1679 Lives for Michael

Given below is my transcription of the above record.



[ 1679 Composition Book for Michael. Beginning at folio 257                                             ]
[Missing entries relative to 1643 are A055 (bought by church) and A051 (held by the tenure of the straw)]

*** Folio 257.0 ***

Kirk Michael

agreed to           + Wm [C.. and Paul?] Christian for a prcll of Intacke        }
pay 2d a yeare        of 8d not compounded for before, now                       }
                      agree to pay by ye year until Comissionrs come             }
         [?]          2d - to commence at Michas ------------------------------- }

[E002 ref Z063]
                    + Kath Quarke for Jo Quarke & James Cry                      } 5s
                      for 10d Cottage ------------------------------------------ }
                      lives ye sd Kath only in beinge 

[E003 ref Z050]
                    + Hen:Woods for Jane Woods for 1/2 18s                       }
                      6d & also for certain Intacks rent 16d                     } 55s
                      & [Xed out "21?d"], the half of 8th pt of a qtr rent 12d   }
                      fine ----------------------------------------------------- }
                      lives Doll Cayne only in beinge

[E004 ref Z068]
                    + Don: Cannell for 3d Cottattage [sic] fine ---------------- } 2s 6d
                      lives Rich: Tho: & Cha: his sons all in beinge

[E005 ref Z047]
                    + Gilbt Curlood for Doll Curlood for 1 qrter                 }
                      rent 7s 4 1/2d & for 15d Intacke fine for ye               } 28s
                      whole ---------------------------------------------------- } 
                      lives ye sd Gilbt & Jo his brother alive

[E006 ref Z048]
                    + Jo: Curlood for Adam: Curlood for a 1 qrter                } 
                      rent 7s 4 1/2d & 15d Intack fine ------------------------- } 20s
                      lives ye Jo: Curlood & Gilbt Cannell sone of Phill Cannell
                      & Adam Caine sone of Jo Caine ballagawne, all in beinge

[E007 ref Z002]
                    o Phill Cannell for Jo: Cannell Junr for 1 qter              }
                      & 1/2 rent 26s 8d & a pcell of Intacke                     } 3l
                      in ball of 8d rent fine for ye whole is ------------------ }
                      lives Phill Cannell sone of Patr: + Cha sone of ye sd John
                      & Jo Quayle sone of Jo Quayle all in beinge

[E008 ref Z001]
                    + Jo Cannell for John Cannell senr for 1 qter &              }
                      1/2 rent 26s 7d fine ------------------------------------- } 45s
                      lives ye sd John only in beinge

[E009 ref Z041]
                    + Adam Callister & ptner [Xed out "Jn: Stephen"] for 1 qrter wanting }
                      ye 8th pte rent 16s fine ----------------------------------------- } 33s 4d
                      lives Jony Cayne daughter of Patr Cayne only alive

[E010 ref Z040]
                    + Jo Teare for a qrter land rent 16s fine                      33 4d
                      lives John Wm & Wm his sones all in being

*** Folio 257.5 ***

[E011 ref Z038]
                    x Jo: Cannell for Don Cannell for 1 qtr rent 18s 6d fine     } 46s 8d
                      lives Rich: brother of ye Don: alive

[E012 ref Z037]
                    o Rich: Cannell & ptnr for Gilbt Cannell for 1 qtrer         }
                      rent 18s 6d fine ----------------------------------------- } 30s
                      for ye lives of Rich: his brother & Jo: Cannell sone 
                      of Gibt Cannell in being

[E013 ref Z039]
                      Jo: Cayne for 1 qter of land in 1666                       }
                      rent 18s 6d fine ----------------------------------------- } 30s
                      lives ye sd Jo: Wm & Don his brothers all alive

[E014 ref Z069]
                    + Jo: Stephan for Don: Stephan for 3d Cottage                }
                      & ob Intacke fine ---------------------------------------- } 2s 6d
                      lives of Jo: his grandchild sone of Wm his son only 
                      in being

[E015 ref Z021]
                    o Jo: Caighten & ptnr for Wm Caighen + Wm Quaile             }
                      for 1 qter & 4th pte of a qrter rent 20s 10d fine          } 37s 6d
                      lives ye sd Jo: Caighen only in being

[E016 ref Z023]
                    o Xpian Quayle for Gilbt Quayle for 1 qrter &                }
                      8th pte of a qter rent 17s 6d fine ----------------------- } 33s 9d 
                      lives Jo: his sone only in being

[E017 ref Z022]
                    o Jo: Cannell for Doll Cannell for 1 qrter & 8th             }
                      pte of a qrter rent 18s 6d fine -------------------------- } 33s 9d
                      lives ye sd Jo: only in being

[E018 ref Z062]
agreed to pay         Tho: Cannell for Phill Browne for 9d                       }
21d for 7             Cottage and Intack fine ---------------------------------- } 5s
years & 3d a          lives all dead
year for ye tyme 
to come or 
to bring a certificate yt
Ellin Browne is living
to be charged 
ye next year

[E019 ref Z035]                     
                      Robt Cannell for 2 prtes of a qrter rent 11s               }
                      4d fine -------------------------------------------------- } 20s
                      lives the sd Robt & Cha: his brother & Ann his 
                      daughter all in beinge

[E020 ref Z070]
                    o Wm Woods & ptnr for Wm Cayne for 8d rent of                }
                      Cottage & Intacke fine ----------------------------------- } 5s
                      lives Adam Cayne sone of Jo Cayne only in being

*** Folio 258.0 ***

[E021 ref Z026]
                    o John Curlood goodlad for Jo: Curlood for ye                }
                      4th pte of a qrter rent 5s fine -------------------------- } 7s 6d
                      lives Wm Curlood sone of Patr: Curlood Ger only in being.

[E022 ref Z046]
                    + Adam Callister for Robt Callister for 1 qrter rent         }
                      7s 6d & 15d Intacke fine in ye whole --------------------- } 20s
                      lives ye sd Adam & Gilbt Curlood sone of Doll Curlood 
                      in being.

[E023 ref Z049]
                    o Hu: Callister for Hu: his father for 1 qrter               }
                      15s 8d rent and 1 acre of medd: rent 20d fine              } 3l 
                      lives Jo: Curlood son of Adam only in being

[E024 ref Z064]
                    + Jo: Cotter for 9d Cottage fine --------------------------- } 3s 4d
                      lives ye sd Jo: and Jaine his sister alive

[E025 ref Z053]
                    o Jo: Corkill for Robt Corkill for 8d Cottage                }
                      fine ----------------------------------------------------- } 3s 4d
                      lives ye sd Jo & Wm his brother in being

[E026 ref Z003]
                    o Jo: Caighen & ptn for Tho: Caighen & Kath: Cannell         }
                      for 1 qrter & 4th pt of a qter rent 18s fine               } 37s 6d
                      lives ye sd John only in being

[E027 ref Z033]
                    + Patr: Corgiage & ptnr for 1/2 qrter rent 8s                 }
                      & 1 other 1/2 qrter rent 9s. fine in all is --------------- } 35s
                      lives Rich Cowley sone of Wm Cowley only in being

[E028 ref Z066]
agreed to           o Jo Corkill & ptr for Calloghoony Quine for                 }
pay 14d               7d Cottage fine ------------------------------------------ } 3s 4d
for ye tyme           lives all dead ye 17th No: 1668
past & to pay fine
2d a year for
ye tyme to come
[E029 ref Z060]
                    o Tho: Corkan for 8d Cottage fine --------------------------- } 3s 4d
                      lives ye sd Tho & Bahye his daughter & Jane his wife
                      all in beinge

[E030 ref Z071]
                    + Adam Mcaboy for Ann Creere & Jony her                       }
                      daughter for 12d rent of qrter; land fine ----------------- } 3s 4d
                      lives Jo: Quayle her grandchild only in being

[E031 ref Z065]
                    + Hu: Cayne for Mally Qualtrough for 6d                       }
                      Cottage fine ---------------------------------------------- } 2s
                      lives Jo: her brother & Gilbt Curlood sone of Doll 

*** Folio 258.5 ***

[E032 ref Z054]
agreed to pay       + Jo: Corkan for Jo: Corkan for 9d rent fine                  } 2s 6d
past & 1 1/2d a
yeare for ye
tyme to come

[E033 ref Z055]
6d for ye           + Jo: Shittleton for bahye Kelly for 2s 1d Cottage            }
tyme past &           & Intacks fine -------------------------------------------- } 5s
3d a yeare for        lives all dead ye 23th of Aug 1677
ye tyme to come

[E034 ref Z072]
                    o Bahye Booy & Patr: her bro: now marke [xpin?]               }
                      for 5d rent fine ------------------------------------------ } 18d
                      lives Patr: Cayne sone sone of Patr: alledged to be 
                      alive in Ireland but returne certificate before Christ
                      mas other wise to agree

[E035 ref Z034]
                    + Jo: Cayne for Wm Cayne for 1/2 qter 8s fine                   26s 8d
                      lives ye sd Jo: & Kath: his children in being.

[E036 ref Z036]
                    + Wm Cayne for Rich: Cayne for ye 4th pte of                   }
                      a qter rent 4s fine ---------------------------------------- } 7s 6d
                      lives Jo: his sone only in being

[E037 ref Z057] 
                    o Tho: Mcylrea now Ellin Mcylrea for 20d                       }
                      Intacks fine ----------------------------------------------- } 4s
                      lives Rich: Cannell sone of Jo Cannell & Ellin daughter 
                      of ye sd Mcylrea in being

[E038 ref Z030]
                    + Don: Curlood & Don: his sone for ye 6th pte                  }
                      of a qrter rent 2s 8d fine --------------------------------- } 5s
                      lives ye sd Don: his son in being

[E039 ref Z058]
                    o Wm: Cayne for John Cayne for 4 1/2d Intacks                  }
                      & 1 1/2d qterland fine ------------------------------------- } 2s 6d
                      lives ye sd Wm only in being

[E040 ref Z045]
                    x Wm Stephan & Wm Mcylrea now Jo: Stephan                      }
                      for 1 qter 7s 6d rent, for 19d Intacks                       }
                      fine ------------------------------------------------------- } 20s
                      lives Mable his wife & Jo: his sone in being

[E041 ref Z067]
to pay 10s a year     Alice Kelly now Wm Cayne for ye 3d pte of                    }
& for 3 years         Braddall milne rent 4s fine -------------------------------- } 16s 8d
past 20s 6d           lives all dead 3 years

*** Folio 259.0 ***

[E042 ref Z051]
                    o Jo: Croughton now Don: Croughon for 1                        }
This is to bee        qrter & 4th pte of a qrter rent 9s 3d &                      } 
further examined      for ye halfe ye 8th pte of a qrter rent 22d                  }
                      & for halfe of certain Intacke 16d rent alsoe                }
                      for ye 3[rd] part of bradde milne rent 4s                    }
                      fine in all ------------------------------------------------ } 4l 16s 8d
                      lives all dead ye 9th of Jan 1677

[E043 ref Z032]
                    o Phill Cannell for 1 qter & 1 rent 26s                        }
                      8d & for a close in ye mines 3s 6d & Intacke                 }
                      in ye fells rent 3d fine ----------------------------------- } 6l [13s?] 4d
                      lives ye sd Phill & Jo & Gilbt his sons all in being

[E044 ref Z073]
                    + Hu: Cayne for a Cottage 3d rent fine ----------------------- } 6d
                      lives ye sd Hu: Gilbt Curlood sone of Doll Curlod & Jo
                      sone of Adam Curlood all in being

[E045 ref Z024]
                    + Uxor Wm Quayle now Jo: Quayle himselfe                       }
                      for 12d rent of qrter land fine ---------------------------- } 2s
                      & 3 prtes of a qrter rent 12s 6d fine                        } 22s 6d
                      lives ye sd John Quayle & Jo Cayne in being

[E046 ref Z074]
                    o Don: Cayn now Jo: Quayle for a pcell                         }
                      of farme land 12d fine ------------------------------------- } 12d
                      lives Jo: sone of ye sd Don: only in being

[E047 ref Z025]
                    x Tho: Lowne now Wm Kerron for 3 ptes                          }
                      of a qrter rent 13s 6d fine -------------------------------- } 22s 6d
                      lives ye sd Wm Kerron & magt Lewne & Tho Cannell 
                      in being

[E048 ref Z008]
                    o Jo: Cannon & Jo Carrett now Wm Cannon                        }
                      & Jo Carrett for 2 pts of a qrter rent 10s                   }
                      fine ------------------------------------------------------- } 20s
                      Lives Ye Wm Cannon Jo Carrett & Jo Cannell sone
                      of Phill Cannell all in being

*** Folio 259.5 ***

[E049 ref Z075]
                    + Robt Quayle for 3d rent in KK                                }
                      Michell fine ----------------------------------------------- } 2s 6d
                      & for 4 1/2d rent in ball fine ----------------------------- } 13s 4d
                      lives ye sd Robt & Mally his sister alive

[E050 ref Z059]
                    o Jo: Cannon for 6d Cottage & Intacks                          }
                      fine ------------------------------------------------------- } 12d
                      lives ye sd Jo & Jo: Caine sone of ballagawn

[E051 ref Z056]
                    + Gilbt Croughton now Jo: Cayne for 5d                         }
                      Cottage & Intack fine -------------------------------------- } 12d
                      lives Ann his daughter, Jo: Cannell son of Doll Cannell [barke?]
                      only in being

[E052 ref Z044]
                    + Paul Quayle now Cha: Cannell for 1                           }
                      qter rent 14s 9d & Intacks 2s 6d                             }
                      fine ------------------------------------------------------- } 3l
                      lives Gilbt Cannell sone Phill Cannell & 
                      Patr: Caine sone of Jo: Cayne

[E053 ref Z005]
                    o Wm Quayle for 1/2 qrter rent 8s fine ----------------------- } 15s
                      lives ye sd Wm Gilbert Cannell sone of Phill Cannell
                      & Wm Quayle sone of Jo: his brother all in being

[E054 ref Z018]         
agreed to pay         Wm Curlood now Jo: Curlood for 2 pts                         }
4d a year at          of a qter rent 11s 6d fine --------------------------------- } 13s 4d
michls last           lives all dead
[E Jurly?]

[E055 ref Z052]
                    o Wm Kelly now John Kelly for ye 4th                           }
                      pte of qrter land rent 2s 4d & 10d                           }
                      Intacks fine ----------------------------------------------- } 20s
                      lives ye sd Jo: his sone only alive

*** Folio 260.0 ***

[E056 ref Z019]
                    o Tho Curlood now Tho: his grandchild                          }
                      for 1/2 qrter rent 8s 4d fine ------------------------------ } 10s
                      lives Gilbt Cannell sone of Phill Cannell only alive

[E057 ref Z077]
                    o Doll Quayle for 2 ptes of a qrter rent                       }
                      10s 6d fine ------------------------------------------------ } 12s
                      lives ye sd Doll & Wm his bro & Wm Quayle sone 
                      of Jo: Quayle his brother

[E058 ref Z027]
                    o Wm Cannell for 2 ptes of a qrter                             }
                      rent 11s 6d fine ------------------------------------------- } 13s 4d
                      lives ye sd Wm Cannell James his brother & Gilbt 
                      Cannell sone Phill Cannell
                      And for 4d more of another qrter fine                        } 8d

[E059 ref Z029]
                    o Alice ylrea now Don: Croughan for                            }
                      3d rent of qrter land fine --------------------------------- } 6d
                      lives Wm Cayne & Patr: Caine sones of Jo Cayne
                      in being

[E060 ref Z020]
                    o Jo: Cayne now Wm his sone for 4s rent                        }
                      of qrter land fine ----------------------------------------- } 4s
                      lives ye sd Wm his sone alive

[E061 ref Z004]
                    o Jo: Quayle for 1 qrter & ye 4th pte of a                     }
                      qrter rent 18s 9d Intacks rent 2s 8d                         }
                      fine for ye whole ------------------------------------------ } 25s
                      lives ye sd Jo: Wm his sone & Wm his brother all alive

[E062 ref Z007]
                    o Don:Corjaige now Jo:his sone for 1 qrter                     }
                      rent 16s fine ---------------------------------------------- } 20s
                      lives ye sd Jo his sone & Wm Quayle sone of John 

[E063 ref Z078]
                    + Maly Booy now Tho: Kinley for 2d Intacke                     }
                      in ballaugh fine ------------------------------------------- } 4s
                      lives Jo Corkill & Wm Corkill her sons alive

*** Folio 260.5 ***

[E064 ref Z015]
                    o Fin: Cannell now Tho: Cannell for 1/2                        }
                      a qrter rent 7s 6d fine ------------------------------------ } 15s
                      lives Wm Cannell his sone only alive

[E065 ref Z016]
                    + Jo: Teare now Jo: Sayle for 1/2 qrter                        }
                      rent 8s fine ----------------------------------------------- } 12s
                      lives Jony his sister & Wm Cannell sone of Fin

[E066 ref Z013]
agreed to pay       + Jo: Cannell now Don: his sone for 1/2                        }
2s 8d for ye          qrter rent 7s fine ----------------------------------------- } 13s 4d
tyme past & 8d        lives all dead 4 years ago
a year for ye
tyne to come

[E067 ref Z011]
                    + Don: Cayne now Doll Cayne for 1/2 qrter                      }
                      rent 8s fine ----------------------------------------------- } 13s 4d
                      lives ye sd Doll & Steven Clarke sone of Sr John 
                      Clarke in being

[E068 ref Z012]
                    + Jo: Quiggin now Jo: his sone for 1/2                          }
                      qrter rent 8s fine ------------------------------------------ } 13s 4d
                      lives Ann his daughter & Christian his wife in being

[E069 ref Z010]
                    o Jo: Teare now Fin: Quayle for 1/2 qrter                       }
                      rent 8s 9d fine --------------------------------------------- } 15s
                      lives Jony his sister & Wm Cannell sone of Fin 
                      Cannell alive

[E070 ref Z028]
                    + Patr: Kelly for ye sixth pte of a qrter                       }
                      rent 2s 6d fine --------------------------------------------- } 3s
                      lives ye sd Patr: & Magt Mcbooy his sister alive

[E071 ref Z009]
                    o Fin: Mcbooy now James Mcbooy for 1/2                          }
                      qrter & ye 4th pte of a qrtr rent 12s 11d fine -------------- } 17s
                      lives Hu: son & Wm Booy his brothers sone.

[E072 ref Z017]
                    + Jo: Crellin now Rich: Mcboy for 3 ptes                        }
                      of qter rent 12s 4d fine ------------------------------------ } 17s
                      lives of Tho & Wm his sons in being

*** Folio 261.0 ***

[E073 ref Z082]           
                    + Jo: Corjaige now John his son for                             }
                      3 ptes of a qrter rent 12s 4d fine -------------------------- } 17s
                      lives the sd Jo: his sone only in being

[E074 ref Z079]
                    o Sr hu: Cannell Clerke for 2d Cottage fine                     } 4d
                      lives Wm Cayne sone of Jo: Cayne ballagawne
                      Cha: Cannell sone of Jo: Cannell ballagraine in being

[E075 ref Z080]
                    + Patr: Cayne now Rich Cayne for 2s                             }
                      2d Intack fine ---------------------------------------------- } 6s
                      lives of Jo & Patr his sons & Magt his daughter 
                      all alive

[E076 ref Z081]
                    o Wm Kneene now James Cannell &                                 }
                      ptrs for 1/2 qrter rent 10s --------------------------------- } [vid?]
[?] qr for ye fine    lives Jony daughter of Wm Kneen only alive

[E077 ref Z061]
                    o Wm Cannon for 4d Intacks fine                                 } 18d
                      lives ye sd Wm Jo Carrett his neighbour & John
                      Cannell son of Phill Cannell

[E078 ref Z006]
                    o Margt Quayle for 3 ptes of a qrter                            }
                      rent 12s 10d fine ------------------------------------------- } 22s 6d
                      lives ye sd Margt Fin & Jo Quayle sons of Patr 
                      Quayle all alive

[E079 ref Z031]
                    + Jo: Cayne ballagawne now Wm Cayne                             }
                      for 1 qter rent 18s Itt for a milne                           }
                      rent 12d Itt for Intack rent 14d                              }
                      fine -------------------------------------------------------- } 4l
                      Itt for one other Intack in ball rent                         }
                      8d fine ----------------------------------------------------- } 15s
                      lives Wm & Jo his sons alive.
                      Itt Woods by lease for a p'cell of land called 