
*** Folio 257.0 *** Kirk Michael agreed to + Wm [C.. and Paul?] Christian for a prcll of Intacke } pay 2d a yeare of 8d not compounded for before, now } agrees to pay by ye year until Comissionrs come } [?] 2d - to commence at Michas ------------------------------- } + Kath Quarke for Jo Quarke & James Cry } 5s for 10d Cottage ------------------------------------------ } lives ye sd Kath only in beinge + Hen:Woods for Jane Woods for 1/2 18s } 6d & also for certain Intacks rent 16d } 55s & [Xed out "21?d"], the half of 8th pt of a qtr rent 12d } fine ----------------------------------------------------- } lives Doll Cayne only in beinge + Don: Cannell for 3d Cottattage [sic] fine ---------------- } 2s 6d lives Rich: Tho: & Cha: his sons all in beinge + Gilbt Curlood for Doll Curlood for 1 qrter } rent 7s 4 1/2d & for 15d Intacke fine for ye } 28s whole ---------------------------------------------------- } lives ye sd Gilbt & Jo his brother alive + Jo: Curlood for Adam: Curlood for a 1 qrter } rent 7s 4 1/2d & 15d Intack fine ------------------------- } 20s lives ye Jo: Curlood & Gilbt Cannell sone of Phill Cannell & Adam Caine sone of Jo Caine ballagawne, all in beinge o Phill Cannell for Jo: Cannell Junr for 1 qter } & 1/2 rent 26s 8d & a pcell of Intacke } 3l in ball of 8d rent fine for ye whole is ------------------ } lives Phill Cannell sone of Patr: & Cha sone of ye sd John & Jo Quayle sone of Jo Quayle all in beinge + Jo Cannell for John Cannell senr for 1 qter & } 1/2 rent 26s 7d fine ------------------------------------- } 45s lives ye sd John only in beinge + Adam Callister & ptner [Xed out "Jn: Stephen"] for 1 qrter wanting } ye 8th pte rent 16s fine ----------------------------------------- } 33s 4d lives Jony Cayne daughter of Patr Cayne only alive + Jo Teare for a qrter land rent 16s fine 33 4d lives John Wm & Wm his sones all in being