Early Lib Assed
Spiritual Courts
- A Libri Vast. Volume
- A typical Liber Vast. (1656)
- A later Liber Vast. (1764)
- An early Liber Vast. (c1520)
- A Liber Assed. booklet
- A typical Liber Assed. (1694)
- A late Liber Assed. (1901)
- An early Liber Assed. (1530)
- 1643 Composition Book
- 1679 Composition Survey
- 1691 Composition Survey
- 1704 Composition Book
- Property Contract (1652)
- Liber Cancellarii (1578)
- Charge Book (1591)
A page from the 1764 Liber Vastarum
The image below is one page of the 1764 Liber Vastarum which details the land transfers made at the May Sheading Court. It has essentially the same format as Libri Vastarum from the 17th and late 16th centuries, but is easier to read.

This image by courtesy of Manx National Heritage and also of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which produced the microfilm from which it is taken.
My transcription is given below. The numbers following the Intacks and Cottages headings refer to the position of the land within that category in the corresponding Liber Assed. In 1704 an alienation fine become due on the transfer of composed land and this explains the comment at the end of each entry. (5s in the first entry is the fine paid, and the "not compd" comment for the others indicates that the land was not composed). I have replaced sums of money in Roman numerals with numbers throughout.
At a Sheading Court holden at [] for Michael Sheading the 2d day of May 1764 KK Michael { John Kaighen } Setting Quest { John Cain } Jur { Jo Quiggin } { Wm Cannon } Ballafadine John Cain & John his son | John Cain } _________________________| } 37s } his son prd - - - - - - - - - - - - - } The father is dead & the son entred as right Heir X according to Law 5s Intacks 20 John Cain & John his son | John Cain } _________________________| } 6d } his son prd - - - - - - - - - - - - - } X Entred as before. not compd Cottages 17 John Cain & John his son | John Cain } _________________________| } 12d } his son prd - - - - - - - - - - - - - } X Entred as before. not compd Intacks 44 John Cannel | Wm Gell - - - - - - - - } 1d ____________| Entred by virtue of a Bill of Sale bearing date X the 17th Novr 1755 lawfully confirmed. not compd