Extract from the 1578 Liber Cancellarii entries

The following image is a single page from near the start of first volume of Libri Cancellarii (1578-1599). It contains brief details of a number of disputes together with the judgement made on them.



This image by courtesy of Manx National Heritage.


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The script used here can make the entries difficult to read. The first two entries below appear to relate to complaints against the Archdeacon's handling of a deceased's estate - in particular the giving of an ox. [Interestingly a statue of 1643 clarifies whether a team of oxen should descend to the eldest son or its worth be shared between the unprovided for children of the deceased.] My attempted transcription of the third entry is given below.


John kelly doth enter his acton against [Stepn?] kellie
his brother for not pforminge his bargain wch he
                      p  his [?] demande of [10s?]
made wth [?] Court [?] p crtan tithes & [?] 
to annswere at the [next?] Court.

                                  [Stepon?] is awarded to
paie 12s for not supporting his brother to
enjoy the [?eath] according to promys and bargayn


The gist of this seems to be that John Kelly's brother made a sale to him, but then reneged on the deal. The court decided that compensation of 12s should be paid. The 2d recorded in the margin is presumably a fee paid for the resolution of this dispute.