Libri Vastarum
Libri Assed.
Lease Book
Composition Bks
- 1610 composition book (Mic)
- 1643 compositions (Mic)
- 1643 fines and receipts (Mic)
- c1655 survey of leases (Mic)
- 1660 benevolences (Mic)
- 1666 lives for (Mic)
- 1679 lives (Mic)
- 1691 lives (Mic)
- 1704 compositions (Mic)
- 1704 fines and receipts (Mic)
- Summary of the above
- Name Index
- Liber Assed Index
Other Records
Libri Vastarum 1576-1699 for Ballaugh
The following is a complete transcription of the Libri Vastarum covering one parish (Ballaugh) for the given period. It is presented in chronological order. The transcription records each entry using a structured header giving a reference (containing my best guess as to the land referred to), the year of the corresponding Liber Vastarum, the section heading as entered in the Liber Vastarum (eg the treen name), the total rent of the sub-section, the old tenant(s) together with their rent, the new tenant(s) together with their rent and any comment added. This comment is literally transcribed and preserves line breaks. All of the other fields (with the exception of the reference) are taken from the original record and together compromise all of the information written within in it.
The early records tend to be significantly harder to read than the later ones, and also are rather less informative. Prior to 1576 the format of the Libri Vastarum was different and (as far as I have seen) never contain any explanatory comments.
ref IN000500 1575 Intack OLD ENTRY uxr Thomas Radclife cu fil {2s 6d} gilbt wright NEW ENTRY [uxr Thomas Radclife cu fil {2s 6d}] Danold Wright {15d} Danold christie {15d} ref IN000006 1575 Intack 0 0 6 OLD ENTRY John mcilrea NEW ENTRY Ranold mcilrea {3d} John mc cowley {3d} ref CO000100 1575 Cotags OLD ENTRY []yne mc ilvory NEW ENTRY Willm mc ilvory ref BG002704 1576 Brogard OLD ENTRY Willm mc gawe {} Willm mc gan[] {} NEW ENTRY donold mc gawe {10s} danold mc goneen {17s 4d} ref BY002200 1576 Balimon OLD ENTRY John mc gawen NEW ENTRY Willm mc gawen {22s} ref BY001504 1576 Balimon OLD ENTRY John mc gawen {} John mc ilrea {} NEW ENTRY Danold mc gawen {5s} Thomas mc brewe {5s} Ranold mc ilrea {5s} ref BC001800 1576 Balimon OLD ENTRY John mc ilrea {} John mc ilrea {} NEW ENTRY Ranold mc ilrea {16s} Ranold mc ilrea {2s} Willm mc Crayne {2s} ref BC000200 1576 Balimon OLD ENTRY John mc ilrea {} John mc ilrea {} NEW ENTRY Ranold mc ilrea {18d} Ranold mc ilrea {6d} ref CR002010 1576 Carnedall OLD ENTRY uxr morcis mc kelly {} NEW ENTRY Thomas mc quall {20s 10d} ref CN 1576 Conedall OLD ENTRY marriott ine Corlett {} NEW ENTRY cstofer mc Anley {9s 7 1/2d} John mc knen {9s 7 1/2d} ref CN 1576 Conedall OLD ENTRY marriott ine Corlett {} NEW ENTRY cstofer mc Anley {12d} danold mc ter {6d} Robt m knen {6d} ref IN000008 1576 Intak OLD ENTRY John mc gawe[n] {} NEW ENTRY Danold mc gawen {8d} ref BK002000 1577 Balicall 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Gibbon mc quall {} Willm mc quall {} NEW ENTRY Gibbon mc quall {} ref FM001800 1577 Firma Molend 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY [?] mc corleott {6s} patr mc quall {6s} uxr henry mc anley {} NEW ENTRY [?] mc corleott {6s} patr mc quall {6s} John mc cowley {6s} ref BB 1579 Baliskedayn OLD ENTRY Wm mc gowne {} NEW ENTRY Ryc mc Brewe {6d} ref AR000608 1579 Arrdueckn OLD ENTRY Robert Halsell {} NEW ENTRY Silvester Halsall {6s 8d} ref CR001604 1579 Cornedall 00 16 04 OLD ENTRY Gybbon mc Stephen {} NEW ENTRY John Stephen {} Willm mc Carret & Janys mc Carret redd 16s [] ref CN002100 1580 Carndall 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY [xvefen?] mc Awley {} NEW ENTRY John mc nene {} John mc quale {} note John quale is consented to gyve to [?] Lord [6?]s and to take a lease notwthstanding ref BK002006 1581 Bayvale OLD ENTRY Phinlo Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry ref BK000016 1581 Bayvale OLD ENTRY Phinlo Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry [Phnlo?] mc Anley ref CR002010 1581 Carndale 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thomas quale {10s 5d} & wth him Edmund quale {10s 5d} ref IN000010 1581 Intackes OLD ENTRY Phinlo Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry {10d} ref IN000003 1581 Intackes OLD ENTRY Phinlo mc Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry {3d} ref IN000020 1581 Intackes 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Phinlo Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry et mold Cry ref IN000002 1581 Intackes OLD ENTRY John quale NEW ENTRY John [kandley?] {2d} ref IN 1581 Intackes OLD ENTRY Thomas twatch NEW ENTRY Phinlo kelley ref IN 1581 Intackes OLD ENTRY John twates NEW ENTRY Phinlo kelley ref IN000001 1581 Intackes OLD ENTRY Phinlo Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry {1d} ref IN000002 1581 Intackes 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Phinlo Cry NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry Phinlo Cowle ref CR002010 1582 [Car]ndayle OLD ENTRY Edmund quale NEW ENTRY Thoms quale ref CR002010 1583 Carndall OLD ENTRY Thomas quale NEW ENTRY John quall for all {20s 10d} note Thoms quale [] the said John to have the [] wthout stipp ref CN002103 1583 ferme Carndall OLD ENTRY John mc knene NEW ENTRY [Emell?] mc knene {10s 7 1/2d} ref IN000200 1583 Intackes OLD ENTRY mould mc quall NEW ENTRY John quall {2s} ref IN 1583 Intackes OLD ENTRY Thomas mc teare NEW ENTRY Willm mc teare in all places sa[] ref IN000106 1583 Intackes OLD ENTRY Patr Calister NEW ENTRY Enude mc Calister {18d} ref IN000008 1583 Intackes OLD ENTRY John quall NEW ENTRY John Cotingham {8d} ref BG001406 1584 Brogard OLD ENTRY John gawen NEW ENTRY Willm gawen {14s 6d} ref BY002010 1584 Ballymoney OLD ENTRY John gawen NEW ENTRY dollin gawen {20s 10d} ref BY000208 1584 Ballymoney OLD ENTRY Finlo Crayne NEW ENTRY Willm Crane {16d} & uxr prd Finlows {16d} ref BY002100 1584 Ballymoney OLD ENTRY Willm mc Calister Senr NEW ENTRY Willm Calister Junr {21s} ref BT002004 1584 Baltersn OLD ENTRY Danold mc ylre Junr NEW ENTRY Thomas twatch {20s 4d} ref BK002006 1584 Ballivall OLD ENTRY Emell mc knyne NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry {11s 4d} ref IN000009 1584 Intackes OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thomas twath {5d} and Hughe quay {4d} pro house homestead and garden ref BK002108 1585 Balivally OLD ENTRY Dannold Quale NEW ENTRY Margreat ine Quale ref CN002200 1585 Carndall OLD ENTRY Mould mc ylorie NEW ENTRY Gilbert mc ylvorey cu [?] ref IN000008 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Gilbert wright NEW ENTRY Thoms woodes {8d} ref IN000018 1585 Intackes 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Gilbert wright NEW ENTRY Thoms woodes Finlo Cowley ref IN000012 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Mould mc Calister NEW ENTRY Edmund Calister {12d} ref IN000012 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY John Steven NEW ENTRY Avricke steven {6d} & Christian Steven {6d} ref IN000016 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Mould mc Calister NEW ENTRY Edmund Calister {16d} ref IN000007 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Gilbert wright NEW ENTRY Thoms woodes {7d} ref IN000006 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Thomas Twates NEW ENTRY Avricke Steven {3d} & Christian Steven {3d} ref IN000009 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Emell mc knen NEW ENTRY Dannold quale {9d} ref IN000006 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Dannold wright NEW ENTRY Tho: woodes {6d} ref IN000004 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Dannold wright NEW ENTRY Tho: woods {4d} ref IN000005 1585 Intackes OLD ENTRY Thoms Twates NEW ENTRY John mc knene {5d} ref FM000600 1585 Firm molend OLD ENTRY Patr Quale NEW ENTRY phinlowe quale {6s} ref BG001406 1586 Brogarde OLD ENTRY Willim Gawen NEW ENTRY Alice iny gawen ref AR000608 1586 Arducke OLD ENTRY Silvestr Halsall NEW ENTRY Thoms Burfihoe {6s 8d} ref CR002010 1586 Carndall OLD ENTRY Thoms quale NEW ENTRY John quale for all {20s 10d} ref CR001700 1586 Carvadall OLD ENTRY Willm Carret James Carret NEW ENTRY Willm Carret {17s} ref IN000008 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY Phinloe Cowle Patr Cayne NEW ENTRY Phinloe Cowle danold quakin {8d} promised to [?] L: 20s for his entry ref IN000018 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY Thoms woods {9d} Phinloe mc Cowle {9d} NEW ENTRY Thms [woods] for all ref IN000010 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY Thoms Radcliffe cu filio NEW ENTRY patricke Curleod {10d} ref IN000206 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY Gilbert wright NEW ENTRY donnaolde Christine {2s 6d} ref IN000008 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY Phinloe mc Anley NEW ENTRY Thomas Woods {8d} ref IN000200 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY Willm kellye {2s} NEW ENTRY Willm kellye {16d} Thoms mc [] {8d} ref IN000006 1586 Intackes OLD ENTRY xprs mc Awley NEW ENTRY John quale {6d} ref BK001700 1587 Ballavallie OLD ENTRY Thomas Crye NEW ENTRY Christian Cannell {11s 4d} gibon stephen {5s 8d} ref CN002103 1588 Cannodall OLD ENTRY Emell mc nene {10 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY John Cottingham ref IN 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY Thomas mc [keas?] {12d} NEW ENTRY Philnoe Corleod {12d} by virtue of a lease ref IN000304 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY John mc quale NEW ENTRY Christian quale {20d} Wm Cannell {20d} ref IN000500 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY John [Balist?] NEW ENTRY danold mc ilvory {2s 6d} pats mc Calister {2s 6d} ref IN000008 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY John twath NEW ENTRY Thomas quakin {4d} Patr mc Awley {4d} [in margin] fyn pro dm Note 20s to be gyven to my L: for his entrie ref IN 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY John mc quale NEW ENTRY Christian quale Wm Cannell ref IN001600 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY Wm gawen ux Thoms Corleod NEW ENTRY Wm gawen p all {16d} ref IN000400 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY John mc ilrea NEW ENTRY Raynold mc ilrea fils {4s} ref IN000204 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod Robt Corleod NEW ENTRY Phinlo Corleod fils ref IN 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY danold mc ilvory danold [Balyist?] NEW ENTRY danold mc ilvory for all ref IN000004 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY Mold mc Calister NEW ENTRY Edmund mc Calistere ref IN000002 1588 Intacks OLD ENTRY Thomas Crye Finlo Cowley NEW ENTRY Thomas Crye for all {2d} ref FM000016 1588 Miln ffarme place amongest the intacks OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY elen gawen {8d} John kinley {8d} wth him a ref FV 1588 Fir Vasti OLD ENTRY Patr mc Anley {6d} NEW ENTRY Henry Cowley {6d} ref CO000006 1588 Cottag OLD ENTRY Willm mc Anley als Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Gibbon Carrett {6d} [in margin against this and subsequent entries] Note ye rent payed by Ric mc mc nene this 16[] and not changed ref CO000003 1588 Cottag OLD ENTRY Finlo Cowle {3d} NEW ENTRY John mc nene {3d} [see note above] ref CO000004 1588 Cottag OLD ENTRY Finlo Cowley {4d} NEW ENTRY danold mc terr {4d} [see note above] ref CO000002 1588 Cottag OLD ENTRY Wm Bayliss NEW ENTRY Ric Christn {2d} [see note above] ref BT001306 1589 Ballytersin OLD ENTRY Gilbt Cowley {13s 6d} NEW ENTRY xpian Cowley pro qter {13s 6d} dollin gowen pledge pro Thomas Corleod pro [?] redd et custms ref BK002108 1589 Ballyvally OLD ENTRY Margaret iny quayle {7s 3d} John quayle {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY Margaret iny quayle {7s 3d} Finlo gawen {7s 3d} Avercke mc quayle {7s 2d} Note that wch of the tennits payeth but iid must paye three pence untill it come about unto him againe because ther is an odde penny in the whole rent wch can not be equally divided amongest thre [NB - The rents above contain several crossings out in the same ink ] [as the above note ] ref CN002200 1589 Carndall OLD ENTRY Thomas Cowley NEW ENTRY Gibbon mc Cowley Gilbt mc ilvory cu [] ref FV 1589 Fir Vasti OLD ENTRY henry Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Robt [kinente?] {6d} ref BY000208 1590 Ballymony OLD ENTRY Willm Crayne {16d} Fynlo Crayne {16d} NEW ENTRY Dollyn Gawen {2s 8d} ref CN002103 1590 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John Cottingham {5s 3 3/4d} Ryc quayle {5s 3 3/4d} and John quayle {10s 7 1/2d} ref IN000200 1590 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY John Carret {12d} Everick Stevon {6d} NEW ENTRY John Carret {12d} Christian Stevan {12d} ref IN000008 1590 Intacks OLD ENTRY Willm Crayne {8d} NEW ENTRY dollyn Gawen {8d} ref IN000012 1590 Intacks OLD ENTRY Willm Crayne {12d} NEW ENTRY dollyn Gawen {12d} ref IN000012 1590 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Stephen {6d} NEW ENTRY Christian Stephen {6d} John Carrett {6d} ref IN000012 1590 Intacks OLD ENTRY humphary Scarrisbreck {12d} NEW ENTRY John quayle {12d} ref BM001700 1591 Ballmorry 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Willm quaken {8s 6d} Tho Crayne {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Willm quaken {8s 6d} Willm Cayne {8s 6d} ref BY002200 1591 Ballmony 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Willm gawen {22s} NEW ENTRY John Gawyne p [?] ref CN002103 1591 Carradall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY John Cottingham {10s 7 1/2d} Ro quayll {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Robert kye {10s 7 1/2d} Finlo gawyn & Jo quayle {10s 7 1/2d} ref IN000008 1591 Intacks OLD ENTRY Thomas woods {8d} NEW ENTRY John woods {8d} ref IN000016 1591 Intacks OLD ENTRY Tho: woods {16d} NEW ENTRY John woods {16d} ref IN000008 1591 Intacks OLD ENTRY Thomas woods {7d} NEW ENTRY John woods {7d} ref IN000008 1591 Intacks OLD ENTRY Tho: woods {8d} NEW ENTRY John woods {8d} ref IN000010 1591 Intacks OLD ENTRY Tho: woods {6d} Tho: woods {4d} NEW ENTRY John woods {6d} John woods {4d} ref BB000012 1592 Ballyskyday 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Ryc Aboy Patr mc Awley NEW ENTRY Donald Craine ref BY001504 1592 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Thoms Brewe John gowan NEW ENTRY John Brewe Phillip Saile {5s 3d} danold gawan {5s} Ranold mc ylrea {5s} ref CR001700 1592 Carradall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Willm Carrett NEW ENTRY Issabell Carrett ref CN000018 1592 Carradall 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Willm quaill NEW ENTRY John Clarke ref IN000304 1592 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Christian quaill {20d} Willm Cannell {5d} dollin Cannell {15d} ref IN000016 1592 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Rannold mc ylvorry NEW ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea ref IN001300 1592 Intacks 00 13 00 OLD ENTRY Roger Corleod NEW ENTRY John Corleod ref IN000012 1592 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Rychard quaill NEW ENTRY John Clarke ref IN000200 1592 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Hugh Clarke NEW ENTRY Robert Clarke ref IN000012 1592 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Mold mc quaill NEW ENTRY Robt Clarke ref IN000300 1592 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY John mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea ref IN000006 1592 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea ref IN000004 1592 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY John mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea ref IN000008 1592 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John Baliffe NEW ENTRY Robert Clarke ref IN000002 1592 Intacks OLD ENTRY ux John mc ylrea {2d} NEW ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {2d} ref IN000004 1592 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Hughe Clarke NEW ENTRY Robert Clarke ref IN000006 1592 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Hughe Clarke NEW ENTRY Robert Clarke ref IN000010 1592 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Finlo mc Awley {} Ryc Cannon {} Finlo Cowley {} NEW ENTRY Ric mc [kanntere?] {4d} Thomas Crye {6d} ref IN000017 1592 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY danold mc teare {} Jo: quaill {} Jo Clarke {} NEW ENTRY danold mc teare {} Jo: quaill {} Patr Corleod {} Robt Clarke {} ref IN000006 1592 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY katherin yne Corleod NEW ENTRY Sr Tho: Casement ref IN002000 1592 Intacks 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY dollin gawaine Thomas Cannan NEW ENTRY dollin gawinne {8s 6d} dollin kelly {18d} Thomas Emmerson {8s} Sr John Stevenson {3d} Tho Clarke {3d} dollin Caine {3d} Willm mc teare {3d} Steven mc teare {3d} Jo freere {1d?} Patr Freere {1d} Tho: Kelly {1d} danold mc ylvorry {1 1/2d} Patr Caine {1 1/2d} Willm Brewe Tho Caine John a Bythell Patr quaine Willm vorraige Thomas a Bythell John Corkill Robert Stephen Thomas Brewe Thoms Curry Nycholas mc ylvorry Finlo mcylvorry John kelly these last 13 payeth 3d among them ref CN 1593 Carndall OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Issabell Carrett er Gilbt Stephan } pledg danold quaill } ref IN000012 1593 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY danold quaill NEW ENTRY John quaill ref IN000012 1593 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY dollyn gawanne {12d} NEW ENTRY hughe quay {6d} John gawann {6d} p pred cont 4 acres ref AR000608 1594 Ardnik 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Burshongh [? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?] {6s 8d} NEW ENTRY Lawrence waterson Note that the said Lawrence is appointed by the captayne for the discharge of the said offic duringe pleasure ref CN002103 1594 Carndall OLD ENTRY Robt mc kye {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Willm quale {5s 3 3/4d} Thoms Carrett {5s 3 3/4d} ref IN000012 1594 Intacks OLD ENTRY Willm Calister NEW ENTRY Thoms Crye for all ref BY 1594 Balymony OLD ENTRY Finlo quale NEW ENTRY Philippe Corleod is entered the 11th day of June in open court at the Casteltowne by consent of Edmund kearns who hath sould unto the said Philippe all his right and enterest of in & to one prll of ground wch he the said Edmund keans [recovered?] of the said Phillippe at a Court holden att the house of John gawen the 9th daye of may in Ao dm 1593 as by the recorde apperth but whether the recovery extendeth to the whole 18d rent for wch the said finlo Quale his name stood for before he was drawn or not the court [? ?] by [?] no rent sett downe in the Accon. And [?] the entent of this entrie is to [combate? ?] what more be probed to be recovered by the ld. [in margin] ye said finlo is [in margin] pay by his own [in margin] account for his [in margin] interest 14s [in margin] on the feast of [in margin] John baptist [in margin] at commyng [in margin] before the court ref BY001504 1595 Balimony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Jonny Brewe Phillip Sayle {5s 4d} NEW ENTRY Christian brewe {4d} katherin brew jun {5s} dollin gowen {5s} Raynold mc ilrea {5s} p magn [?] ref CN002103 1595 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Wm quaile {5s 3 1/2d} Tho: Carrett {5s 3 3/4d} John Cottingham {5s 3 3/4d} NEW ENTRY Wm quaile {5s 3 1/2d} Gilbt [?] Jo quaile {5s 3 3/4d} Finlo gawen {10s 7 1/2d} Jo quaill ref CN002200 1595 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Gilbt mc Awley NEW ENTRY Willm kewst Gilbt mc ilvery cu [?] ref IN000012 1595 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY dollin gawen {12d} NEW ENTRY wm quay {6d} danold quaill {6d} ref BK001700 1596 Ballicall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Willm mc Quarkin {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY John quarkin {4s 3d} and Finlo quarkin {4s 3d} Wm Crayne {8s 6d} ref AR000608 1596 Arduck 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY Lawrence Masterson for a [?] {6s 8d} NEW ENTRY In mann dns [Ryinl?] ref BM 1586 Ballymorie Tho: Clark and danold quaill pledge for Tho: Corleod for paymt all arrears due by the sayd Curleod to be payd and hereafter to be paid ref BK002000 1596 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Gibbon quaill {20s} NEW ENTRY Willm Quaill pro qtr ref BK000012 1596 Ballyvally 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Patr mc Cry NEW ENTRY Henry Cowley p pcell ref CR001700 1596 Carnedall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Issabell Carret Tho Clark NEW ENTRY Phillip Clark p qtr ref CN002103 1596 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Finlo gawen {10s 7 1/2d} [sup?] quatnez Jnr {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cannell tho: bodigh Gilbt Curleod {10s 7 1/2d} ref IN000200 1596 Intacks OLD ENTRY Patr mc Awley {2s} NEW ENTRY Wm quaill {12d} Annas yne boy {12d} ref IN000012 1596 Intacks OLD ENTRY Patr mc Awley {12d} NEW ENTRY Wm quaill {6d} Annas yne boy {6d} ref IN000004 1596 Intacks OLD ENTRY Patr mc Awley {2d} Finlo Kelly {2d} NEW ENTRY Patr Awley {2d} Finlo Creare {2d} ref IN000001 1596 Intacks OLD ENTRY Patr Crye {1d} NEW ENTRY Henry Cowley {1d} ref IN000311 1596 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Finlo Kelly {12d} NEW ENTRY Averick yne quarkin {6d} Finlo Creer {6d} cu cetro ref IN000012 1596 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Patr mc Awley {12d} NEW ENTRY Willm Quaill {12d} cu ceter ref IN000006 1596 Intacks OLD ENTRY Robt Wylie {6d} NEW ENTRY gilbt Cowley {6d} ref IN000004 1596 Intacks OLD ENTRY Thoms bodingh {4d} NEW ENTRY Patr Stephen {4d} ref IN001909 1596 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Thoms Tubman {8s} NEW ENTRY Tho: Clark {4s} Patr Caine {4s} cu ceter ref CO000016 1596 Cottages OLD ENTRY Patr boy {16d} NEW ENTRY henry Cowley {16d} ref BC001806 1597 Ballicane 00 18 06 OLD ENTRY Finlo Crayne {9s 3d} Wm Crayn {9s 3d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crayne {9s 3d} Ellin Crayne {9s 3d} ref BT 1597 Ballitersin Phillip Corleod suerte for Patr Corleod ref BK 1597 Ballyvally Tho: Twath suertye for gibon stephan ref CN002103 1597 Cannedall OLD ENTRY Gilbt Cannell Tho: Bodonghe Gilbt Corleod NEW ENTRY Patr Callistr Tho Corage {10s 7 1/2d} John quaill ref IN000500 1597 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY ux Tho: Radcliff and fil NEW ENTRY Wn Radcliff {4s} donald Christin {12d} ref IN000800 1597 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Crayne {4s} NEW ENTRY Ellin Crayne {4s} Wm mc teare {4s} ref IN000012 1597 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY hugh quaye {6d} Jo: garodn {6d} NEW ENTRY hugh quaye {6d} danold quaile {6d} p pacl ref IN 1597 Intacks OLD ENTRY Wm Crayne {4d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Crayne {4d} / before hugh quaye danold quale ref IN000006 1597 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY dollin gawen {6d} NEW ENTRY donald quale p 2 3/4 acres terr ref BG002704 1598 Brogard 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY danold gawen {27s 4d} John gawen {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY danold gawen {24s} Phillip Corleod {3s 4d} p qter di di qrter ref BB002100 1598 Balliskbaye 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Tho Corleod senr {10s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho Corleod Jun {10s 6d} ref BK002006 1598 Ballivally 00 20 06 OLD ENTRY Thomas Crye NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye {} Bessie kerniche {5s 1 1/2d} ref BK000016 1598 Ballivally 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Phinlo mc Awley NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye for all ref CN001511 1598 Carnedall 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY danold Carrett {15s 11d} NEW ENTRY John Carrett Phinlo Cowley ref CN002103 1598 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Wm quail Gylbt Stephon Jo: quaill Patr Callistr Tho: Corage NEW ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} finlo quale {5s 3 3/4d} Tho: quale Robt Key {5s 3 3/4d} [Note that there are several previous attempts at this entry with many crossings out] ref CN002200 1598 Carnedall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Wm [kews?] for all NEW ENTRY gilbt mc ylvory cu [?] ref IN000400 1598 md this day in open court Thomas Corleod sen did of his owne free will gyve unto Tho: Curl[eod] his sunne one pcell of Intacks of the yearly rente of 4s ref IN000200 1598 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm kelly {16d} Tho: mc ylrea {8d} Christian mc ylrea his daughtr {8d} NEW ENTRY Willm kelly {16d} and Wm Radcliff {8d} note the sayd Wm entred by a bargaine and sale from the sayd Christian mc ylrea ref BM001700 1599 Ballymore 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY John Quarkin {8s 6d} Finlo quarkin {4s 3d} NEW ENTRY John Quarkin {8s 6d} Wm Cayne {8s 6d} note entred because the setting quest saye that the sayd Finlo is dead and the right of the ground descendeth to the sayd John ref AR000608 1599 Arducke 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY In mann dna Regm {6s 8d} NEW ENTRY humfrey Scurisbreck forestorr In suo mann p un tent et dimid pler terr entered by grannt from Sr Thomas Gerrard Captin ref BK002108 1599 Ballyvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY Margaret yne Quaill {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY Finlo gawen {3s 7 1/2d} John Quaill {3 7 1/2d} Avericke yne quaill {7s 3d} note Jo: quaill is entred by virtue of a recovry in Court at May last, and also by vertue of an order taken in Court whereunto both ptyes are bound in 10l as by the same record at larg appeth ref BK002006 1599 Ballyvally 00 20 06 OLD ENTRY Bessy kerish {5s 1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Crye {20s 6d} entered by virtue of an order and arbitriment set down between them by Wm Raydclif Rec and Wm harrison whereunto both ptyes are bound to stand ref BK 1599 Ballyvally John Stephan pledge for xpian Cannell for paymt of his rents [?] & customes ref CN002103 1599 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Finlo Quaill {5s 3 3/4d} Robt Key NEW ENTRY John Quaill Thom Quaill note this is delivred up by the straw and sett by the setting quest uppon the sayd John and Thom Quaill ref IN000008 1599 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY dannold Quarkin {8d} NEW ENTRY John Quarkin ref IN000004 1599 Intackes 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY gibbon Crayn {4d} NEW ENTRY phinlo Corleod entred by virtue of a bill of Sale under the hands of Susan Crayn Jony yne quaill and Katherin Quay ref IN000004 1599 Intackes 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Phillip Curleod {4d} NEW ENTRY John Quaill entred by vertue of a bill of Sale from the sayd finlo at his owne request ref IN000004 1599 Intackes 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Gilbert Crayn {4d} NEW ENTRY Phinlo Curleod ref IN000004 1599 Intackes 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Phillip Curleod {4d} NEW ENTRY John Quaill entred uppon the consideracon afforesayd ref IN000008 1599 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thoms Curleod {8d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Curleod fil ims Junr entred by gift from his father as appeareth of record ref IN000008 1599 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thoms Quarkin {4d} NEW ENTRY John Quarkin {4d} Patr Cowley {4d} ref IN000204 1599 Intackes 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Thoms Curleod {2s 4d} NEW ENTRY Thom Corleod Junr fil ims ref IN000311 1599 Intackes 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Avericke yen quarkin {6d} NEW ENTRY John Quarkin {6d} cu ceter ref IN000012 1599 Intackes 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Thoms Curleod {12d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Corleod Jun fil ems entred by a gift from his sayd father ref IN000300 1599 Intackes 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY John mc Allex {9d} NEW ENTRY Robt Curleod {18d} John mc Allex {9d} Phinlo Corleod {9d} ref IN000008 1599 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY donnold mc Allex {4d} NEW ENTRY donnold mc Allex {4d} phinlo Corleod {4d} entred by vertue of recovries had in Court ref IN000016 1599 Intackes 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John Corleod {16d} NEW ENTRY Rory Corleod note yt was given by the sayd John to Rory his sonne in open Court and delivery made thereof by the straw; note John Quaill waterbalif notwthstanding prtendeth tytle to the sonne ref CO000004 1599 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY donnold kerron {4d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Twales entred at the request of the sayd dannold and the sayd Thomas is willing to take the same rent uppon him for a new Intacke wch he hath newly inclosed and the sayd kerron to be discharged thereof because yt is found by the great inquest that he hath now [ground?] for [yt?] ref BB 1599 Balliskebay Tho: Sampbury deemster pledg for Tho: Corleod Junr for paymt of his setting Corne ref BY000018 1599 Ballymony 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod {18d} NEW ENTRY John Quaill p Cottage entred by consent of the sayd Phillip in Court ref COMMENT 1652 [no lib vast found for 1600] ref BG002500 1601 Brogard 00 25 00 OLD ENTRY Willm Kissaige {25s} NEW ENTRY Finlo kissaige p qter et di qter Entered for that he is the eldest sonne to whom the right doth belong after the decease of Wm his father. Jo: Stephan pledge for paymt of the rents duties &c of finlo kissaige viz qter di ref BG001406 1601 Brogard note that Alice yne gowen being absent out of the Court & nonne to answeare for her in her behalf and the setting quest alledging her to be insufficient for paymt of her rents dutyes & customes yt is therefore ordered and consented unto by the Court that yf she do not fynd sureties for the same before the head Court day next that then Phillip Corleod shall enjoy and occupy the same for this yeare paying rents dutyes & customes [] being on qter of ground ref BG002704 1601 Brogard 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY Danold gawne {} Phillip Corleod {} NEW ENTRY dollin Gawne pro qter di Entered for that he is nephew to danold gowen & the right there[] descending to him and by the consent of Phillip Corleod in Court disclayming from the sonne for ever. Tho: gowen pledge for dollin gawne ref BM 1601 Ballymore Wm Cayne pledg for Jo: Quarkin p di qter ref AR000608 1601 OLD ENTRY humfrey Scarisbrecke NEW ENTRY Willm Saynt for [farms?] &c Entered by warrant from Sr Thomas Gerrard Capten ref BY 1601 Ballymory Wm mc Teare pledge p Wm Callister p qter ref BY 1601 Ballymory Phillip Sayle pledge pro John Gawne p qter ref BY 1601 Ballymory Wm mc Teare pledg p dollin Teare p di qter ref BY001504 1601 Ballymory 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Christian brew {4d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Sayle {4d} cu ceter Entered for that he possesseth the farme & by reason patr Christn did in the behalf of the said Christian his wief enter in sale against the sayd Phillip for the same and was Cast in his owne plea yet yt is pvided yf further tytles can be proved this entry shall be no hindrance thereunto ref BY000208 1601 Ballymory 00 02 08 OLD ENTRY dollin gowne {2s 8d} NEW ENTRY John Crayn Entred by virtue of a bill of Sale from dollin gowne and margaret his weif, yet becaus yt ^is^ supposd further tytles may be made to the sonne evrye mans right is reserved ref BY000208 1601 Ballymory 00 02 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas mc Teare {2s 8d} NEW ENTRY Wm mc Teare p pcell in ley myres Entered for that the right belonging to him after the decease of his father ref BC002008 1601 Ballycane 00 20 08 OLD ENTRY patr Corleod {20s 8d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Corleod Senr fil Entred for that he is eldest sonne to Patr Corleod deceased & the right belongeth to him. and Phillip Corleod suerty for him viz qter. ref BC001800 1601 Ballycane 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {18s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea p qter Entered for that he is the sonne of Raynold his father deceased ref BC 1601 Ballycane Jo Crayne & Tho: Curleod Junr pledg for Finlo Curaig p qter ref BC000200 1601 Ballycane 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {2s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea p [cloms?] Entered being sonne of Raynold deceased. ref BC000008 1601 Ballycane 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {8d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Corleod senr p pcell Entred for that he is the sonne of patr dec ref BT001700 1601 Ballytersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY patr Corleod {17s} NEW ENTRY sup Inr Assed this ground is left uppon the setting quest by reason that Tho: Corleod sonne of the sayd Patr deceased cannot bring suertys for paymt of his rents dutyes & customes he being insufficient to discharg yt himse[l]f ref BT 1601 Ballytersin Donold Quaill pledge for Gibbon Cowley p qter ref BT 1601 Ballytersin Tho: Corleod Jo: Crayne pledge for Tho: Twales p qter et 5th pte qter ref BK002108 1601 Ballyvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY Finlo gawn {3s 7 1/2d} Avericke yne Quaill {7s 2d} NEW ENTRY John mc Teare {3s 7 1/2d} Jo: quaill Junr {3s 7 1/2d} John Teare {7s 2d} Thomas Stephan {7s 3d} Jo: mc Teare is entered for 3s 7 1/2d by consent of Jo: gawne sonne finlo gawen deceased and entered for 7s 2d by consent of Avericke yne Quaill requesting the same in Court being her sonne and Tho: Stephan is added unto them for 7s 2d wch maketh the sume of 21s 8d by consent of the setting quest for yt seemeth that Stephan his name was omitted in the setting book for 2 years before. ref BK 1601 Ballyvally Tho: Crye pledge for Christian Cannell p 2 pts qter ref BK002000 1601 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Willm Quaill {20s} NEW ENTRY Tho: Quaill p qter Entred for Wm his brother is dead & the right descended to him as the setting quest avouch. Jo: kinley pledg for him viz p qter ref CR 1601 Carnedall James Carret pledge pro Phillip Clarke viz p qter ref CR 1601 Carnedall Robt key pledge p Tho: Stephan viz di qter ref CR001700 1601 Carnedall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Stephan {8s 6d} Patr Carrett {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {8s 6d} Thoms Corleod Junr pro qter {8s 6d} note Patr Carrett hath delivred yt upp by the straw in open Court by reason he alledgeth he cannot live quietley in the pish as un acquainted therein and the same is sett uppon Tho: Corleod Junr by the setting quest he willing to receive the same and hath promisd to pay to Avericke yne Quaill 30s of mony being a porcon of mony Wm Carrett should have payd unto her by agreemt of Record ref CN002103 1601 Carnedall 2 00 21 04 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Tho: Kissag [&] Wm Stephan {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY John Quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Jo: Quaill Junr Jo: Kneene henry Cowley Thoms Quaill Tho: kissaige & Wm Stephan have delivrd ^it^ up by the same for pvrtie and yt is sett uppon thees 4 psns ref CN002200 1601 Carnedall 2 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Willm kewsh {11s} John Cowley {11s} pro qter this half qter delivred up by Wm kewsh by the straw for povrtie and is sett uppon John Cowley ref BT 1601 Ballitrsin Edmund Stephan pledge p Tho: Stphan ref CR 1601 Carndall Danold quaill pledg p Jo: Carrett ref IN000004 1601 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY mould mc ylvory {4d} NEW ENTRY Wm kewsh Entred for that the setting quest avouch yt doth belonge to the farme wch kewsh occupies ref IN000304 1601 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY xpian Quaill {20d} Wm Cannell {5d} dollin Cannell {15d} NEW ENTRY xpian Quaill {20d} Evan Caly {20d} Enered by virtue of a bill of Sale from dollin Cannell and by his owne consent in Court requesting that the name of Caly might be entered he pforming Covennte as is specifyed in the sayd bill. And for 5d by consent of Wm Cannell in court & by bargain ref IN000016 1601 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {16d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea entered being sonne of the sayd Raynold dec ref IN000004 1601 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold mc Teare {4d} cu [?] NEW ENTRY Johes Teare Entered being sonne of donald deceased ref IN000018 1601 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {18d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Corleod senr Entered being sonne of Patr dec ref IN000200 1601 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Idm Patr Corleod {2s} NEW ENTRY Tho: Corleod Senr entered as affore ref IN000500 1601 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylvory {2s 6d} Patr Allexr {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: mc ylvory {2s 6d} Wm Callister {2s 6d} Entered being the nephew of Patr Callister dec ref IN000200 1601 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm kissaige {2s} NEW ENTRY Finlo kissaige Entered for that he is sonne of Wm deceased ref IN000300 1601 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {3s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea fil ref IN000004 1601 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold Cry cu [?] {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye Entered for that he enjoyeth the ground, yet every mans right reserved ref IN000010 1601 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {10d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Corleod senr fil ref IN000008 1601 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY mould mc ylvory {8d} NEW ENTRY Wm kerosh entred for that the setting quest avouch yt doth belong to the farme he enjoyes ref IN000204 1601 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Stephan {7d} Patr Carrett {7d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {7d} Tho: Corleod Junr {7d} Jo: Stephan {14d} Entered by reason Patr Carret delivered the farme whereunto this Intacke did belong up by the strawe ref IN000004 1601 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {4d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea fil ref IN000008 1601 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY dollin gawen {8d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne Entred by virtue of a bill of Sale from dollin gawne reserving evry mans right ref IN000006 1601 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY xpian Quaill {3d} Wm Cannell {3d} NEW ENTRY xpian Quaill {3d} Evan Calye {3d} Entered by tytle of sale from Wm Cannell & by his owne consent in court ref IN000400 1601 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {2d} patr Corleod {4d} Wm kissaige {2d} Wm kissaige {3d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea fil {2d} Tho: Corleod senr fil {4d} Finlo kissaige fil {5d} cu ceter ref IN000020 1601 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Thomas Crye Mould Crye NEW ENTRY Thomas Crye for all Entered for all by reason he occupieth the ground ref IN000304 1601 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Corleod senr Entered being the sonne of Patr dec ref IN000400 1601 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {4s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea {4s} entered being the sonne of Raynold dec ref IN000304 1601 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY John mc ylvory {20d} Patr mc Allex NEW ENTRY John mc ylvory {20d} Wm Callister {20d} Entred for that he is nephew to patr dec ref IN000304 1601 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Stephan {7d} Patr Carrett {7d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {7d} Tho Curleod Jnr {7d} Jo: Stephan {14d} Entered by reason ^he^ [did?] the tenemt to wch this belonged up by the strawe ref IN000200 1601 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY John mc Teare {2s} NEW ENTRY Rary Corleod Entered for that yt is avouched by the setting quest that yt is due unto him after the decease of Jo: Corleod his father, but evrye mans right reserved ref IN000017 1601 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {12d} Donald Teare {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho Corleod Senr fil {12d} Jo: Teare fil {2d} cu ceter ref IN000006 1601 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold mc Teare {6d} NEW ENTRY John mc teare fil ref IN000004 1601 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Emell Caly {4d} NEW ENTRY John mc Teare entered for that he enjoyeth the ground wthout further [shen?] ref IN000003 1601 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY dollin gowan {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Crayne Entred by bill of Sale ref BT001700 1601 GD ballytersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Sup Inr Assed {17s} NEW ENTRY Thomas Cry {8s 6d} Thoms Corleod {8s 6d} The setting quest wch were left for the ground of Thoms Corleod sonne of Patr Corleod deceased by reason the sayd Tho: Corleod did not put in securitie at the last sheading court and now [?] at the [?] of the sayd Tho: Corleod agine and the name of Tho: Crye is entred sonne of Will Crye wch recovred the same as appeth by a copie of the Recov & hath put in securitie for his rents [Emell?] Crye & the other half is give to the sayd Corleod againe & his name entred & hath put suertye for him danold quaill ref CN001511 1601 GD carnedall 2 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY John Carrett {} Finlo Cowley {} NEW ENTRY John Carrett {} Wm Cane {} pro qter Finlo Cowley is dead and noe man in the behalf of his children or of any of the kinred of the sayd Finlo have come to enter [th]eir names for the same yt being called 3 sevrall [S]ondayes in the pish Church And therefore Wm Cane is sett for the same ref BG002500 1602 Brogard 00 25 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo kissaige {25s} NEW ENTRY Wm Kissaige entred for that he is the eldest sonne of finlo kissaig dec ref BB002100 1602 Balliskebage 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Thoms Corleod Sennr {10s 6d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {10s 6d} Thomas Corleod Junr {10s 6d} p qter entred for that he is the sonne of Phillip wch was the eldest sonne of Thoms Corleod decessed ref BB001404 1602 Balliskebage 00 14 04 OLD ENTRY donnold Crayne {14s 4d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne [see following with which this entry is grouped] ref BB000012 1602 Balliskebage 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY donnold Crayne {12d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Crayne donnold his name is drawen & Jo: his eldest sonne is entred his father being dead ref -- 1602 Ballycurre Tho: Cowley pledge p John Quarkin ref BM 1602 Ballymony Wm mc Teare pledge p dollin mc Teare ref BY001200 1602 Ballymony 00 12 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleod {12s} NEW ENTRY John Corleod entred for that he is nephew to Tho: Corleod decessed to whom the right belongeth ref BC 1602 Ballycane James Coraig pledge p Finlo Coraige ref BT001306 1602 Ballytersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Gibbon Cowley {6s 9d} danold quaill {6s 9d} p qter danold quaill is entered half and half wth gibbon by his owne consent but to have noe interest in then during Quaills owne naturall lief & then to returne to Cowley againe. ref BT002004 1602 Ballytersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thomas Twales Finlo Creere {8s 6d} Entered for 8s 6d rent by consent of Tho: Twales in court to have the same for ever ref BT002108 1602 Ballyvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY John Teare {7s 2d} NEW ENTRY John mc teare {3s 7 1/2d} John Quaill Junr {3s 7 1/2d} John Quaill {7s 2d} Tho: Stephen {7s 3d} [Jo:] Quaill is entred by vertue of a Recovry against John teare, but hath []mised if he sell or sett it that Averick quaill his sister shall have it before any ref CN 1602 Carnedall 2 Finlo Carrett pledge p Phillip Clarke ref CN001511 1602 Carnedall 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY John Carrett {} Willm Cayne {} NEW ENTRY Patr Carret {} Thoms Quaill {} delivred up by the straw for povrtie & it is sett uppon Patr Carrett & Thoms Quaill ref CN002103 1602 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Jo: quaill Junr {} John kneene {} Henry Cowley {} Thomas Quaill {} NEW ENTRY John Quaill {10s 7 12d} Sup Quatnor Imr assed {10s 7 1/2d} These sevrall psons except John quaill have delivred their sevrall porcons up for povrtie & because the setting quest have found noe debters for the same it is sett uppon the setting quest themselves ref CN002200 1602 Carnedall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Willm kewsh {11s} Jo: Cowley {11s} NEW ENTRY Willm kewsh {11s} Wm Cowley {11s} pro qter entered by consent of Jo: Cowley in court ref IN000500 1602 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Thoms Corleod {5s} NEW ENTRY John Corleod Entred for that he is nephew to Tho: Corleod dec ref IN000500 1602 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylvory {2s 6d} Wm Callister {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: mc ylvory {2s 6d} Wm Clarke {2s 6d} Entred by consent of Wm Callister in court ref IN000200 1602 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo kissaige {2s} NEW ENTRY Willm kissaige entered being eldest sonne of finlo decessed ref IN000400 1602 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo kissaige {5d} NEW ENTRY Willm kissaig fil eins cu ceter ref IN000304 1602 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylvory {20d} Wm Callister {20d} NEW ENTRY Jo: mc ylvory {20d} Wm Clarke {20d} Entred by consent of Wm Callister in court ref IN000311 1602 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {12d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Crayne {12d} cu ceter he is entered by vertue of a bill of Sale of Wm Raydclif Receaver of the peele in court & by consent of Thomas Corleod sonne of Patr deceased ref IN000016 1602 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY dollin gawen {8d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod {8d} John kinley {8d} p molend entered by consent of dollin gawen in court acknowledging to have sould the same ref CO000003 1602 Cottages 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY danold Cayne {3d} NEW ENTRY hugh mc brewne danold Cayne is dead & the place voyd therefore he is drawen and the setting quest have put hugh brewne for it ref BK001700 1602 Ballyvally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Christian Cannell NEW ENTRY gibbon Stephan {5s 8d} gilbt Stephan {5s 8d} Wm Stephan {5s 8d} delivred up by the straw by Christian Cannell for povrtie & sett uppon gilbt & Wm Stephan ref CN002103 1602 GD Carndall 2 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} sup quatnor Ins Assed {} NEW ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Finlo kneene {2s 7 3/4d} Patr Stephan {2s 7 3/4d} Raynold mc ylrea {2s 8d} Patr Carrett {2s 8d} The setting quest wch were left this ground at the last sheading Court for want of debters have now set the same uppon theese fouer psons in fower equall porcons ref BT 1602 GD Ballitersin John Crayne et finlo Corleod pledge p danold mc ylrea ref BK 1602 GD Ballivally Jo: Clarke pledge p John quaill ref BM001700 1603 Ballymore 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY John quarkin {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Nicho: quarkin {8s 6d} Wm Cayne {8s 6d} Nicho: quatkin is entered being the sonne & heirer of John decessed and danold quarkin suertie for paymt of his rents & customes and Adam Callister is likwise suertie ref BC 1603 Ballycan Tho: Samsbury pledge p Tho: Curleod Senr ref BT002004 1603 Ballytersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY Thomas Twales {} Finlo Creere {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Twales {} Mabell Creere {8s 6d} p 2 by qters Mabell Creere being the onely daughter of the sayd finlo is entred by consent of Thoms Twales who keepeth the same for the use of the said mabell and Finlo Creere her father is drawen by reason he hath not occupied wth him the ground for the childs advantage ref BT001308 1603 Ballytersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {6s 10d} NEW ENTRY danold quaill {6s 10d} Entred half & half wth dannold mc ylrea by his owne consent in court ref BT001306 1603 Ballytersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY gibbon Cowley {3s 4 1/2d} danold quaill {3s 4 1/2d} katherin Cowley {6s 9d} pro qter katherin Cowley entred for half of the whole by both the consents of gibbon Cowley and danold quaill in court ref CN001511 1603 Carnedall 2 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY Patr Carrett {} Tho: quaill {} NEW ENTRY Patr Carrett {} Wm Kewsh {} pro qter Tho: quaill hath delivred up his porcon by the straw in court to Wm Kewsh uppon bargaines for exchange of ground ^made^ betwixt themselves ref CN002200 1603 Carnedall 2 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Kewsh {11s} NEW ENTRY Tho: quaill {11s} Wm Cowley {11s} Wm kewsg drawen uppon the considercon afforesaid & Tho quaill entered ref CN002103 1603 Carnedall 2 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Finlo kneene {} patr Carrett {} NEW ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} patr Stephan Ric mc ylrea Thomas mc ylvorry Wm brew Senr Patr Callister Thomas Coraige Gilbt Crayne John kneene John quaill Junr Patr Corleod Thomas Corleod Finlo kneene and patr Carrett are drawn and thees others are sett in by the setting quest for 10s 7 1/2d rent to be pd amongst them ref IN000016 1603 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY dannold mc ylrea {8d} danold quaill {8d} dannold quaill is joyned half & half wth danold mcylrea by his consent in court ref IN000200 1603 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Callister {2s} NEW ENTRY Christian Callister Wm Callister is drawn by his owne consent in court acknowledg[ing] that Christian his daughter ^hath^ the qter land whereunto this Intacke belongeth ref IN000020 1603 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY John quaill {} Wm Cannell {} NEW ENTRY John quaill {} Wm Radclif {} Wm Cannell hath requested his owne name to be drawen and Wm Radclif his name to be entred ref IN000004 1603 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Patr Awley {2d} Finlo Creere {2d} NEW ENTRY Patr Awley {2d} Mabell Creere {2d} Entred for that it belongeth (as is avouched in court) to the farme land for wch the said mabell was before entred, yet because finlo alledgeth to the contrarie his right is reserved to be tryed by lawe ref IN000311 1603 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Jo quarkin {6d} Finlo Creere {6d} NEW ENTRY Nicholas quarkin {6d} Mabell Creere {6d} cu ceter Nicho: quarkin is entered being the onely sonne of Jo: quarkin dec and mabell entered uppon the consideracon wch she was entred for before. ref CN002200 1603 GD Carnedall 2 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thomas Quale {11s} Wm Cowley {5s 6d} John Cowley {5s 6d} pro qter Wm Cowley hath delivred up th one half by the straw and it sett uppon John Cowley the setting quest avouching that Jo: himself is willing to take it ref BT002004 1603 GD Ballitersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thoms Twales {3s 4d} danold balif {8s 6d} mabell Creere {8s 6d} Thoms Twales hath delivred up by the straw in court to danold balif 8s 6d rent of his ground for evr ref BK002106 1603 GD Ballyvally 00 21 06 OLD ENTRY John quaill {7s 2d} NEW ENTRY John mc Teare {7s 2d} cu ceter Jo: Teare entred at the request of John quaill in [court] acknowledging to have sould the same for evr ref IN000016 1603 GD Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {16d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod md that danold mc ylrea sonne of Raynold mc ylrea dec is drawen by vertue of a recovry had against ^him^ in the [comon?] lawe by John gawen senr & Jo: gawen Junr. And Phillip Corleod is entred tennant for the same by vertue of sevrall bills of Sale under the hands of the said John gawnes and their wives ref BG002500 1604 Brogard 00 25 00 OLD ENTRY Willm kissaige {25s} NEW ENTRY Jony kissaige pro qter et di qter Jony is entered for that she is the onely daughter of finlo kissaige who was eldest sonne of the sayd willm de[c] ref BM001700 1604 Ballymore 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Willm Cayne {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne {8s 6d} cu ceter entered for that he is eldest sonne of Wm Cayne decess[ed] ref BY000404 1604 Ballymony 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleod NEW ENTRY Willm Corleod cu ceter entered for that he is the sonne of Thomas Corleod dec ref BC002008 1604 Ballycane 00 20 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleod Seinr {20s 8d} NEW ENTRY Willm Corleod fil [dims?] ref BT001306 1604 Ballytersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY katherin Cowley {6s 9d} NEW ENTRY John kinred {6s 9d} cu ceter katherin wief of John kinred hath craved her husban[d's] name to be entered ref BT001308 1604 Ballytersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea Senr {6s 10d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea Jun {4s 6 1/2d} danold quaill {9s 1 1/2d} danold mc ylrea being dead danold his sonne is entred for 4s 6 1/2d and the rest he is contented to be entered on the name of danold quaill ref CR002010 1604 Carnedall 1 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {20s 10d} NEW ENTRY dollin Quaill p qter dollin Quaill is enered for that he is the onely sonne of John Quaill decessed [her?] widowright [? ?] alwayes to Katherin late wief of the sayd John quaill ref IN000204 1604 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY danold kissaige {2s 4d} NEW ENTRY Jony kissaige Jony was the daughter of Finlo kissaige wch was the nephew of danold kissaige ref IN000018 1604 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleod Senr {18d} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod fil ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleod Senr {2s} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod fil ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Robt Clarke Sen {2s} NEW ENTRY Robt Norres Entered by consent of Robt clarke in court ref IN000010 1604 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Tho: Corleod Sen {10d} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod ref IN000204 1604 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Stephan {7d} NEW ENTRY Robt dod cu ceter ref IN000300 1604 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Robt Corleod {18d} John mc Allex {9d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod {2s 7 1/2d} John Crayne {4 1/2d} Phillip Corleod is entered for 18d for that he is the sonne of Robt decessed and for 4 1/2d by consent of John Crayne wch bought it wth the other 4 1/2d of Willm Callister ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Patr Callister {6d} NEW ENTRY Edmund Callister entered for that it is avouched by the great Inquest that he hath the ground wch is payable for this rent ref IN000016 1604 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY [Rorey?] Corleod {16d} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod Wm Corleod is entered for that he is the sonne of Thoms Corleod wch was the sonne of Rory Corleod yet the right of Thoms Crye is resved to be tryed by law notwthstanding this entry ref IN000400 1604 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Corleod Senr {4d} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod {4d} cu ceter ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {2s} NEW ENTRY dollin Quaill Entered for that he is the sonne of Jo: quaill decessed and belongeth wth the farme for wch he was before entred reserving the widowright of katherin quaill ref IN000020 1604 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {} Wm Radclif {} NEW ENTRY John Quaill {} Gilbt Cannell {} Entred by consent of Wm Radclif in court ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY hugh Quay {6d} danold quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne p pcell cont 4 acres Thees names stood wrong by being mistaken after the drowning of dollin gawen wch stood for it before and John Crayne is entrered in the right of Wm Crayne dec whose name in the ould books stood for it ref IN000204 1604 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Stephan {7d} NEW ENTRY Robt dod {7d} cu ceter ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {12d} NEW ENTRY dollin Quaill pro pcell [?] in [fenns?] Tho: Corleod entred as before ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY danold mc Allex {4d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Corleod {6d} John Crayne {2d} Entered by sale from Wm Callister ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Willm gawen {4d} NEW ENTRY Wm Raydclif entred by consent of John gawen nephew of Wm gawen des ref IN000017 1604 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY Robt Clark {} Tho Corleod Senr {12d} NEW ENTRY John Teare {2d} Jo: quaill {1d} Robt Norres {2d} Wm Corleod {12d} ref IN000002 1604 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Morrish mc Teare {2d} NEW ENTRY John kneene Entred for that he executor of [morrish?] teare ref IN000003 1604 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY danold Cayne {1d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {1d} cu ceter Entred for that he was sonne of danold dec ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Willm Quay {3d} Thoms bodough {3d} danold quaill {3d} Tho: Corraige {3d} ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY John mc Teare {4d} cu ceter Entred by consent of John in court ref -- note there is 5s added to the rent of dolin gawen wch was omitted in the setting book [?] [20s] [10d] ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY dollin Quaill Entred as before reserving the widows ryght or other further claymes ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY John Kinley {4d} NEW ENTRY Evan Caly p a pcell in ley myres Evan Caly is entred by consent of John Kinley acknowledging in court that he hath sould the same howbut the right and ty[t]le of Thoms Kinley or any other is resvd to be tryed by law ref FV000200 1604 Fir Vast 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Robt kneene NEW ENTRY danold Cowley cu ceter Entred by consent of Finlo kewsh ref CO000002 1604 Cottages 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Richard Christin {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Kinley entred for that it is avouched he bought it of Anne Christn daughter of the said Richard ref CO000003 1604 Cottages 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY hugh [browne?] {3d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod entred for that the setting quest avouch the ground lyeth wast uppon Tho: Corleod a bishops tennte wch was [?] uppon the Lo: land ref BY 1604 Ballymony Thoms Moore pledge for Sr Nicholas Tomson ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Willm Radclif {4d} NEW ENTRY Rory Corleod Robt Lowy John mc ylvorry Thees three are entred for the ground indifferently betwixt them by consent of Willm Radclif who was formly in this court entred for it in the place of Willm gowen ref CN002103 1604 GD Carndall 2 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Patr Stephan Ric mcylrea Tho: mcylvorry Wm brewe Sent Patr Callister Tho: Corriage Gilbt Crayne Jo: Kneene Jo: quaill Jnr Patr Corleod Thomas Corleod NEW ENTRY John Quaill {10s 7 1/2d} [Germod?] Teare John Corkill dabold moughton dollin Kelly Robt Carrett Robt Lowy All the sayd psons drawen have delivred it up by the strawe and it is sett uppon the sixe psons now entred to be equally payble for the rent od 10s 7 1/2d amongst them all ref BB000012 1604 Balliskibage 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Crayne {12d} NEW ENTRY Patr Corleod pro croft Jo: Crayne drawen because it was found by the great Inquest he had not the ground but that John gowen was payable for the same in regard his anncestors names always stoode for the rent before, wch sayd John gawen hath allotted foorth a croft of ground called Ellom Cam to Patr Corleod in regard he taketh the rent uppon him ref BY000706 1604 Ballymony 00 07 06 OLD ENTRY dollin mcTeare {7s 6d} NEW ENTRY Wm Teare Junr Entred for that he is the brother of dollin dec ref BY000206 1604 Ballymony 00 02 06 OLD ENTRY John gawen {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson Sr Nicholas Thompson is entred onely by reason he payeth the rent and enjoyeth the ground, therefore it is provided that evrye mans right be resved to be tryed by law notwthstanding this entrye ref BY001504 1604 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY dannold gawen {5s} Raynold mcylrea {5s} NEW ENTRY dollin gawen {5s} danold mc ylrea {5s} cu ceter dollin gawen is entred in regard his father Wm gawen was the sonne of danold gawen & danold mc ylrea entred in the right of Raynold his father ref BC000200 1604 Ballycane 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {2s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea {8d} danold Quaill {16d} p claus danold mc ylrea sonne of John ylrea is entred in the right of danold his grandfather and hath joyned wth him danold quaill for 2 ptes of ground acknowledging to have sould the same to him ref BY000008 1604 Ballymony 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleod senr {8d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Crayne Gilbt Crayne is entred for that he hath the ground & bought it of Wm Radclif ref BT001700 1604 Ballytersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {8s 6d} Tho: Corleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Crye {8s 6d} Willm Corleod {8s 6d} Wm Corleod is entred for that he is the sonne of Tho: Corleod dec ref BK001700 1604 Ballyvally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY gibbon Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter gibbon sonne of John Stephan is entred by consent of his sayd father in the place of gibbon his grandfather ref CN002100 1604 Carndall 2 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY danold Corleod {21s} NEW ENTRY katherin Corleod {21s} [see next entry which this is grouped with] ref CN002100 1604 Carndall 2 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY katherin Corleod {21s} NEW ENTRY John Stephan Junr danold Corleod being dead katherin his daughter is entred and then she is drawen by consent of John Stephan her husband and John Stephan her sonne entred ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold Corleod {} ux Raynold Corleod {} NEW ENTRY John Stephan Junr p pcell Jo: Stephan is entred uppon the reason afforesaid ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John gawen {8d} NEW ENTRY dollin gawen p pcell dollin gawen (whos great grandfather was John gawen) is entred ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY ux Raynold Corleod [&] danold Corleod {6d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan Entred as afforesayd ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John quarkin {8d} NEW ENTRY Nicho: Quarkin Entred in the right of Jo: his father dec ref IN000016 1604 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Wm kelly {16d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Cannell Entred by bills of Sale from Wm kelly ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY James body {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: bodough {6d} Tho: bodough sonne of Tho: bodough is entred in the place of James his grandfather ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Kewsh {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Quaill Entred for that it is alledged he bought it ref IN000500 1604 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Willm Raydclif {2s 6d} danold Christin {12d} NEW ENTRY Willm Raydclif {2s 6d} John Christin {2s 6d} Entred for that he hath half the grouund in the right of danold his father by consent of Wm Radfclif ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Cayne {2s} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne fil [see below entries with which this is grouped] ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Wm Cayne {12d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne fil [see below entries with which this is grouped] ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY [Patr Cayne fil] NEW ENTRY John kinred {12d} Gibbon Cowley {12d} [see below entry with which this is grouped] ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY [Patr Cayne fil] NEW ENTRY John kinred {6d} Gibbon Cowley {6d} Thees are entred in the place of Wm Cayne [] they have the ground wch belongeth to their farmes in ballitersin by the consent of donald quaill ref IN000800 1604 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {4s} dollin mc Teare {4s} NEW ENTRY Jo: Crayne {4s} Wm mc teare {4s} ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm kissaige {2s} NEW ENTRY Jony kissaige Entred in the right Wm kissaige her grandfather ref IN000600 1604 Intacks 00 06 00 OLD ENTRY Willm gawen {6s} NEW ENTRY John gawen his nephew ref IN000016 1604 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Wm gawen {16d} NEW ENTRY John gawen pred ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cowley {12d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye Entred in regard he hath the ground wch danold [] had whose name stood formrly in the setting book ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Raynold mc ylrea {6d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Wm kewsh {8d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill Entred as afforesaid ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY John Coraige {2s} NEW ENTRY Finlo Coraige fil ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John gawen senr {12d} NEW ENTRY dollin gawen ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Callister {12d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne Entred for that he hath the ground ref IN000003 1604 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY John mc Awley {3d} NEW ENTRY Avericke kneene Entred for that she payeth soe much rent and it is supposed to be for this ground but to be mended uppon better proofe hereafter ref IN000020 1604 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Mould Quaill {20d} NEW ENTRY John Quaill Entred for that he is sonne of mould dec ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {8d} NEW ENTRY henry Quaill {8d} [See below] ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY henry Quaill {8d} NEW ENTRY mrgrett Quaill {8d} [See below] ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY mrgrett Quaill {8d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan Jo: Stephan entred for it belonging unto him by d[] of his ancestors as appeth by their names drawen ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY John Carrett {12d} Wm Carrett {12d} Issabell Carrett {12d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Clarke {12d} xpian Stephan {12d} Entred in the right of his ancestors whose names are drawen. [NOTE from context it is clear that the names on the OLD ENTRY line held the land at different times] ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John gawen {6d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicho: Thompson Entred for that he hath the ground as before ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John Quarkin {4d} Patr Cowley {4d} NEW ENTRY Nicho: quarkin {4d} John kinred {2d} gibbon Cowley {2d} ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY henry Quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan ref IN000020 1604 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY John gawen {20d} NEW ENTRY Alice gawen et Jo mc ylrea Junr Entered for that Jo gawen was grandfather to Alice & great grandfather to Jo: mc ylrea Junr ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John Quaill NEW ENTRY patr Carrett for all Entered for that Jo: quaill is dead & he hath the ground ref IN000016 1604 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Willm gawen {16d} NEW ENTRY John gawen his nephew ref IN000400 1604 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Mrgrett yne Carcan {5d} Agnes yne Corowne {4d} Jo: Coraige {} Wm gawen {12d} Wm Kissaige {5d} danold gawen {4d} danold mcteare {4d} Jo: kneene {8d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Coraige {9d} John Gawen {12d} Jony kissaige {5d} dollin gawen {4d} Jo: mcteare {4d} Patr Cowley {8d} cu ceter Thees entred for that they have the ground accordinglie ref IN000020 1604 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thoms Crye {10d} henry Caly {10d} henry Caly is entred half & half wth Tho: Crye by his owne consent in court ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Robt Caloe {6d} NEW ENTRY Wm Raydclif Entred for that he hath the ground & payeth the rent ref IN000200 1604 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Willm kelly {16d} NEW ENTRY Patr kelly {16d} Wm Raydclif Patr is entred for that he is the sonne of Ralf kelly who bought it of Willm kelly resving the right of the late wief of Ralf kelly to the same if she can prove any hereafter ref IN000020 1604 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY John Quaill NEW ENTRY xpian Quaill &c entred for that she is daughter of Jo: decessed ref IN001000 1604 Intacks 00 10 00 OLD ENTRY Willm gawen {8s 4d} Wm kissaige {20d} NEW ENTRY John gawen {8s 4d} Jony kissaige {20d} ref IN000016 1604 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John mc Coraige {16d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Coraig fil ref IN000300 1604 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY danold Crayne NEW ENTRY John Crayne cu [?] entred for all by reason he hath all the ground in the right of danold his father ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Avericke yne quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY danold Caly fil ref IN000300 1604 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {3s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea Junr {12d} danold Quaill {2s} danold the grandfather is drawen & danold the nephew entred joyning wth him for 2 pts danold quaill ref IN000304 1604 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY John gawen {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicho: Thompson Entred because he hath the ground by reason dannold Gawens name stood for it before ref IN000304 1604 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Thomas Corleof senr NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod fil eins ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Patr Awley {12d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne for that he enjoyeth the ground ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Patr Awley {2d} NEW ENTRY John kinred {1d} gibbon Cowley {1d} Mabell Creere {2d} ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY xpian Stephan {6d} John Carrett {6d} NEW ENTRY xpian Stephan {6d} Finlo Clarke {6d} ref IN000014 1604 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY John Stephan cu fil NEW ENTRY xpain Stephan xpian Stephan the onely daughter of Jo: Stephan and sister of the sonne is entred resrving all tytles and rights to be tryed by law and none that is possessed of it to be removed till tryall be made notwthstanding the entrye ref IN000007 1604 Intacks 00 00 07 OLD ENTRY John gawen {7d} NEW ENTRY dollin gawen Entred for that it is supposed he hath the ground & therefore all rights resrved ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Willm Quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY gilbt Crayne Entred for that it is supposed he hath the ground and payeth the rent ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY henry Quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephan Jun entered for that henry was his grandfather ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {12d} NEW ENTRY John mc Teare at his request entred acknowledging to have sould it ref IN000005 1604 Intacks 00 00 05 OLD ENTRY Robt mc kneene NEW ENTRY Marriot Quaill danold Cowley danold Cowley is entered for two ptes and marriott for the third pte because they possesste the ground accordingly reserving them to trye their bargaines by lawe ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Stephan {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephan ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY xpian yne ylvorry {4d} NEW ENTRY Richard Quaill her sonne ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold Corleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephan Junr Patr Carrett Jo: Stephan is nephew of danold Corleod dec ref IN000003 1604 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Emell mc kneene {3d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cowley entered for that his father bought it of Emell ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold Teare {4d} NEW ENTRY John Teare fil ref IN000002 1604 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Cowley {2d} NEW ENTRY gilnow Cowley fil ref IN000311 1604 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Wm mc Allex {2d} Mrgrett yne quaill {7d} NEW ENTRY Patr Callister {2d} Jo: Stephan {7d} cu ceter ref IN000010 1604 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Ric mc Nameere {4d} NEW ENTRY danold mc Nameere {4d} Tho: Crye {6d} ref IN000003 1604 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Wm gawen {1d} NEW ENTRY Patr Corleod {1d} cu ceter Patr Corleod is entred by consent of Jo: gawen nephew of Wm gawen ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold Teare NEW ENTRY Jo: Teare fil &c ref IN000002 1604 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY katherin yne teare {2d} NEW ENTRY Avericke quaill fil {2d} ref IN000009 1604 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc kneene {5d} hugh Quay {4d} NEW ENTRY mrgrett Caly et Avericke kneene {5d} Nicho: quarkin {4d} Entred for that it is their sevrall as is informed ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Carrett {6d} NEW ENTRY Patr Carrett fil ref IN000008 1604 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY James Carrett {8d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Carrett fil ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Phillip gawen NEW ENTRY John Teare danold quaill Jo: entred for that he bought it ref IN000002 1604 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {2d} NEW ENTRY Avericke bodough et katherin quaill Tho: being dead, his wief in child and child is entered ref IN001909 1604 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY dollin gawen {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY John walker {4s 3d} Patr Cayne {4s 3d} cu ceter Jo: walker is enter in the right of Jony his wief by vertue of a Recovry had against Thoms Moore of KK Mallew and Patr Cayne entred by consent of Wm Raydclif [Receavr?] to whom it fell for arrearage ^of rents^ [behind?] and uppon by dollin gawen in his lief tyme ref IN000016 1604 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Emell mc neene NEW ENTRY Finlo kneene fil cu ceter ref IN000014 1604 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Finlo gawen {2d} Jo: Twates {2d} NEW ENTRY John Teare {2d} Thoms Twates {2d} cu ceter Jo: teare entred because he hath the ground & Tho Twates is entered for this name was mistaken when it was first sett downe ref IN000002 1604 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY humfrey Scarisbucke {2d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod Phillip is entered by consent of Jo: halsall in the right of the wief of humfrey Scainsbreck late dec ref FV 1604 Fir Vasti OLD ENTRY ux Finlo Sayle NEW ENTRY danold balif {6d} ref FV 1604 Fir Vasti OLD ENTRY gibbon Cowley NEW ENTRY Edmund Cowley {6d} ref FV 1604 Fir Vasti OLD ENTRY James body {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: bodough {6d} ref CO000012 1604 Cottages 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John quartaige {12d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Coraige Entered for that he is the sonne of Jo: dec ref CO000012 1604 Cottages 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Finlo mc ylvorry {12d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill Entred for that he hath the quarter land whereunto it doth belonge ref CO000006 1604 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Carrett {6d} NEW ENTRY Patr Carrett ref CO000004 1604 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Gemett yne Carowne {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Coraige fil ref CO000002 1604 Cottages 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Mrgrett Carowne {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Coraige ref CO000006 1604 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Patr Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY John kinred {3d} et gibbon Cowley {3d} ref CO000006 1604 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Malriott yne Corleod {6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Quaill he hath the qter land whereunto it belongeth ref CO000006 1604 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare {6d} NEW ENTRY Patr Corleod he hath the ground ref CO000004 1604 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY James bodough {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: bodough {2d} Avericke bodough {2d} pvided all rights to be tryed by law hereafter ref CO000010 1604 Cottages 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Morrish Teare {10d} NEW ENTRY John kneene ref CO000004 1604 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold Teare {4d} NEW ENTRY John Teare fil ref CO000002 1604 Cottages 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY katherin yne Teare {2d} NEW ENTRY Avericke yne quaille fils eins ref CO000006 1604 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Robt Lowen {6d} NEW ENTRY danold Cowley et marriott quaill because they have the ground ref CO000002 1604 Cottages 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Agnes yne Carowne {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Coraige ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Clarke {12d} NEW ENTRY Wm Raydclif John Clarke name was unadvisely entred in the place of Richard Quaill, whose name was formrly for it, as may appe by the anncyent Setting bookes in wch place Wm Raydclif ought to be entered therefore the said Clarks name is drawen and Wm Radclif entred ref IN000012 1604 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY danold Quaill {3d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {1 1/2d} Wm Crayne {1 1/2d} cu so[cis?] Jo: Crayne & Wm are enterred by consent off danold quail acknowledging to have sould the same ref IN000006 1604 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold Quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {3d} Wm Crayne {3d} Entered as affore ref BK000016 1604 Ballyvally 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thomas Crye {16d} NEW ENTRY henry Caly {8d} Thomas Crye {8d} Tho: Crye hath entred henry Caly wth him half & half acknowledging to have sould the same ref IN000021 1604 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Wm Quaill {12d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne {12d} cu ceter Patr Cayne is entred because he hath the ground being found uppon prosall of the setting bookes wheras formlie stood uppon the name of patr Cowley ref IN000018 1604 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Willm Corleod {18d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Crayne Wm Corleod wch was entered at the last sheading court as may appe formly in this booke in the place of Thoms Corleod is drawen againe and gilbt Crayne entred wch of right ought to stand for it as the setting quest find uppon prosall of the setting bookes ref IN000311 1604 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Crayne {12d} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod {12d} cu ceter Wm Corleod is entred for that the setting quest avouch it to be his due rentt and the right place where he should stand in the setting booke. ref IN000004 1604 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Gilbt mc Awley NEW ENTRY Thoms bodough Thoms bodough is entred because it is avouched he hath the ground and payeth the rent wthout further shew therefore all rights resved ref BK002000 1605 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill {10s} John quaill {10s} pro qter John quaill is entred for th one half by vertue oif a recovry in the comon law ref BK002000 1605 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Thoms Quaill {10s} John quaill {10s} NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill {10s} Willm Raydclif Receivr {10s} p qter John quaill formrly entered by vertue of a recovry hath acknowledged himself to have sould it Wm Raydclif Recivr and therefore he is entred ref BK002108 1605 Ballyvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY John quaill {3s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY John mc Teare {7s 3d} danold mc Teare {7s 2d} Thomas Stephan {7s 3d} John quaill is drawen by vertue of a bill of Sale made to dannold mc Teare and John mc Teare hath given 3s 7 1/2d of his porcon to the said danold also to make them all of like porcons ref CN002103 1605 Carndall 2 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Germal Teare John Corkill danold moughton dollin kelly Robt Carrett Robt Lowy NEW ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Patr Carrett Robt Kewsh All thees drawen have delivrd up their sevrall porcons by the straw and it is sett uppon patr Carrett and Robt Kewsh half and half and they voluntarily receavd it making [surety?] for it ref CR002010 1605 Carndall 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY dollin Quaill {20s 10d} NEW ENTRY Willm Crayne pro qter dollin quaill hath causd his name to be drawen acknowled[ing] to have sould it to Wm Crayne wch now is entred ref IN000008 1605 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY dollin gawen {8d} NEW ENTRY danold Curleod p pcell dollin hath acknowledged to have sould it to dabold ref IN000012 1605 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thomas Crye {6d} henry Caly {6d} Tho: Crye hath joyned henry Caly wth him for the half and the setting quest avouch he hath the ground for it ref IN000016 1605 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Willm Quaill {16d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill {8d} Willm Raydclif {8d} Tho: quaill is entred for that he hath the ground and Wm Raidclif entered by vertie of recovry had by John quaill wch sould it to the said Wm Raidclif ref IN000004 1605 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold Crayne {4d} NEW ENTRY John Crayn fil ref IN000200 1605 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY dollin quaill {2s} NEW ENTRY Willm Crayne Entred by consent of dollin quaill resving all tyt[l]es to be tryed by lawe if any may be provd ref IN000200 1605 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Willm Quaill {2s} NEW ENTRY Thoms quaill {12d} Willm Raydclif {12d} ref IN000021 1605 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Gibbon quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill {3d} Wm Raydclif {3d} cu ceter ref IN000016 1605 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thoms Twates {16d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod p [one?] pcell Intacke Tho: Twates hath acknowledged to have sould the same to him ref IN000014 1605 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Jo: quaill {2d} gibbon quaill {2d} NEW ENTRY Willm Cryane {2d} Thomas Cry {2d} Thoms Quaill {1d} Willm Raidclif {1d} cu ceter Wm Crayne entred by consent of dollin quaill resving all tytles notwthstanding to be tryed by lawe ref IN000012 1605 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY dollin quaill {12d} NEW ENTRY Willm Crayne p pcell p est 2 acres [? ? ?] Thom Corleod Entered as affore resving all tytles ref IN001909 1605 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John walker {4s} Patr Cayne {4s} dollin kelly Jnr {6d} cu ceter dollin kelly Jnr is entred by consent of Jo: walker and Patr Cayne viz for 3d of either of their rents ref CN002103 1605 GD Carndall 2 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Robt Kewsh NEW ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Patr Carrett Sup [Inc?] Assed Robt kewshe wch was entred at the sheading court is uppon especiall consideracon of the court drawen and the setting quest are left tennants for the same themselves because they would not find any other debter ref BY000404 1606 Ballymony 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Corleod NEW ENTRY Nicholas Tomson cleric {22d} John Corleod {15d} John Corleod {5d} Margery Corleod {5d} and Mrgrett Corleod {5d} Wm Corleod hath acknowledged he hath sould the same in court to John Corleod who is entered wth his children for the same as is specifyd uppon their names ref BT001306 1606 Ballytersin 00 14 06 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Cowley {3s 4 1/2d} danold quaill {3s 4 1/2d} NEW ENTRY danold Cowley {6s 9d} John kinred {6s 9d} p qter danold Cowley is entred by vertue of a bill of Sale from Gibbon Cowley but it is proved that notwthstanding the drawing of danold quail his name that danold Cowley shall be yearlie payable to danold quaill during his lief the sowing of one butt of wheat two dayes plo[] of [?]land and a cowes grasse during quailes lief ref CN002200 1606 Carndall 2 00 22 04 OLD ENTRY John Cowley {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY danold Curleod {5s 6d} cu ceter Entrie by consent of John Cowley by delivry of the straw ref CN002200 1606 Carndall 2 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY Willm kewsh NEW ENTRY patr Carrett Robt kewsh entered by consent of Willm kewsh in the face of the Court ref IN000200 1606 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY John kinred {12d} gibbon Cowley {12d} NEW ENTRY John kinred {12d} danold Cowley {12d} yt belongeth to the tenemt for wch he was formrlie entred ref IN000012 1606 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John kinred {6d} gibbon Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY John kinred {6d} danold Cowley {6d} ref IN000500 1606 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY John mc ylvorry {2s 6d} Willm Clarke {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY John mc ylvorry {2s 6d} Sr John Clarke {2s 6d} Entred by consent of Wm Clarke acknowledging to have sold it ref IN000016 1606 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John gawen {16d} NEW ENTRY Robt Lowy Entered by consent of John gawen ref IN000008 1606 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY gibbon Cowley {2d} NEW ENTRY danold Cowley {2d} cu ceter ref IN000016 1606 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Finlo Coraige {16d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Coraige Entred by consent of finlo Coriage in court ref IN000004 1606 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY gibbon Cowley {1d} NEW ENTRY danold Cowley {1d} cu ceter ref IN000304 1606 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Willm Clarke {20d} NEW ENTRY Sr John Clarke {20d} cu soc ref IN000014 1606 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY xpian Stephan {7d} danold quaill {7d} xpian hath confessed to have sould the one half being of 7d rent ref IN000016 1606 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John Corleod {8d} John Corleod Mrgerie Corleod Mrgrett Corleod p one pcell Intack Thees three are entered for the half of this Intacke in the right of their mother des ref FM001800 1606 Molend 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Raynold Corleod {6s} NEW ENTRY Jony Corleod {6s} cu ceter Raynold is dead and Jony his onelie daughter is entrd for it ref CO000006 1606 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo kinred {3d} gibbon Cowley {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo kinred {3d} danold Cowley {3d} cu ceter ref CR001700 1606 Carndall pm 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Thoms Stephan {8s 6d} Thoms Corleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Stephan {8s 6d} danold Corleod {8s 6d} p qter Entred by consent of Thoms Corleod in court ref CN002103 1606 GD Carndall 2 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Patr Carrett {} sup Jnc Assed {} NEW ENTRY John quaill {10s 7 1/2d} henry Cowley {} Finlo gawen {} Thees are drawing by delivry of the strwar and their porcons is sett uppon henty Cowley & Finlo gawen ref BY000404 1607 Ballymony 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY Mriery Corleod {5d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {7 1/2d} Mrgrett Corleod {7 1/2d} cu ceter Mriery is dead and the right is in John & Mrgrett ref CN002103 1607 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY John quall {10s 7 1/2d} henry Cowley {} Finlo gawen {} NEW ENTRY John quall {10s 7 1/2d} John gawen Jnr [?] up by the strawe and it is sett uppon John gawen ref IN000200 1607 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Christian Callister {8d} Ellin Callister {8d} Issabell Callister {8d} Christian hath peticoned in court and hath craved that her two sisters who were the executors joynt wth her of her mothers goods may be payable for the rent wth her it being dividable goods and now being groupen barren they to be contributarie as well as she is wch the court finding to be reasonable hath granted and the setting quest have consented thereunto, in [?] the father being ould is in pvrtie and is not able to pay it the rent ref IN000016 1607 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John Corleod {8d} John Corleod {4d} Mriery Curleod {} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {8d} John Corleod {4d} Mrgrett Corleod {} Entr for the reason affore ref IN001909 1607 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY John walker {4s 4d} Patr Cayne {4s 4d} NEW ENTRY Willm kelly {2s} Patr Cayne {6s} dollin kelly {6d} cu ceter patr Cayne and Willm kelly are entred for 4s of the Rent uppon the name of John walker by vertue of a bill of Sale under the hands of the saud John and Jony his wief and dollin kelly is entered by reason the setting quest avouch he recovred it by course of lawe ref CO000006 1607 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY mariott quaill NEW ENTRY danold Cowley mariot hath delivred it up by the strawe to danold Cowley yet the court to avoyd all wrongs wch thereby may come to her children have reserved their titles ref IN000008 1607 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY danold Corleod {8d} NEW ENTRY danold moughton pro pcell Entered by consent of danold Corleod in court ref BK002108 1608 Ballvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY Thoms Stephan {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan {7s 3d} cu ceter John is the sonne of Tho: Stephan dec ref IN000016 1608 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cannell {8d} John Cayne {8d} He is joyned half and half wth Finlo by his owne consent acknowledging to have given it by covenants od mariage wth his daughter ref IN000200 1608 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY xpian Callister {8d} Ellin Callister {8d} Issabell Callister {8d} NEW ENTRY xpian Callister {12d} Ellin Callister {12d} Thees two wch are entrd for the Rent have the farme wch was formlie in the houlding of those wch enclosed this Intacke and therefore in equite & conscience the setting quest leave them to be payable for the Rent having the [proffrt?] of the farme ref IN000014 1608 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Tho Stephan {2d} NEW ENTRY Johes Stephan {2d} cu ceter as before ref BY001504 1608 GD Ballymany 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY katherin brewe Jnr {5s} NEW ENTRY Patrcike brew {5s} cu ceter Entered by vertue of a bill of Sale sworne and allowed in the court under the hand & seale of katherin brewe ref BG002500 1609 Brogard 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Jony kissaige NEW ENTRY mrgrett kissage Entered for that the setting quest avouch the Right is in the said mrgrett by bargain of sale had from Wm kissaige of KK: Santan in whom the right was after the death of the said Jony provided that Patr Foster according to his bargaine now lately made wth the friends of mrgrett kissaige shall not be disturbd at the use and possession of the sayd [tytle?] and untill the said mrgett come to fourteene yeares of age ref BT001700 1609 Ballytersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho Crye {8s 6d} Willm Curleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho Crye {8s 6d} John Curleod {8s 6d} ed by the strtaw unto Jo: Curleod acknowledging to have sold it away for ever ref BK002000 1609 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Tho quaill {10s} Wm Raydclif {10s} NEW ENTRY Tho quaill {10s} Finlo Carrett {10s} ed by the steaw by Wm Raydclif acknowledging to have sold it for evr ref CR001700 1609 Carnedall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Phillip Clarke {17s} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {8s 6d} Willm Crayne {8s 6d} Phillip Clarke hath [?] it up by the straw acknowledging he sale thereof for ever in consideracon of three pounds ten shillings to be payd at or before midsomer next ref IN000204 1609 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Jony kissaige {2s 4d} NEW ENTRY mrgrett kissaige Entered as before ref IN000006 1609 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Tho body {6d} NEW ENTRY Mallo: kernod et Issabell bodaugh bestowd by Tho: in covenants of marriage uppon Mallo: wth his daughter ref IN000006 1609 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {6d} NEW ENTRY Mall: kernad et Issabell bodough as before ref IN000200 1609 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Jony kissaige {2s} NEW ENTRY mrgrett kissaige ref IN000200 1609 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo Clarke {12d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {6d} Wm Crayne {6d} xpian Stephan {12d} as before ref IN000016 1609 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Wm Raydclif {8d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Carrett {8d} cu soc as before ref IN000016 1609 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Willm Corleod {1d} John Corleod {15d} entered as before the name of the ground being called the gray [woll?] and [preagh?] ref IN000400 1609 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Jony kissaige {5d} NEW ENTRY mrgrett kissaige cu ceter as before ref IN001000 1609 Intacks 00 10 00 OLD ENTRY Jo gawen {8s 4d} Jony kissaige {20d} NEW ENTRY Jo gawen {8s 4d} mrgrett kissaige {20d} as before ref IN000200 1609 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Tho quaill {12d} Wm Raydclif {12d} NEW ENTRY Tho quaill {12d} Finlo Carrett {12d} as before ref IN000012 1609 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY xppian Stephan {6d} Finlo Clarke {6d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {3d} Wm Crayne {3d} as before ref IN000021 1609 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Wm Raydclif {3d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Carrett {3d} as before ref IN000012 1609 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Wm quay {3d} Willm Crayne {1 1/2d} John Crayne NEW ENTRY John Crayne {6d} cu ceter entd by consent of Wm quay and Wm Crayne both acknowledging the sale ref IN000014 1609 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Wm Raydclif {1d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Carrett {1d} cu ceter as before ref CO000006 1609 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Patr Corleod {6d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Teare acknowledged sould ref BY001504 1610 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Phillip Sayle {4d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Curleod Jnr {4d} cu ceter yt is avouched by the setting quest he bought it from phillip sale & his wief ref CR001700 1610 Carndall 1 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY John Crayne {8s 6d} Willm Crayne {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY danold Crayne p qter Jo: Crayne & Wm Crayne have by delivry of the strawe acknowledged to have sould thees grounds from them and their assigns for ever to danold Crayne & his assignes ref CR001604 1610 Carndall 1 00 16 04 OLD ENTRY John Stephan {16s 4d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Stephan John Stephan hath by the delivry of a strawe delivred up the ground to the use of his eldest sonne John Stephan and his sayd sonne hath redelivered over the same by the strawe to his yonger brother Finlo Stephan acknowledging to have sould his [?] for ever to him and his assignes ref IN000204 1610 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Robt dod {6d} Thomas Corleod Jnr {} Jo: Stephan {14d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Corleod Jnr {14d} Finlo Stephan {14d} Robt dod acknowodgeth to have passed his tytle of this ground to Tho: Corleod in exchang for other ground and Finlo Stephan is entered for the reason aforesaide ref IN000004 1610 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan {4d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Stephan as before ref IN000012 1610 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY xpian Stephan {6d} Jo: Crayne {3d} Wm Crayne {3d} NEW ENTRY xpian Stephan {6d} danold Crayne {6d} as before ref IN000204 1610 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Robt dod {} Thomas Corleod Jnr {7d} Jo: Stephan {14d} NEW ENTRY Robt dod {14d} Finlo Stephan {14d} Tho: drawen by his owne consent having passed away the ground to Robt dod in exchange of other ground and Finlo Stephan entred for the formr reason as in the ground before ref IN000006 1610 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {} Wm Crayne {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Crayne Wm hath requested his name to be drawen & Jo: to be entered for all by delivry of the strawe ref IN000016 1610 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod {8d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Twates {8d} Jo: kinley {8d} Phillip hath delivrd this half mylne by the strawe acknowledging that he is fully satisfyed for the whole title thereof for ever unto Tho: Twales ref AR000608 1611 Arducke 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY Willm Saynt {6s 8d} NEW ENTRY Richard Halsall gent ref BK 1611 Ballvally Finlo Carret pledge p Tho: quaill ref CN002103 1611 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Jo Quail {10s 7 1/2d} John gawen Junr {} NEW ENTRY Jo Quail {10s 7 1/2d} Willm gawen {} ed by the straw to Wm gawen from Jo: gawen ref CN002200 1611 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY donold Corleod {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Robt Corleod fil dms {5s 6d} cu ceter ref CN002200 1611 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Robt Corleod {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {5s 6d} cu ceter Robt who is formlie entred after the decease of his father hath [ed?] it up by the straw to Tho: Stephan forever ref IN000004 1611 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: bodough {2d} Finlo bodough {2d} Tho: hath entred his sonne wth him for half ref IN000200 1611 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {6d} Wm Crayne {6d} NEW ENTRY danold Crayne {12d} xpian Stephan {12d} danold is entred by consent of Jo: and Wm Crayne in court ref IN000012 1611 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho bodough {6d} Finlo bodough {6d} ref IN000010 1611 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho bodough {5d} Finlo bodough {5d} ref IN000311 1611 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho bodough {1d} Finlo bodough {1d} Wm Corleod {3d} Jo: Corleod {3d} Tho: Cry {6d} cu ceter The Corleods and Cry thus entred according to their compstions in [Sendall?] for leases ref IN000016 1611 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod {4d} Jo: Corleod {4d} Tho: Crye {8d} Thes compounded for their sevrall porcons [thus?] entred for a lease ref IN000017 1611 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod {3d} Jo: Corleod {3d} Tho: Cry {6d} cu ceter ref IN000012 1611 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: bodough {1 1/2d} Finlo bodough {1 1/2d} cu ceter ref IN000006 1611 Intacks 00 00 106 OLD ENTRY Tho: Curchough {6d} NEW ENTRY John Cottingham Entred for that he is in possession and payeth the rent all rights reserved ref IN001909 1611 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Tho Clarke {4s} Tho: Clark {3d} Patr Freere {1d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne {4s} Wm Clarke {3d} Wm Freere {1d} cu ceter ref IN000304 1611 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY John Clarke NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley {16d} danold Caly {4d} Sr Nicho: Tomson {20d} Jo: Clarke drawen at his owne request and thees entered ref FV 1611 Fir Vast OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {6d} NEW ENTRY Finlo bodough {6d} ref CO000006 1611 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod {4d} Jo: Corleod {4d} Tho: Crye {8d} ref CO000004 1611 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Twates {4d} NEW ENTRY Danold Crayne entered by consent of Tho: Twates ref BY001504 1612 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Patr brewe {5s} NEW ENTRY Charles Moore {5s} Charles Moore is entred by vertue of a bill of sale made from mrgrett the wief of the said Patr deceased & by vertue of a lease thereuppon granted to charles moores as hath appeared in open court ref CR001700 1612 Carndall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY danold Crayne {12s 9d} Willm Crayne {4s 3d} acknockledged by danold in court that he hath passte this fourth pte to Wm his brother for ever ref IN000016 1612 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Robt Lowy {16d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Corleod Robt is dead and the wief of him Mally brew and John his sonne have sould this ovr to Tho: Corleod by their confessions in court provded that if the rest of the children wch now are under years can prove lawfull right to any pte thereof the same be reserved to that notwthstanding this entry ref IN000016 1612 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Wm Caloe {16d} NEW ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell Entred by vertue of a Bill of Sale from Tho: Calue sonne of the sayd Wm dec who compounded for a lease thereof ref IN000016 1612 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John gawen {8d} Tho: Corloed {8d} Entred by consent of Jo: in court ref IN000002 1612 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Wm Caloe {2d} NEW ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell ut supra ref IN000006 1612 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY dollin quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY patr Stephan sould ovr by dollin quall unto patr Stephan ref BG 1613 Brogard Tho: Corleod pledg p mrgrett kissaige ref BC 1613 Ballicane dollin gawen pledge p patr Caine ref BY002010 1613 Ballimony 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY Nicho: Tomson clarke {20s 10d} NEW ENTRY John killip John killip is entred by consent of Sr Nicho: Tomson in court etc ref BY000206 1613 Ballimony 00 02 06 OLD ENTRY Sr Nicho: Tomson {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY John killip ref BY000404 1613 Ballimony 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY Nicho: Tomson etc {22d} NEW ENTRY John killip {22d} ut supr ref BC 1613 Ballicane Tho: Coraige pledge p finlo Coraige ref BT 1613 Balatersin Emell Cry pledge p Tho: Crye ref BT 1613 Balatersin Ric Cayne pledge p mabell Creere ref BK 1613 Ballyvally gibbon Stephan pledge p Jo: Stephan ref BK002000 1613 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thoms quale {5s} John Teare {5s} Finlo Carrett {10s} Tho: hath by the delivrye of the strawe sold the half of his ground to Jo: teare wch Jo: teare is become suretie for quale for paymt of his rent of the other grother left in his owne hands ref BK000012 1613 Ballyvally 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY henry Cowley {12d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cowley henry is dead and Jo: the sonne entred who is to enjoy it by covenant of marriage ref CR 1613 Carndall 1 Jo: Corleod pledge p danold Corleod ref CN 1613 Carnedall 2 Jo: Crayne pledge p Jo: quaill ref CN002200 1613 Carnedall 2 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: quaill {11s} Wm Cowley {5s 6d} Tho: Stephan {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: quaill {11s} Gilbt Cayne {5s 6d} Jo: gawen {2s 9d} Wm gawen {2s 9d} Sold by thees psons drawen and they entred by delivry the strawe viz Cowley and both gawens, and Patr Carrett is suertie for Wm gawen ref IN000008 1613 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY danold moughton {8d} NEW ENTRY gilbt cowley acknowledged sold ref IN000008 1613 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: quaill {4d} Jo: teare {4d} ut supr ref IN000020 1613 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John Quaill {12d} Robt Norres {8d} quaill acknowledgeth this 8d rent to be the right of Robt Norres ref IN000200 1613 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {6d} Wm Crayne {6d} NEW ENTRY danold Crayne {6d} Wm Crayne {6d} xpian Stephan {12d} the setting quest avouch it due to them that are entred ref IN000006 1613 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Sr Nicho: Tomson {6d} NEW ENTRY John killip ref IN000016 1613 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: quaill {4d} Jo: teare {4d} Finlo Carrett {8d} ref IN000304 1613 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Nicho: Tomson {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY John killip ref IN000001 1613 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY henry Cowley {1d} NEW ENTRY John Cowley ref IN000021 1613 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: quaill {1 1/2d} Jo teare {1 1/2d} cu ceter ref IN000008 1613 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Finlo Carrett {8d} NEW ENTRY Finlo kneene acknowledged sould ref IN000014 1613 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thoms quaill {1/2d} Jo: teare {1/2d} cu ceter ref IN000002 1613 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY dollin moughton {2d} NEW ENTRY gilbt Cowley ref IN000013 1613 Intacks 00 00 13 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: Twales {3d} henry Caly {10d} Entred by consent of Twales in court for 10d ref IN001300 1613 GD 00 13 00 OLD ENTRY John Quaill {13s} NEW ENTRY Mariad quaill Entered in her owne Right having compounded for pte thereof wth the late comissionrs and for the other pte she is entred by vertue of a surender and a bargaine of sale from Jo: Craughan to whom it fell due for want of paymt of a some of money to have beene payd to him at a day appointed by John Quaill sonne of the said John as may appr uppon Record ref BM 1614 Ballimurre Tho: Cowley pledge p patr Cayne ref BC 1614 Ballicaine Tho: Coraige pledge p Finlo Coraige ref BT 1614 Ballitersin Emell Cry pledge p Tho: Crye ref BT 1614 Ballitersin Gibbon Cowley pledge p mabell Curleod ref BK001700 1614 Ballyvally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY danold Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter danold is the brother of gibbon dec and the Right is supposed to be in him therefore all rights reserved ref BK 1614 Ballyvally Jo: teare pledge p Thom quaill ref CR001700 1614 Carndall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Stephan {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan {8s 6d} danold Corleod {8s 6d} Jo: is the sonne of Tho: decesste ref IN000400 1614 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY John gawen {12d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea {12d} cu ceter Jo: gawen hath acknowledged it sold to danold ylrea ref IN000006 1614 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold Caly {6d} NEW ENTRY gilbt quaill Danold acknowlegeth it sold ref IN000015 1614 Intacks 00 00 15 OLD ENTRY Willm Caloe {15d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell entred by vertue of Recvryes in the lawe had gainst Issabel Teare ref IN000311 1614 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Willm Caloe {6d} NEW ENTRY Nicho: quarkin {3d} hugh mocrey {2d} Danold ylrea {1d} Sr Hugh Cannell {6d} cu cetr The setting quest avouch that thees entred for pte of Nicho: quarkins Rent are payable accordinglie and Sr hugh Cannell is entered for the reason afforesaid ref IN000016 1614 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thoms Twales {} John Kinley {8d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Twales Thoms Twares entred for the whole rent by consent of John woods uppon agreemts had betwixt him and Thoms Twates in exchange of a pcell of ground wch John Woods is prmitted to [?] by free will and consent of Robt kinley and xpher kinley (sonnes of Jo: kinley decessed) being mony for there [?] , and Jo: woods hath for [the?] shewed a lue of atturney wch franlie he had under the hand of John kinley himself to deale therin as he himself ref IN000014 1614 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Thoms Twales {2d} NEW ENTRY John Woods {2d} cu ceter this is the ground that Twales hath given in exchange of the half milne afforesaid ref IN000002 1614 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod {1d} danold ylrea {1d} danold ylrea is joyned wth Phillip Corleod half and half by his owne consent and Mr ylrea is to use the way wholie uppon his porcon of the ground ref FV 1614 Fir Vasti OLD ENTRY danold balif {6d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt quaill {3d} mrgrett baliffe {3d} ref CO000016 1614 Cottages 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY henry Cowley {16d} NEW ENTRY John Cowley henry is dead and Jo: his sonne entered ref IN000200 1614 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Patr kelly {16d} NEW ENTRY Thoms quaill {8d} John quaill {4d} Willm boy {4d} Wm Radclif {8d} patr kelly hath acknowledge that he hath passte all his estate of this ground for ever to theese psons now entred for the same - all rights reservd ref BC001700 1615 Ballicaine 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Nicho: quarkin {8s 6d} Patr Cayne {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Nicho: quarkin {8s 6d} Patr Cayne Senr {8s 6d} Entred by vertue of a Recvovrye in the lawe by way of Traverse ref IN000006 1615 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {6d} NEW ENTRY hugh morrey danold acknowlegeth it sold to hugh moorey ref IN000008 1615 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Patr Carrett {4d} Robt Kewsh {4d} kewsh entred by vertue of a Recovry in ano 1608 ref IN000204 1615 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Robt dod {14d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell {14d} Finlo Stephan {14d} Sr hugh Cannell entred by consent ^of^ Robt dod who sould ovr the same to Sr Wm Norres wch sayd Sr Wm also acknowdf[es] to have surrended the same from him to the sayd Sr hugh by sale for ever. both of them psent at this entrey ref IN000003 1615 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Patr Carrett {3d} NEW ENTRY Robt kewsh ut supr. but to have equall division throughout all the Intacks of 14d Rent ref IN000004 1615 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Rory Curleod NEW ENTRY Willm Corleod cu ceter the father dead & the sonne entred ref IN000200 1615 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Rory Curleod {2s} NEW ENTRY Wm Corleod ref IN000304 1615 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Cowley {16d} danold Baly {4d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley {16d} Sr Nicholas Thompson {2s} Sr Nicjo: Thompson entred by vertue by virtue of a surrender and slae from danold baly ref IN000012 1615 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Patr Cayne {12d} NEW ENTRY John gawen p pcell in montan patr by delivry of the strawe hath yielded it up yo Jo: gawen & he willinglie Receaved it ref BT001308 1616 Ballitersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea Junr {4s 6 1/2d} danold quaill {9s 1 12/d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea Junr {4s 6 1/2d} finlo quaill {9s 1 12/d} The father dead & the sonne entred ref CN002200 1616 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY gilbt Cayne {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Robt Cowley {5s 6d} cu ceter gilbt acknowledgeth in court that the ground is sold to Robt Cowly ref IN000504 1616 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY John Christian {5s 4d} NEW ENTRY danold Christian Jo: Christin is dead and his nephew entred all rights reserved ref IN000016 1616 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {8d} danold quaill {8d} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea {8d} finlo quaill {8d} ut [?] ref IN000300 1616 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea {} danold quaill {2s} NEW ENTRY danold mc ylrea {18d} finlo quaill {18d} The setting quest avouch that the rent ought thus to be divided ref IN000014 1616 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY xpian Stephan {7d} danold quaill {7d} NEW ENTRY xpian Stephan {7d} finlo quaill {7d} ref IN000009 1616 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY danold quaill {9d} NEW ENTRY finlo quaill ref IN000004 1616 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY finlo quaill ref IN000004 1616 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold quaill NEW ENTRY finlo quaill Jo teare ref IN000006 1616 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare {} danold quaill {} NEW ENTRY Jo: Teare {} finlo quaill {} ref IN000203 1616 Intacks 00 02 03 OLD ENTRY Willm Curleod {2s 3d} NEW ENTRY danold Teare Wm Curleod acknowledgeth to have sold it for ever to danold teare ref FV 1616 Fir Vast OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Robt Cowley {6d} ref CO000006 1616 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Robt Cowley he is in possession & payeth the rent ref BY001504 1617 Ballymony 00 15 [] OLD ENTRY Charles moore {5s} NEW ENTRY Jo Corleod {3s 4d} Finlo Corleod {20d} cu ceter Charles in the face of the court acknowledhed it [sd?] to thees now entred ref BY000018 1617 Ballymony 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quaill {18d} NEW ENTRY Willm Quaill Wm is the next to Jo: quaill dec being his broth[er] howbeit further rights reserved to be tryed by lawe ref BY000200 1617 Ballycane 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY danold ylrea {} danold quaill {16d} NEW ENTRY danold ylrea {12d} finlo quaill {12d} dabold is dead and his sonne finlo entred and by both the consents of the now tennants they are joyned half and half in the whole ref BT001308 1617 Ballitersin OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY danold ylrea Jun {6s 10d} finlo quaill {6s 10d} entred half and half as afforesd ref BK001700 1617 Ballyvally OLD ENTRY gilbt Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY danold Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter the father dead and the sonne entered ref CN002200 1617 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Robt Cowley {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Jo kelly {5s 6d} cu ceter the setting quest avouch kelly to be lawfully possesste and that Cowley left the ground not regarding the paymt of the rent ref IN000004 1617 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY Wm Quaill ut supr ref IN000016 1617 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cannell {8d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell {8d} Jo: Cayne {8d} the father dead & sonne entred ref IN000004 1617 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY Wm Quaill ut supr ref IN000012 1617 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY patr Cayne {12d} NEW ENTRY Jo: gawne he is in possession but all rights reserved ref IN000005 1617 Intacks 00 00 05 OLD ENTRY mriott quaill {} danold Cowley {} NEW ENTRY Robt Cowley {4d} Jo: Cowley {1d} thees are in possession and pay the rents ref IN0003?? 1617 Intacks 00 03 [] OLD ENTRY Patr Callister {2d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crayne {2d} cu ceter patr is dead and he is possessed by right who is entred as the setting quest avouch ref IN000021 1617 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY patr Cayne {12d} NEW ENTRY Jo: gawne {12d} cu ceter ut supr ref IN000002 1617 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quaill {2d} NEW ENTRY Wm quaill {1d} Issabell quarke {1d} they are in possession and pay the rent ref IN000004 1617 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo Quaill {} patr Callin {4d} NEW ENTRY patr kelly cu cetr et Tho Coraige {2d} Wm Quaill {} Phillip Curleod {} Coraig is adjoyned wth the rest to pay 2d rent and the other that are drawen are dead and they that are entred possesste the same. ref BG001406 1618 Brogard 00 14 06 OLD ENTRY Alice yne gawen {14s 6d} NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea Alice is dead and Jo: mc ylrea hath recovred it by accon in the lawe against Wm kewsh in his owne Right ref CN002100 1618 Carnedall 2 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan Junr {21s} NEW ENTRY georg Stephan the father dead & the sonne entred ref IN000006 1618 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan Jun {6d} NEW ENTRY Georg Stephan ut antea ref IN000006 1618 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan {6d} NEW ENTRY georg Stephan ut supr ref IN000016 1618 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod {16d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod Jo: Corleod the yonger brother of Phillip Corleod sonne of Phillip now drawen is entred by vertue of a deed and surrender made in writting under the hand and seale of the sayd phillip the yonger, being confirmed and approved by the othes of Wm bridson and Jo: gawen two of the witnesses wch were prsent at the sayd surrender in ano dmi 1608 pvided alwayes that phillip Corleod the father and his wief be not disturbed of their now possession therein dureing their lives ref IN000020 1618 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Alice gawen {} Jo: mc ylrea Junr {} NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea {} ut antea ref IN000006 1618 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan NEW ENTRY Georg Stephan patr Carrett ut supr ref IN000003 1618 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod {3d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod p pcell in ley myres entred for that it is pte of close and yt the Rent mencned in the surrender afforesaid ref FM001800 1618 Fir molend 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cowley {6s} NEW ENTRY danold Corleod cu ceter the setting quest avouch he is lawfully posses ref CO000006 1618 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Tho: Teare {6d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicho: Thompson the setting quest avouch he is rightfully posset thereof ref BC002100 1619 Ballicaire 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: mc Awley {21s} NEW ENTRY Finlo Cowley Tho Cowley dead & the sonne entred ref IN000012 1619 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Robt Clarke {12d} NEW ENTRY John killip {8d} John kinley {4d} Ro: Clarke acknowledgeth it sold in the face of the court to thees psons entred ref IN000008 1619 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Robt Clarke {8d} NEW ENTRY John killip John kinley ut supr ref IN000004 1619 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Robt Clarke {4d} NEW ENTRY Robt norres ref IN000006 1619 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Robt Clarke {6d} NEW ENTRY Robt norres Robt Clarke disclaymeth altogether from the ground acknowledgeth the whole right to be in Robt norres ref IN000012 1619 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawen {12d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crayne Jo: acknowledgeth it sold to Finlo Crayne ref IN000311 1619 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY hugh Morrey Anne Craughan et katherin Corleod cu ceter hugh morrey acknowledgeth to have sold a pcell of 1d rent to them now entred ref IN001909 1619 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Steven teare {3d} NEW ENTRY Willm teare Junr {3d} cu ceter the father dead & the sonne entred ref IN000016 1619 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY John Cannell et Thoms Carrett Finlo kneene entred by consent of hugh Cannell in court ref BT001700 1620 Ballatersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Thoms Crye {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Thoms Carrett {4s 3d} Thoms Crye {4s 3d} Jo: Corleod {8s 6d} Tho: Crye in court acknowledgeth to have sould away the one half of the ground to Thoms Carrett for ever ref BK002006 1620 Ballivally 00 20 06 OLD ENTRY Thoms Crye {20s 6d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye The father is dead and the sonne entred ref BT000016 1620 Ballivally 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY henry Caly {8d} Tho: Crye {8d} NEW ENTRY henry Caly {8d} Finlo Crye {8d} ut supra ref CN002103 1620 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quaill {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY danold quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Willm gawne et Sr Nicholas Thompson {10 7 1/2d} Jo: quall is dead and his sonne danold entred and Sr Nicho: Thompson is entred for half of what Wm gawen stood for by vertue of a Rcvorye had against Jo: gawen who was the right possessor thereof as the setting quest avouch ref CN002103 1620 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY danold quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Willm gawne et Sr Nicholas Thompson NEW ENTRY danold quaill {10s 7 1/2d} Willm gawne et danold Cowley Sr Nicho: Thompson hath desired his name to be drawn and danold Cowley to be entred ref CN002200 1620 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: gawen {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY danold Cowley {2s 9d} cu ceter ut supra ref IN000304 1620 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY xpian quaill {20d} Ewan Caly {20d} NEW ENTRY xpian quaill {20d} Willm Caly {20d} the father dead and the sonne entred ref IN000010 1620 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {10d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye ref IN000012 1620 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {6d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye {6d} cu soc ref IN000004 1620 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {4d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye ref IN000016 1620 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye Tho: Carrett {4d} cu soc ref IN000006 1620 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Ewan Caly {3d} NEW ENTRY Wm Caly {3d} cu soc ref IN000003 1620 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {3d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye ref IN000020 1620 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {10d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye {10d} cu soc ref IN000200 1620 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Willm boy {4d} NEW ENTRY Rich boy {2d} Mally boy {2d} cu ceter thees be the children of Wm boy dec ref IN000311 1620 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {3d} Tho: Carrett {3d} Tho: Crye {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye {3d} Tho: Carrett {3d} Finlo Crye {2d} cu soc ref IN000010 1620 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {6d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye {6d} cu soc ref IN000018 1620 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Tho: Crye {3d} Tho: Carrett {3d} cu soc ref IN000002 1620 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {2d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye ref IN000012 1620 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {12d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye ref IN000002 1620 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {2d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye ref IN000014 1620 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Tho: Crye {2d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye cu ceter ref IN000004 1620 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY patr kelly {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: kelly {2d} Wm ylvorry {2d} patr is dead and thees are in possession ref CO000006 1620 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY Wm gawen {3d} danold Cowley {3d} ref BY000206 1621 Ballmony 00 02 06 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Jo: killupp {20d} huan killip {10d} John Killip hath dd by the strawe 10d rent to his brother Ewan in face ye Court acknowledging to have gived up his Right for evr to his said brother ref CN002103 1621 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY danold Quaill Wm gawne danold Cowley NEW ENTRY danold Quaill Wm gawne Finlo Cowley danold Cowley drawene and his brother Finlo entred by vertue of a sale to him from his said brother ref CN002103 1621 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Thoms Quaill Jo: kelly danold Cowley NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaill Jo: kelly Finlo Cowley cu cetr Entered as before ref IN000018 1621 Intacks OLD ENTRY Jo: Clarke {18d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell {18d} Jo: Clarke is dead and Robt dod married to the only daughter of the said John hath wth the consent of ^his^ wyfe Mariery Clarke & her mother in lawe Ellin Tubman entred the name of Sr hugh Cannell havinge delivrd the same by the strawe in the face of the the Court acknowledginge evry one of them to gave passte all theie Rights and tytle for evr to the said Sr hugh and his ref IN000300 1621 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Phillip Curleod {2s 7 1/2d} Jo: Crayne {4 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Curleod {2s 7 1/2d} Phillip Curleod Ju {4 1/2d} John Crayne is drawne and Phillip Curleod the yonger entred for the whole wth the consent of the said John Crayne who desred the same in court ref IN000006 1621 Intacks OLD ENTRY John Clarke {6d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell {6d} Entred as before ref IN001919 1621 Intacks 00 19 19 OLD ENTRY dollin Cayne NEW ENTRY Wm Cayne cu cetr dollin is dead and Wm his sonne is entred ref IN000003 1621 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Thoms Bithell NEW ENTRY Jo bithell cu cetr Thoms is dead and his sonne John entred beinge in possession ref IN000003 1621 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Patr Quane NEW ENTRY John bithell cu cetr Patr quane is dead and Jo: bithell is in possession therefore entred ref IN000003 1621 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Thomas Currey NEW ENTRY Jo: bithell cu cetr Thoms Currey is likewise ^dead^ and the said John bithell in possession of all ref IN000018 1621 Intacks OLD ENTRY John Crayne {18d} NEW ENTRY Patr Stephan {18d} Jo: Crayne is drawne and Patr Stephan enter[ed] at the desire of the said Jo: who sould it for evr ref BY000404 1622 Ballmony 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY Mrgrett Corleod {7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {7 1/2d} cu ceter mrgrett Corleod disclaymeth from this wch came to her by her mother, now to her father ref IN000016 1622 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Mrgrett Corleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Corleod cu ceter ut supr ref IN000012 1622 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Robt kewsh {4d} NEW ENTRY Robt key {4d} cu ceter Ro: kewsh was mistakem for Robt key as the setting quest avouch ref IN001909 1622 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Patr Cayne {2s 8d} patr Clarke {16d} cu ceter The setting quest avouch that clark is lawfully possest of the pcell of 16d Rent by sale from patr Cayne ref IN000016 1622 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Thomas Twatch Mrgrett ylvorry {4d} The said mrgrett is entered by vertue of a Recovry in Lawe ref IN000018 1622 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Willm Callister {18d} NEW ENTRY patr Stephan Wm is dead, and his wief wth the setting quest avouch that patr Stephan is lawfully possessd thereof ref IN000018 1622 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Patr Stephan {9d} John Crayne {9d} The sayd patr is contented that Jo: Crayne be entred wth him in this place for 9d rent uppon a bargaine of exchange resolved betwixt them selves ref IN000003 1622 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {3d} NEW ENTRY Patr Stephan p elarg claus patr is entered wth consent of Jo: Crayne uppon a bargain of exchange ref IN000200 1622 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Robt norres {2s} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell Entred by vertue of a bill of Sale from Robt norres ref IN000020 1622 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Jo: quaill {12d} Robt norres {8d} NEW ENTRY Jo: quaill {12d} Sr hugh Cannell {8d} ref IN000004 1622 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Robt norres {4d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell ref IN000006 1622 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Robt norres {6d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell ut supr ref BY000206 1623 Ballymony 00 02 06 OLD ENTRY john killip {} Ewan killip {10d} NEW ENTRY john killip Ewan killip in Court hath surendred his pte to John killip ref BC000200 1623 Ballycaine 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo quaill {12d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Quaill {6d} Thoms Stephan {6d} cu soc Finlo acknowledgeth it sold to them now entred but if others can prove any formr bargaine lawfully made thereof to dis[?] the latter their titles are reservd thereunto ref BT002004 1623 Ballytersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Twatch {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY John Twatch {3s 4d} cu ceter the father dead and his sonne entred ref BT001308 1623 Ballytersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo quaill {2d} Ellin Quaill {3s 4d} Tho: Stephan {3s 4d} cu soc Finlo as before hath sould all reserving unto himself one croft of 2d Rent ref BK001700 1623 Ballivally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY William Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter Wm the father dead and his sonne Jo: entred ref IN000008 1623 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Collingham {8d} NEW ENTRY Willm Cottingham he is in possession and payeth the Rent ref IN000004 1623 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {4d} NEW ENTRY Patr Stephan Patr entred wth Jo: Crayne his consent ref IN000012 1623 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John gawne {6d} gilbt Cayne {6d} Cayne is in possession of the half ref IN000003 1623 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Avericke kneene {3d} NEW ENTRY Elizabeth kinley the mother dead, and Eliz is her daughter ref IN000016 1623 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Finlo quaill {8d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Quaill {4d} Tho Stephan {4d} cu ceter ut supr ref IN000003 1623 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Quaill {2d} Ellin Quaill {8d} Tho: Stephan {8d} cu soc ref IN000001 1623 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Willm Stephan {1d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephen ut supr ref IN000004 1623 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Stephan {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephen ref IN000021 1623 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Wm Stephan {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephen {3d} cu ceter ref IN000017 1623 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY Robt Norres {2d} NEW ENTRY Sr hugh Cannell {2d} cu ceter he possesseth the land ref IN000002 1623 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Jo: kneene {2d} NEW ENTRY Elizabeth kinley ut supr ref IN000009 1623 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY mrgrett Balif et averick kneene {5d} NEW ENTRY Elizabeth kinley {5d} Nicho: quarkin {4d} Eliz is in possession ref IN000012 1623 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Willm Stephan {12d} NEW ENTRY John Stephen ut supr ref IN000003 1623 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY patr Stephan {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Crayne by consentt of patr in court ref IN000006 1623 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John Cottingham {6d} NEW ENTRY Wm Cottingham ut supr ref IN000013 1623 Intacks 00 00 13 OLD ENTRY Tho: Twatch {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Twatch {3d} cu soc ut supr ref IN000018 1623 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY patr Stephan {18d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne ut supr ref IN000018 1623 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {9d} NEW ENTRY patr Stephan by consent of Jo: Crayne upon an exchange of ground ref BY002200 1624 Ballymony 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY John gawne {22s} NEW ENTRY Sr Nichols Thompson John gawen hath sold all his estate hereof to Sr Nicholas Thompson howsoevr the Right and tytle of Willm gawen sonne to the sayd John is reservd to soe much thereof as he can prove due to him by lawe ref BT001306 1624 Ballitersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {6s 9d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {6s 7d} gibbon Cowley {2d} cu ceter entered by bill of Sale ref BT002204 1624 Ballitersin 00 22 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY danold Balif {4s 3d} gibbon Cowley {4s 3d} cu ceter gibbon bought this pte from balif ref BK002000 1624 Ballivally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Thoms Quaill {5s} NEW ENTRY gibbon quaill {3s 4d} John Teare {20d} cu ceter gibbon the sonne of Tho: deceasd hath sold the this pte to Jo: Teare ref IN000200 1624 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {12d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {12d} cu soc as before ref IN000012 1624 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {6d} cu soc ref IN000600 1624 Intacks 00 06 00 OLD ENTRY John gawne {6s} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicho Thompson ut supr ref IN000006 1624 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {6d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough his is the nephew of Tho: deceased ref IN000008 1624 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Tho: quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY gibbon quaill {2 3/4d} Jo: Teare as before ref IN000012 1624 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John gawne {6d} NEW ENTRY Ewan Ralfes {6d} cu soc alledged bought ref IN000004 1624 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {2d} Finlo bodough {2d} NEW ENTRY Willm Bodoughe ref IN000016 1624 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Tho: quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY gibbon quaill {2 3/4d} Jo: Teare {1 1/4d} cu ceter ref IN000008 1624 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {2d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {2d} cu ceter ref IN000012 1624 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {6d} Finlo bodough {6d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough ref IN000016 1624 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John gawne {8d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson {8d} cu soc ref IN001000 1624 Intacks 00 10 00 OLD ENTRY John gawne {8s 4d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson {8s 4d} cu soc ref IN000200 1624 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: quaill {12d} NEW ENTRY gibbon quaill {8d} Jo: Teare {4d} cu soc ref IN000004 1624 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {1d} NEW ENTRY gibbon Cowley {1d} cu ceter ref IN000010 1624 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {5d} Finlo bodough {5d} NEW ENTRY Willm Bodough ref IN000004 1624 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Rich: quaill {4d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson he is in possession and payeth the Rent ref IN000311 1624 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {1d} Finlo bodough {1d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough {2d} cu ceter ref IN000021 1624 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY John gawne {12d} NEW ENTRY Ewan Ralf {12d} cu ceter ref IN000003 1624 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {1d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough {1d} cu ceter ref IN000012 1624 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Tho: bodough {1 1/2d} Finlo bodough {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough {3d} cu ceter ref IN000008 1624 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Rich: quaill {8d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson ref IN000003 1624 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY John gawen {3d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson ref IN000009 1624 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY John gawen {9d} NEW ENTRY Sr Nicholas Thompson ref IN000200 1624 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo bodough NEW ENTRY Willm bodough cu ceter ref IN000001 1624 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Thoms bodough {1d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough ref FV 1624 Fir vast OLD ENTRY Finlo bodough {6d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough {6d} ref CO000006 1624 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Finlo bodough {6d} NEW ENTRY Willm bodough ref CO000006 1624 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley {3d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {3d} cu soc ref BT002004 1625 Ballytersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY mabell Creere {5s 8d} danold Teare {2s 10d} cu ceter danold Teare hath bought this third pte from mabell Creere by bill ref CN002103 1625 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Willm gawen et Finlo Cowley {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Willm gawen {} xpher kinley {} cu ceter Cowley confeseth to have sold this to kinly ref CN002200 1625 Carnedall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cowley {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY xpher kinley {2s 9d} cu ceter ut supr ref BY001504 1626 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod Jnr {2d} Tho: Caloe {2d} cu ceter entered by vertue of a bill of Sale ref BK002006 1626 Ballyvally 00 20 06 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye {} Thomas Crye {6s 10d} Tho: entred for the third pte by vertue of a bill of Sale ref CN002200 1626 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY John kelly {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Robt kelly {5s 6d} cu ceter Robt kelly is in possession ref IN000010 1626 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye {} Thoms Crye {3 1/4d} ref IN000012 1626 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Crye {2d} cu soc ref IN000003 1626 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Crye {} Thoms Crye {1d} ref IN000020 1626 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Crye {3 1/4d} cu soc ref IN000311 1626 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Crye cu ceter ut supr ref IN000010 1626 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Crye {2d} cu soc ref IN000002 1626 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Cry {2d} ref IN000012 1626 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Cry {4d} ref IN000002 1626 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Cry {} ref IN000014 1626 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Crye {} cu ceter ref IN000001 1626 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Finlo Cry {} Thoms Cry {1d} ref BY 1627 Ballymony wheras in the wast setting booke dd as 1624 Sr Nichols Thomson was entred for the fereme of ballimony and other grounds thereunto belonging wth a reservacon for the Right and tytle of Wm gawen sonne of John gawen yt is now by consent at the Court the sayd Reservacon and provision then made be altogether [?] and made voyd for that the afforesayd Willm gawen hath relinquished and disclaymed of and from all his tytle whatsoevr psent or future to any the pmisses as hath appd ref IN000021 1627 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Evan Ralfes {12d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Cowley {12d} cu ceter Ralfes is dead and the poore wife to releeve her child wth consent of the court hath sold it to Cowley for 10s of [?] the half whereof hee is to [psean?] for the child ref IN000012 1627 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Ewan Ralfes {6d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Cowley {6d} cu soc ref IN000003 1627 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Ewan Ralfes {3d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Cowley ut supr ref BB002808 1628 Ballaskbag 00 28 08 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod the father is dead and his sonne entred ref BY002010 1628 Ballamony 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY John killip NEW ENTRY Willm killip the father dead and the sonne entred ref BY000206 1628 Ballamony 00 02 06 OLD ENTRY John killip NEW ENTRY Willm killip ut supra ref BY000404 1628 Ballamony 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY John killip {22d} NEW ENTRY Willm killip {22d} cu ceter ut supra ref BY000200 1628 Ballamony 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod ut supra ref IN000012 1628 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corlet ut supra ref IN000012 1628 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John killip {8d} NEW ENTRY Willm killip {8d} cu ceter ut supra ref IN000300 1628 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod {2s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Corlet {2s 7 1/2d} ut supra ref IN000012 1628 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: mcylrea {6d} cu ceter Entred by the consent of Finlo Cowley and acknowledged in Court to be sould for ever ref IN000006 1628 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John killip {6d} NEW ENTRY Willm killip ut supra ref IN000008 1628 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John killip NEW ENTRY William killip et John kinley ut supra ref IN000304 1628 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY John killip NEW ENTRY Willm killip ut supra ref IN000204 1628 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod ut supra ref IN000008 1628 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod et John Crayne ut supra ref IN000003 1628 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod ut supra ref IN000002 1628 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod NEW ENTRY danold ylr Phillip Corleod danols ylrea ut supra ref IN000200 1628 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Avricke yne Quaill NEW ENTRY John mc Teare Jnr cu ceter ref IN000200 1628 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY danold Crayne NEW ENTRY Johes Corraige delivred unto him in Court ref CO000020 1628 Cottages 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod ut supra ref BG002704 1629 Broughyary 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY dollin Gawne NEW ENTRY Johes gawne The father dead and the sonne entred ref BM001700 1629 Ballamre 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Nichol Quarkin {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Bahy Quarkin {8s 6d} cu ceter The Setting Quest avouch that she is the next in kinred and is in possession ref BY001504 1629 Ballamony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Willm killip dollin gawne {5s} NEW ENTRY John gawne {5s} cu ceter ref IN000008 1629 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Nichol Quarkin NEW ENTRY Bahy Quarkin ut supra ref IN000012 1629 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY dollin Gawne NEW ENTRY John gawne ut supra ref IN000008 1629 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Nicho: Quarkin {4d} NEW ENTRY Bahy Quarkin cu ceter ut supra ref IN000007 1629 Intacks 00 00 07 OLD ENTRY dollin Gawne NEW ENTRY John gawne ut supra ref IN000009 1629 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Nichol Quarkin {4d} NEW ENTRY Bahy Quarkin cu soc ref IN000001 1629 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY henric Cowley NEW ENTRY Thoms Corleod he hath acknowledged in Court to have sould the same to Thoms Corleod ref FM001800 1629 Fir molend 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY danold Cowley NEW ENTRY henry Cowley cu ceter henry Cowley is entred by vertue of the verdict of a Jury who is to compound for the same wth the Lords Comissioners ref BM001700 1630 Ballamure 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY patr Cayne Sen {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY mrgrett Cayne et gilbt Cannell {8s 6d} cu soc The father dead and mrgrett Cayne the daughter and Gilbt Cannell her husband entred ref BT001308 1630 Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY danold mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Ann ylrea et Finlo Cowley {6s 10d} cu ceter danold mc ylrea dead and Anne his daughter entred wth her husband ref BK002000 1630 Ballyvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Quaill {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY danold mc Teare cu ceter Gibbon Quaill is dead and the setting quest avouch that John quaill brother of the said Gibbon sould the same to danold mc teare for ever ref CN001511 1630 Carnedall 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY Patr Carrett Robt kerosh NEW ENTRY Finlo Carrett Tho: quaile cu ceter Patr Carrett is dead and Finlo his sonne entrd and Robt kerish hath exchanged this half qter wth Tho: quaile for other ground as is avouched by the setting quest ref CN002200 1630 Carnedall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: quaile {6s} NEW ENTRY Robt kewsh {11s} cu ceter Entred as before in exchange ref IN000504 1630 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY danold Christin {2s 8d} Michell Christin {2s 8d} Michell Christin is entred for this pcell of 2s 8d rent by vertue of the last will and testamt of his father and is already in possession ref IN000004 1630 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: quaile NEW ENTRY Paull quaile et Tho: quaile {4d} Thees are in possession ref IN000008 1630 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Gibbon quaile {2 3/4d} Jo: Teare NEW ENTRY Gibbon quaile {2 3/4d} danold mc Teare Jo: hath acknowledged to have ^given^ this to danold his brother ref IN000008 1630 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Patr Carrett Robt kerosh NEW ENTRY Thoms Quaile Finlo Carrett Entred as afforesaid ref IN000200 1630 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Gibbon quaile {7d} Jo: Teare {4d} NEW ENTRY danold mc tear Jun {} danold mc teare {4d} cu soc Entred as before ref IN000014 1630 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY xpian Stephan {7d} NEW ENTRY John kinley {7d} cu soc Jo: kinley entred by vertue of a bill of sale from xpian Stephan ref IN000012 1630 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John Teare {6d} danold Teare {6d} Entred as before ref IN000018 1630 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylvorrey NEW ENTRY Willm mc ylvorry ref IN000004 1630 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Willm Corleod Robt Lowy Jo ylvorrey NEW ENTRY Willm Corleod Robt Lowy Willm ylvorrey Entred as before ref IN000021 1630 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY danold Teare {1 1/2d} cu ceter ref IN000012 1630 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc Teare {4d} NEW ENTRY danold mc teare cu ceter as before ref IN000504 1630 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY danold Christin {2s} Willm Standish et Johes Standish {8d} NEW ENTRY danold Christin {2s} Mally killip {8d} cu soc Willm Standish and John Standish are entred by vertue of a Recovery in the comon Lawe. And mally killip is entred by vertue of a Bill of sale from the said Willm and John wth the consent of her mother and eldest brother, being given her in pte of her dowry ref FM001800 1630 Fir molend 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Jony Corleod NEW ENTRY katherin Cowley et phillip killip cu ceter Katherin Cowley and phillip killip are enterd by vertie of a bill of sale from Thoms Cowley grandchild to the said Jony to whom the same was of right due by discent of blood of [?] that the said katherin and phillip pforme covenantes wth him the said Thoms Cowley as appeareth uppon Record ref CO000006 1630 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Sr nicholas Thompson {6d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {6d} Entred by vertue of a Bill of Sale from Nicholas Thompson who acknowledgeth to have sould the same to the said John Corleod ref BY001504 1631 Ballamony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Phillip Corleod {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Callowe in loco suo Entered by vertue of a bill of Sale acknowledged in Cort ref BT001700 1631 Ballatersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod in loco sio cu cet The father enters the sonnes name acknowledginge the same given yt in ^a^ handfastinge bargain to his [son] Tho: Corleod ref CN002103 1631 Carnedall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Wm Gawen et Christofer kinley {10s 7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Wm Gawen et Tho: Cowley et Thomas Quayle in loco xphrt kinley cu ceter Thomas Cowley & Thomas Quayle are enterd for Christofer kinleys pte of the rente by vertie of a bill of Sale ref CN002200 1631 Carnedall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY xpher kinley {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley et Tomas Quayle in loco suo cu ceter cause qua supra ref CN002200 1631 Carnedall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Robt kelly {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY hugou killip cu ceter in loco sior hughe killip entered by vertue of a bill of exchange ref IN000500 1631 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Christn {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY David Christn et Mally Christn uxor eins cu ceter David ^Christn^ enterede by mariage of the said mally the eldeste daughter of Jo: Christin ref IN000500 1631 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Jo: Clerke {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley in loco sio cu ceter acknowledged (to be sould) by St Jo: Clerke in Co:rt ref IN000016 1631 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {4d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Curleod in loco cu ceter entered ^for the reasons^ as before in Ballatersin ref IN000400 1631 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY dollin Gawin {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Gawen in loco cu ceter the father dead the sonne entered ref IN000002 1631 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Jo: kinley NEW ENTRY Tho: kinley in loco sio entered in the righte of his father as the setting queste avouche ref IN000200 1631 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quayle {4d} NEW ENTRY Thomas kinley in loco for the halfe of the 4d rente cu ceter Entered for that Paule Quayle sonne of Jo: Quayle acknowledgeth to have sould this 2d rente to Tho: kinley as the settinge queste avouch ref IN000311 1631 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {3d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod cu ceter ut supra ref IN000017 1631 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corleod {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod cu cet ut supra ref IN000018 1631 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Phillip Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod in loco the father deade the ^yonger^ sonne Jo: entred by vertue of a Recovery against his yonger brother ref IN000304 1631 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Jo: Clerke {20d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley in loco cu ceter Entered by vertue of a bill of Sale from the sonne in lawe of Sr Jo: Clerke & acknowled[ges] in Cort by Sr Jo: himself ref BY001504 1631 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corleod {20d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley in loco {10d} cu ceter Gilbt Cowley hath this 10d rente by a bill of handfasting bargaine showed in Cort ref IN000014 1632 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY danold Crayne {7d} NEW ENTRY John Stephan {7d} cu ceter The name of John Stephan is the righte name for this Rente as the settinge Quest avouche ref BY000706 1633 Ballamony 00 07 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Teare Jnior NEW ENTRY Wm kissaige in loco suo Wm kissaige is entered by vertue of a bill of Sayle confessed by Wm Teare the yonger in Cort, viz for the halfe theearof nowe in possession and for the other halfe after the death of Wm mc Teare thelder and his wyffe nevertheles the co[u]rt doth take notice of a writinge of covenants made at the mariadge of Wm Teare the yonger the wch is to bee observed when the tyme shall come in wth their clayme and have the benefitt thereof yf they can make yt good by lawe wch is in case that Wm Teare the yonger and his nowe wyffe dye wthout issue as by the covents is related ref BC001800 1633 Ballacayne 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY donald Mc ylrea NEW ENTRY John Mc yrea ut sup in loco patr ref CR001700 1633 Crandall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Crayne {4s 9d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Crayne cu ceter the father deade his eldeste sune entered ref CN002200 1633 Crandall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Hughe kelly {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley cu ceter Gilbt Cowley is in possession and the settinge queste avouch that yt oughte to bee entered ref IN000304 1633 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Caly {20d} NEW ENTRY John Caly cu ceter John entered by vertue of a bill of Sake acknowledged ref IN000800 1633 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Crayne {4s} NEW ENTRY Wm Teare Jnior {4s} cu ceter The setting queste avouche that this Wm Craynes name should have beene Wm Teare ref IN000800 1633 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Teare Jnior {4s} NEW ENTRY Wm kissaige in loco suo {4s} cu ceter Wm kissaige entered for this as for the other in the ferme lande ref IN000300 1633 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea the father deade the sone entered ut sup ref IN000208 1633 Intacks 00 02 08 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea ut sup ref IN000200 1633 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Crayne NEW ENTRY Phillip Crayne {3d} donald Crayne {9d} cu ceter Phillip Crayne entred for this 3d rente as sonne & heyre of Wm and donald for the 9d [which?] righte yt is as the settinge queste avouche ref IN000004 1633 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea NEW ENTRY John ylrea ut sup ref IN000008 1633 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John kinley NEW ENTRY Wm killip The settinge queste avouch that kinley hath his pte to killip soe killip is for all ref IN000006 1633 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Caly NEW ENTRY John Caly {3d} cu ceter John entered by vertue of the will of Ewan Caly whoe had formerly boughte yt from Wm Caly beinge all brethren ref IN000400 1633 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea {2d} NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea cu ceter ut sup ref IN000400 1633 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea ut sup [the name of Tho Quayle is crossed out above this entry] ref IN000012 1633 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY donald Crayne {6d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Crayne {1 1/2d} cu ceter Phillip is entered for this 1 1/2d rente wth donald wch is righte as the settinge quest avouche ref IN000311 1633 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea {1d} NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea cu ceter ut sup [THIS ENTRY CROSSED THROUGH] ref IN000002 1633 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea {1d} cu ceter ut sup ref IN000004 1633 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: kelly NEW ENTRY John kelly {1d} Ellin killip {} cu ceter Tho: kelly convicted of felony and John Kelly hath bought the lords pte viz 1d rente and the other peny is upon Ellin killip the felons wyffe ref IN000200 1633 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY patric kelly {1d} NEW ENTRY John kelly {1/2d} Ellin killip {1/2d} cu ceter Patric was the father of Tho: who comitted felony soe these are entered ut sup ref IN000200 1633 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: kinley {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Quayle {2d} cu ceter Tho: Quayle recovered this 2d rente from one Paule Quayle as the settinge quest avouche wch Paule Quayle should have beene in for yt though yt new was ref IN000016 1633 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John Curleod NEW ENTRY John mc ylrea John mc ylrea entred for this 16d rente by vertue of a Recoverie against John Corleod ref IN000200 1633 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Rich: Boy {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: kinley {2d} cu ceter [in margin] [note?] this says all further [guidance?] ref BY000706 1634 Ballamony 00 07 06 OLD ENTRY Wm kissaige NEW ENTRY John Teare et Mally kissaige Wm kissaige drawne and Mally his daughter and John Teare his sonne in lawe entered by vertue of bargaine of contracte See the enterie of the names of the said John Teare & Mally kissaige in the pishe of Jurby and have related thearen ref IN000500 1634 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Ratcliffe {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Sill Ratcliffe cu ceter the father dead the sonne entered ref IN000012 1634 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Wm Ratcliffe NEW ENTRY Sill Ratcliffe ut sup ref IN000800 1634 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Wm kissaige {4s} NEW ENTRY John Teare et Mally kissaige cu ceter ut sup ref IN000800 1634 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY John Crayne {4s} NEW ENTRY Nic Crayne {2s} cu ceter the father dead the sonne Nich: entered for the halfe rente viz ref IN000800 1634 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Nic Crayne {2s} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {11d} cu ceter John Crayne brother of Nic & eldeste sone of John the elder is elder wth Nic Crayne for this 11d rent by vertue of a bill of Sayle from Nicholas, soe Nic stands for 13d and John for 11d ref IN000018 1634 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Edm mc Callister NEW ENTRY Wm Callister the father deade the sune entered ref IN000012 1634 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Edm Callister NEW ENTRY Wm Callister ut sup ref IN000012 1634 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Gawen NEW ENTRY John Curleod {6d} Curleod entered by consente of John Gawen in Co[u]rt ref IN000016 1634 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Edm Callister NEW ENTRY Wm Callister ut sup ref IN000006 1634 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Edm Callister NEW ENTRY Wm Callister ut sup ref IN000200 1634 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Edm Callister {12d} NEW ENTRY Wm Callister cu ceter ut sup ref IN000200 1634 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Radcliffe {8d} NEW ENTRY Sill Radcliffe {8d} cu ceter ut sup ref IN000006 1634 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Radcliffe NEW ENTRY Sill Radcliffe ut sup ref IN000004 1634 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Robt Lowy NEW ENTRY Anna Lowy et Finlo kewudy cu ceter Roby Lowy deade, Anne his daughter & her husband entered for the third pte of theis 4d rente by vertue of the will of Robt Lowy nevrtheles all rights reserved to the sonne of Lowy and other children should any right [be proved] by lawe ref IN000004 1634 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Edm Callister NEW ENTRY Wm Callister ut sup ref IN001909 1634 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Wm Teare {3d} NEW ENTRY John Teare et Mally kissaige {3d} cu ceter ref BC000008 1635 Ballacaine 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Crayne {8d} NEW ENTRY Johnes Crayne The father deade the sonne entered ref BT001306 1635 Ballatersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY John kinred {6s 9d} NEW ENTRY Robt kinred {6s 9d} cu ceter The father dead the sonne entered ref BK002000 1635 Ballavally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo Carrett {10s} NEW ENTRY John Carrett cu ceter The father dead the sonne entered ref CN002200 1635 Cordayle 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY xpfer kinley {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY Tomas Cowley et Tomas Quayle {2s 9d} cu ceter The setting quest avouch that theare names should thus stand ref IN000202 1635 Intacks 00 02 02 OLD ENTRY Mallory kermode {6d} NEW ENTRY margrett Curleod {3d} cu ceter Margrett Curleod is in possession & the setting quest doth avouch that the name ought to be entered ref IN000200 1635 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: kinred {12d} NEW ENTRY Robt kinred cu ceter The father dead the sonne entered ref IN000800 1635 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Nic Crayne {3s 1d} NEW ENTRY John Joughen et Mally Crayne {9d} cu [?] ceter Joughen & Mally his wyffe is entered by a hand[=] fasting bargain ref IN000018 1635 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Crayne NEW ENTRY John Crayne ut sup ref IN000016 1635 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Finlo Carrett {8d} NEW ENTRY John Carrett cu ceter ut sup ref IN000202 1635 Intacks 00 02 02 OLD ENTRY John kinred {2d} NEW ENTRY Robt kinred cu ceter ut sup ref IN000400 1635 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage {16d} NEW ENTRY donald Coriage et xpian Carrett {8d} The setting quest doth avouch that they should be thus entered ref IN000004 1635 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY John kinred {1d} NEW ENTRY Robt kinred {1d} cu ceter The father deade the sonne entered ref IN000004 1635 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Crayne NEW ENTRY John Crayne ut sup ref IN000012 1635 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage {3d} NEW ENTRY donald Coriage {2 1/4d} John Coriage {3/4d} cu ceter The setting quest doth avouch that they should be thus entered ref IN000001 1635 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage {1d} NEW ENTRY donald Coriage The father dead the sonn entered ref IN000001 1635 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage NEW ENTRY John Coriage et xpian Carrett {1d} The setting quest doth avouch that they should be thus entered ref CO000004 1635 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage NEW ENTRY donald Coriage ut sup ref CO000002 1635 Cottages 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage NEW ENTRY Jo: Coriage et xpian Carrett ut sup ref CO000006 1635 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John kinred {3d} NEW ENTRY Robt kinred cu ceter ut sup ref CO000012 1635 Cottages 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Thomas Coriage {2d} NEW ENTRY Donald Coriage cu ceter ut sup ref IN001909 1636 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY dollin kelly NEW ENTRY Tho: kelly {18d} cu ceter father dead the sonne entered ref IN001909 1636 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Wm Cayne NEW ENTRY Wm Calloe {4d} cu ceter Wm Cayne delivrd this 3d rente by the straw in Co[u]rt ref IN001909 1636 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Wm Teare John Teare et Mally NEW ENTRY Wm Caloe cu ceter Entered by consent of Wm & Jo: Teare in Co[u]rt ref IN000004 1636 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Giliaowe Cowley NEW ENTRY John Cowley the father deade the sonn et heyre ref IN000001 1636 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY John Coraige NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne Corraige delivred this 1d rent in Co[u]rt by the straw ref FV 1636 Fir Vast OLD ENTRY Edw: Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cowley loco sio ref BG002704 1637 Broughiarghe 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY John gawne {8s 2 3/4d} NEW ENTRY John Corleod {9s 1 1/4d} John corled is entred wth John gawne for the rent set upon his name by vertue of a Sayle from John gawne acknowledged in court ref BY001504 1637 Ballamona 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY John gawne {5s} NEW ENTRY John corled {20s} cu cetr John corled is entred for this rent being included in this sayle before mentioned ref BT001700 1637 Ballatersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Cry {2s 1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Corret {2s 1 1/2d} ^do et^ com ceter Thomas Carret is entred by the consent of Thomas Cry acknowledging unto the sayde Carret and delivered it by the straw ref IN000016 1637 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thomas Cry {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho Carret {2d} com cetr Thomas Carret is entred for this intack as formerly for the farme land ref IN000400 1637 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY John gawne {2 3/4d} NEW ENTRY John Corled {1 1/4d} cum cetr John Corled is entered for this 2d rent as formerly ref IN000300 1637 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo quayle {2d} NEW ENTRY Avricke quayle {1d} Tho Stephan {1d} cum cetr Finlow quayle is deade and Avricke quayle and Thomas Stephan is entred beinge in possession and [due?] unto them as the settinge quest avouch ref IN000012 1637 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Coragge {3/4d} NEW ENTRY danold Coragge cum ceter John Corayge consented in court to have sould this rent to danold Corragg ref IN000007 1637 Intacks OLD ENTRY John Gawen {7d} NEW ENTRY John Curleod {2 3/4d} cu eo John Curleod entered for the third pte of this 7d rente by vertue of a bill of sale as the queste avouch ref IN000012 1637 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY John Gawen {8d} John Curleod {4d} Corleod is entered for this 4d rent by bill of sale from Jo: Gawen ref BT002004 1638 Ballatersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Twayth {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY Phill Twayth cu ceter thelder brother deade the yonger comes in by discent ref BT001308 1638 Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Ellin Quayle {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Stephan cu ceter Tho: Stephan is sune & next in blood to Ellin now dead ref BT001308 1638 Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Finlo Quayle {2d} NEW ENTRY Averick Quayle {2d} cu ceter Averick is doughter & nexte in blood to Finlo Quayle ref IN000006 1638 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Malloony kermode NEW ENTRY margrett Curleod cu ceter Maloony is dead & margrett his wyffe is entered for his pte by handfastinge bargaine ref IN000008 1638 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Edw: kneene NEW ENTRY Wm kneene {4d} cu eo Edward the father hath given Wm his sune this 4d rent ref IN000009 1638 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Finlo Quayle NEW ENTRY Avericke Quayle & danold Stephan {4 1/2d} Tho: Stephan {4 1/2d} Tho: Stephan hath the half by his mother and the other twoe come in by executorship ref IN000311 1638 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Finlo Crayne {2d} NEW ENTRY John Freere cu ceter Freere comes in for 1d by bill of Sale & for the other by hand[=] fasting bargain as the quest avouch ref IN000008 1638 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Finlo kneene NEW ENTRY Wm kneene cu eo ut sup ref IN000012 1638 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Finlo Crayne NEW ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson John Freere & Eliz his wyffe right tenants of this 12d rente have sould this 12d rent to Sr Nic Thompson before the Capt and Officers as under their hands appeareth ref CO000003 1638 Cottages 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: Curleod NEW ENTRY Michell Caly ref BG002704 1639 Broghargh 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawn NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod cu eo et cetr Curleod beinge before entered for ye third pte now he is entered for ye halfe wth him by vertue of anothr bill of Sayle, soe yt they now stand for 13s 8s a peece ref BT002004 1639 Ballitersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY Donald Bayley {4s 3d} NEW ENTRY Donald Teare {2s 1/2d} cu eo et cetr Teare is enterd for this rent by vertue of a bill of sayle from ye said Baylie ref IN000012 1639 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Tho: ylrea {6d} NEW ENTRY Adam Cayne {6d} cum cetr it is avouched by ye settinge quest that he ought to be entered for it for yt ye said ylrea hath sould it to ye said Cayne ref BY001504 1639 Ballimony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawn NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod cu et eo cetr Entered for halfe of Gawns rent ut sup ref IN000007 1639 Intacks 00 00 07 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawen NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod now halfe & halfe ut sup ref IN000012 1639 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawen NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod halfe & halfe ut sup ref BK000016 1639 Balaffr 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Wm kissaige {4d} NEW ENTRY Margrett kissage {4d} cu eo et cetr The setting quest avouch yt margrett grandchild to ye said Wm kissaige ought to be entered ref BG002704 1640 Broughgaugh 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {13s 8d} NEW ENTRY Phill Corleod {13s 8d} cu ceter Jo: ye fathr in Co[u]rt desires yt his sone Phillips name be entred for ye 13s 8d rente ref BC001700 1640 Ballycarne 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Bahy Quarken {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Hugh Canell {4s 3d} et Jo: Lowy {4s 3d} cu ceter Hugh & Jo: are entred halfe & halfe as they stand by vertue of a bill of Sayle from ye said Bahy Quacken ref BY001504 1640 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawen {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Phill: Corleod {12d} cu eo et ceter Phill: is entred by bill of Sayle acknowledged in Co[u]rt ref BY001504 1640 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corleod {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Corleod {2s 6d} cu ceter ut supa ref BY001504 1640 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Quayle NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson Tho: Thompson is entred by bill of Sayle & acknow[=] ledged in Co[u]rt ref BC001806 1640 Ballycaine 00 18 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne {9s 3d} Nicoll Crayne {9s 3d} Tho: is entred beinge eldest sone to ye said Jo: deceased & left unto him by his father beinge by him bought And Nicholl ye younger sone entred by handfastinge bargaine from his said father as ye settinge quest avouch ref IN000008 1640 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Bahy Quarken NEW ENTRY Hugh Canell {4d} Jo: Lowy {4d} halfe & halfe ut supa ref IN000004 1640 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Quayle NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson ut supa ref IN000204 1640 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Corleod {14d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Corleod {14d} Jo: entred by bargaine from his father Tho: Corleod deceased & is alsoe in possession & payes ye rent ref IN000008 1640 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Bahy Quarken {4d} NEW ENTRY Hugh Canell {2d} Jo: Lony {2d} cu ceter ut supa ref IN000200 1640 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY xpian Callister {12d} NEW ENTRY Robt kinred cu ceter xpian is dead & Robt ye grandchild ought to be entered for yt he hath ye better pte of her goods & land ^as ye quest avouch^ therefore is entered for this croft ref IN000016 1640 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Danold Coriage {8d} NEW ENTRY xpian Carrett {4d} cu eo xpian is entred by vertue of a recovry for this 4d of Coriages rent & soe she stands for 12d & Coriage for 4d ref IN000300 1640 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne {2s} Nicholl Crayne {12d} The settinge quest avouch yt they ought thus to stand ref IN000012 1640 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo Crayne NEW ENTRY Nicholl: Crayne {1d} cu eo Nicholl ought to be entred for this peny as ye settinge quest avouch Jo: himself to stand 11d ref IN000006 1640 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Quayle NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cally {6d} Cally is entred by bill of Sayle from Wm Quayle & his wife ref IN000007 1640 Intacks 00 00 07 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {3 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Corleod {3 1/2d} cu ceter ut supa ref IN000002 1640 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Wm Quayle Issabell Quarke NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson ut supa ref IN000002 1640 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Wm Quayle NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson ut supa ref FV 1640 Fir Vast OLD ENTRY Gilbt Quayle {3d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cally {3d} lao sua ref BM002100 1641 00 21 00 Tho: Thompson pledge for Patr Callistr Junior his rent ref BC000200 1641 Ballacaine 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Ellin Quaile {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan cu ceter Stephan is right heyre to this 6d rent as ye quest avouch ref BT001700 1641 Ballitersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Cry {2s 1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Carrett {2s 1 1/2d} cu ceter Carrett is entred by consent of Cry in Co[u]rt ref BT002004 1641 Ballitersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY Mable Creer {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY Danold Tear {17d} Phill Cowley {4s 3d} cu ceter Mable Creere is dead who in her life tyme wth her hus= band James Sayle made sayle of this 5s 4d to ye said Tear & Cowley as they stand & now alsoe ye said James Sayle confesses thereunto in Co[u]rt ref BK001700 1641 Ballykally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter Jo: is dead & Tho: is entred as right heyre to ye said Jo: Stephan beinge his brother ref CR001604 1641 Scrandall 00 16 04 OLD ENTRY Finlo Stephan {8s 2d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Stephan et Gubon Craine {8s 2d} cu eo et ceter Finlo is dead & his daughtr Ellin (beinge right hyre to this 8s 2d as ye quest avouch) wth her husband Gubon Craine is entered for ye said 8s 2d ref IN000018 1641 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell Sr Hugh in Co[u]rt desired his sone Jo: his name to bee entred for ye said rent for ever ref IN000200 1641 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ut antea ref IN000204 1641 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Finlo Stephan {7d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Stephan et Guban Craine {7d} cu ceter ut supra ref IN000020 1641 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell {8d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell {8d} cu ceter ut supra ref IN000016 1641 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Ellin Quayle {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {4d} cu ceter ut antea ref IN000016 1641 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ut antea ref IN000006 1641 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ref IN000003 1641 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ut antea ref IN000006 1641 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ut ante ref IN000300 1641 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Ellin Quaile {8d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {8d} cu ceter ut ante ref IN000002 1641 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ut ante ref IN000204 1641 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell {14d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell {14d} cu ceter ref IN000015 1641 Intacks 00 00 15 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell ut supr ref IN000311 1641 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Danold ylrea {1d} NEW ENTRY James Sayle {1d} cu ceter [Ja]mes Sayle is entred wth consent of Phill Cowley in Co[u]rt who came by ye same by mariadge wth ye daughtr ^of ylrea[?]^ heyre thereof, as ye quest avouch ref IN000311 1641 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Nicholl Quarke {3d} NEW ENTRY James Sayle cu ceter ut supr ref IN000311 1641 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Sr Hugh Cannell {6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell {6d} cu ceter ref IN000017 1641 Intacks 00 00 17 OLD ENTRY Sr Hu: Cannell {2d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cannell {2d} cu ceter ut supr ref IN000001 1641 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Wm Quaile NEW ENTRY Thos: Thompson Entered by bill of sayle confirmed by the officers ref FV 1641 Fir Vast OLD ENTRY Gilbt Cally {3d} NEW ENTRY Dan Caine {3d} loco suo ref BT002004 1642 Ballitensin 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Danold Bayly {1s 1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY danold Teare {1s 1 1/2d} cu ceter The quest avouch yt Danold Teare had a saile of 1s 1 1/2d from danold Bayly in his life tyme who now is dead. And therefore ought to be entred. ref CR001700 1642 Secondall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Danold Craine {12s 9d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Craine {12s 9d} cu ceter The father dead ye sone entred ref IN000009 1642 Intacks Md yt whereas one Mally Craine stands for 9d rent viz Intacks wth Jo: Joughen her late husband & shee now desired to enteer one Gilbt Caly his name havinge [received?] for ye same from him consideracon And wheras alsoe one Thos Craine prtends title thereunto hee is admitted unto his accon at ye Co[u]rts kept at Mich [?] to [?] ye same And as then it falls upon ye triall ye name of him wch shall recovr is to bee entred at ye may Co[u]rts then next followinge Att wch Co[u]rt Caly is injoyned to apeare to ye accon ref IN000008 1642 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephen {8d} NEW ENTRY Avricke Quaile {2d} Danold Stephan {6d} The queste avouch yt ys Avricke Quaile & Danold Stephan ought to bee entred for ys rent as they now stand beinge unto them due by executorship ref IN000200 1642 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Danold Craine {9d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Craine {9d} cu ceter ut ante ref IN000200 1642 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY xpian Stephan {12d} NEW ENTRY Patr Corleod {12d} cu ceter The quest avouch yt ys Patr ought to bee entred for ys 12s rent beinge her sonne And now ye sd Patr hath sould 6d thereof to one Wm Clarke by Saile and soe himselfe to stand for ye other 6d ref IN000016 1642 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Danold Corraige {4d} NEW ENTRY xpian Carrett {4d} The quest avouch yt xpian ought to bee entred for ys 4d havinge recovred ye same by accon in law in law, & soe now ye sd xpian us [?] and for ye whole 16d ref IN000300 1642 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY danold ylrea {18d} Avricke Quaile {1d} Tho: Stephan Tho: Stephan Tho: Stephan NEW ENTRY danold ylrea {18d} Avricke Quaile {6d} Tho: Stephan {12d} The quest avouch yt ye names are rightly entered as now they stand ref IN000012 1642 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY xpian Stephan {6d} NEW ENTRY Patr Corleod {3d} Wm Clarke {3d} cu ceter These two entred as before ref IN000304 1642 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylvorry {20d} NEW ENTRY Wm mc ylvorry {20d} cu ceter The father dead ye sone entred ref IN000014 1642 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan {7d} NEW ENTRY danold Stephan {3 1/2d} Tho: Stephan et Avricke Quayle {3 1/2d} cu ceter The quest avouch yt these are rightly entred as they now stand beinge due unto them by executorship ref IN000001 1642 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan NEW ENTRY Avericke Quayle ut ante ref IN000004 1642 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY An Lowy et Finlo kewish NEW ENTRY Jo: Carrett cu ceter Carrett is entred by way of exchange ref IN000021 1642 Intacks 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan {3d} NEW ENTRY danold Stephan cu ceter danold entred by executorship as ye quest avouch ref IN000311 1642 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY An Croaghan {1d} NEW ENTRY Adam Corleod {1d} cu ceter Adam entrd by saile from An Croaghan & Hugh Cubbin her husband ref IN000012 1642 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephan NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan {6d} Danold Stephan et Avrick Quayle {6d} The quest avouch yt these are rightly entred beinge due unto the sd Thos by heirship & unto Danold by executorship ref IN001909 1642 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Wm Calowe {6d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Calow Wm Calow Tho: Calow cu ceter The father dead ye sonnes entred ref FM001800 1642 Firma mollend 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Henry Cowley NEW ENTRY Gubon Cowley {6s} cu cetes The father dead ye sone entred ref BY002100 1642 Ballimony 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Patr Callister Junior NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson {10s 6d} cu eo Tho: Thompson is entred for ys 10s 6d by vertue of a decree in Chancery Courte. ref IN000008 1642 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Henry woods The father dead ye sonne entred ref IN000018 1642 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Henry woods ref IN000008 1642 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Henry woods ref IN000007 1642 Intacks 00 00 07 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Henry woods ref IN000004 1642 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Henry woods ref IN000006 1642 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Henry woods ut ante ref IN000012 1642 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson Tho: Thompson is entred by ^gift &^ grant from his mother who had ye power to dispose thereof ^from her husband^ for ye paymt of Henry xpins porcon wth his wife ref IN000008 1642 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY ^Tho:^ Thompson ref IN000008 1642 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Sr Nicholl Thompson NEW ENTRY Thomas Thompson ref IN000004 1642 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Nicholls Thompson NEW ENTRY Tho: Thompson ut ante ref BC001700 1643 Ballycaine 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Margrett Caine et gilbt Canell NEW ENTRY Thos Cowley {8s 6d} cu ceter Entred by vertue of a bill of sayle acknowledged by Cannell ye husband in Co[u]rt ref IN000012 1643 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Danold Coraige {3d} NEW ENTRY xpian Carrett {1 1/2d} danold Corraige {1 1/2d} cu ceter Entred by a recovry as ye quest avouch ref IN000004 1643 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Wm ylvorrey NEW ENTRY Wm mc ylvorry {2d} cu ceter Jony mac ylvorry daughter of Wm yt is now drawne to whom ye lande was ^due^ & her husband Tho: Corleod have sould this 2d rent to Wm ylvorry as ye quest avouch ref IN000004 1644 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Patr Stephan NEW ENTRY Nic Stephan The father dead ye sone entred ref IN000400 1644 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corleod {2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Corleod {2d} cu ceter The father [dd?] this 2d ro his sone in Co[u]rt ref IN000004 1644 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Carrett NEW ENTRY Jo: Crayne cu ceter entred by ye verdict of a Jurys answere at Comon law 1642 ref IN000016 1644 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Tho: Twales NEW ENTRY Phill Twales {8d} cu ceter Entred by Recovry at Comon law Ano 1637: ref BY001504 1644 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: gawne {18d} NEW ENTRY Phill Curleod {18d} entred by bill of sayle ref IN000002 1644 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Hugh Bryan NEW ENTRY dollin Carrett Entered by bill of Sayle ref IN000006 1644 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Patr Stephan NEW ENTRY Nic Stephan ut ante ref FV 1644 The wast rent all drawen by division as formerly ref IN000504 1644 GD Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY Michell xpian {2s 8d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Quayle {2s 8d} Entred by bargain from ye sd xpin & compounded wth ye honble lord of ye Isle, all rights reserved if there bee any ref BG001406 1645 Brongygargel 00 14 06 OLD ENTRY John Mcylrea NEW ENTRY John Mcylrea Jnior The father deade the sonne entered ref BB001404 1645 Balaskebayne 00 14 04 OLD ENTRY John Crayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne The father dead his sune entred ref AR000608 1645 Ardente 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY Rich Halfield NEW ENTRY Robt woods This beinge the forester lodge [?] Robt woods is now forester & entered for the rente ref BY002200 1645 Ballamony 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patrick Thompson The father dead the sun entered ref BY001504 1645 Ballamony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY John mcylrea {5s} NEW ENTRY Wm mcylrea {5s} cu ceter the father deade the sune entered ref BY000208 1645 Ballamony 00 02 08 OLD ENTRY John Crayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne ut sup ref BC001800 1645 Ballacayne 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: mcylrea NEW ENTRY Wm mcylrea The father deade the sonne entered ref BT001700 1645 Balatersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Carrett Tho: Caret Tho: Carett NEW ENTRY Margrett Carrett & Wm Gawen {8s 6d} cu ceter Margrett is the daughtr of Tho: Carett & her father dead shee & her husband are in possession ref BT001306 1645 Balatersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Gibon Cowley {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {2d} cu ceter the father dead the son entered ref BT002004 1645 Balatersin 00 20 03 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Cowley {4s 4d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Cowley {4s 3d} cu ceter the father dead the sun Phill entered ref BK002006 1645 Ballavally 00 20 06 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cry NEW ENTRY John Cry cu ceter the father deade the sun entered ref BK002000 1645 Ballavally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY John Carrett {10s} NEW ENTRY Finlo Carrett cu ceter the father deade the son entered ref BK000016 1645 Ballavally 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Finlo Crye NEW ENTRY Jo: Cry cu cet ut sup ref CR001700 1645 Secondale 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Phill Craine {4s 3d} NEW ENTRY Hughe Crayne the father deade the sun entered ref CN001511 1645 Carnedale 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY Tho: Quayle NEW ENTRY Katherin Quayle {7s 10 1/2d} James Crayne {2d} cu cet katherin is the daughter of Patricke Quayle ^deceased^ who was the sune of Tho: Quayle & shee is now the righte heyre and James Crayne hath 1d from her and 1d from Finlo Carrett soe Finlo Carett muste bee 7s 10 1/2d and Ja: Crayne 2d & Katherin Quayle 7s 10 1/2d ref CN002103 1645 Carnedale 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Wm Gawen NEW ENTRY katherin Gawen cu ceter Wm deade & katherin is his grandchylde & heyre ref IN000500 1645 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY Sill Ratcliffe NEW ENTRY Tho Ratcliff cu ceter the father deade the sun entered ref IN000200 1645 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Robt kinred {12d} NEW ENTRY Tho kinred cu ceter the father deade the sonn entered ref IN000012 1645 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Sill Ratcliffe NEW ENTRY Tho Ratcliff ut sup ref IN000010 1645 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cry NEW ENTRY John Cry {7d} cu ceter the father deade the sonn entered ref IN000500 1645 Intacks 00 05 00 OLD ENTRY John ylvory {2s 6d} NEW ENTRY Wm ylvory cu ceter the father deade the sun entered ref IN000600 1645 Intacks 00 06 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompsn NEW ENTRY Sr Patrick Thompson ut sup ref IN000012 1645 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: kinley {4d} NEW ENTRY Wm killip killip is nowe for the whole 12d by sale from kinley ref IN000300 1645 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: mcylrea NEW ENTRY Wm mcylrea ut sup ref IN000012 1645 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Finlo Crye NEW ENTRY Jo: Cry {4d} the father dead the sun entered ref IN000208 1645 Intacks 00 02 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: mcylrea NEW ENTRY Wm ^mac^ ylrea ut sup ref IN000016 1645 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Gibbon Quayle {2 1/2d} NEW ENTRY John Teare cu ceter Jo: Teare is in possession ref IN000016 1645 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Jo: Carrett {8d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Carett the father dead the sun entered ref IN000016 1645 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Tho: Carett {6d} Tho: Cry {2d} NEW ENTRY Margrett Carrett & Ellin kelly {8d} This margrett & Ellin [?] by bill of Sale from Tho: Cry & Margrett daughter of Tho: Carret ref IN000020 1645 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Jo: mcylrea NEW ENTRY Wm mcylrea ut sup ref IN000008 1645 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Tho: Quayle NEW ENTRY katherin Quayle cu ceter ut sup ref IN000016 1645 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patric ut sup ref IN000003 1645 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cry NEW ENTRY Jo: Cry cu ceter ref IN000020 1645 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Finlo Cry NEW ENTRY Jo Cry cu ceter the father deade the sun entered ref IN000006 1645 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Sill Ratc NEW ENTRY Tho: Ratcliffe ut sup ref IN001000 1645 Intacks 00 10 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson {8s 4d} NEW ENTRY Sr Patr cu ceter ut sup ref IN000200 1645 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo Carrett {11d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Carett cu ceter ut sup by death of father ref IN000003 1645 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patrc ref IN000002 1645 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patrc ref IN000304 1645 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patr cu ceter ut sup ref IN000008 1645 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Robt key NEW ENTRY phill killip & kathrin Cowley his wife phillip killip who is maryed to ye grandchild of key viz ye sd kathrin are entred beinge their right as ye Jurs avouch ref IN000009 1645 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patr ref IN000012 1645 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patr ref IN000004 1645 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Nic Thompson NEW ENTRY Sr Patr ut sup ref IN000504 1646 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Michell xpin {16d} Jo: Cally {16d} cu eo et ceter Jo: Cally is entered by bill of Sale & by virtue of a Jury verdict who found it right yet yt his name should bee entered ref IN000008 1646 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: lowey {4d} NEW ENTRY gilbt Cowley {4d} cu ceter ye Jurors avouch yt Cowleys name ought to bee entered for this rent ref IN000800 1646 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY John Joughen & Mally Craine {9d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cally {9d} cu ceter Cally us entered by vertue of a bill of Sayle [Craine?] beinge last in h[] owne, [?] at ye Comon law for ye same havinge taken ye law formly ref BY001504 1647 Ballymony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {3s 3d} NEW ENTRY Wm Curleod {20d} Ann Ratcliff {20d} cu ceter Jo: is deade & Wm his sone is sone is entred for ye one [half] & An wife to ye sd Jo: for ye other halfe ref CN002103 1647 Cardall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: quaile NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley cu ceter quaile is deade & ye right thereof comes to Cowley as ye quest avouch soe Tho: Cowley stood for ye whole And now Cowley in Courte acknowledgeth that he hath passed 2s 3d rent onto Adam Cayne by bill of Sayle wch was confirmed in Co[u]rt. And ye sd Cowley reserved 6d rent unto himselfe, and it is prvided by ye Courte that if ye sd Cowley and his yssue occupying ye grounde wch is reserved to ye sd 6d fall into povrtie, that ye sd Adam Cayne who has ye rest shall then pay ye sd 6d rent unto ye Lo: of ye Isle & have ye ground wch is reserved if ye lord soe please. ref IN000012 1647 Intackes 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Adam Cayne {6d} gilbt Cayne {6d} NEW ENTRY danold Cayne Adam had ye right of ye whole 12d of ye death of his father gilbt Cayne & now ye sd Adam acknowledgeth in Courte that hee hath passed ye sd 12d for evr unto his brother danold Cayne ref IN000012 1647 Intackes 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {6d} NEW ENTRY phill Curleod {6d} cu ceter The quest avouch yt Phill haf ye right thereof by bargaine of contract from his father Jo: Curleod who is deade ref IN000006 1647 Intackes 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY gilbt Cally {6d} NEW ENTRY Michaell Cally et Bessie kinley {1 1/2d} cu eo Entred beinge their right ref IN000304 1647 Intackes 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson NEW ENTRY Tho Thompson cu ceter The [?] avouch yt Tho: Thompsons name ought to stand in this place for yt hee hath ye right thereof Sr Patr name beinge wrongly entred in this place before ref BT002004 1648 Ballatersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY danold Teare {2s 1 1/2d} danold Teare {2s 1 1/2d} danold Teare {17d} danold Teare {2s 10d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare junior {8s 6d} cu ceter Tho: is entred by bargaine of contracon from his father viz ye sd danold as ye jurrs avouch ref IN000016 1648 Intackes 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod NEW ENTRY Ro: Curleod {4d} Wm Curleod et An Ratclif matre[]s {12d} Jo: is dead & Ro: his grandchild is entered for 4d as fallinge right unto him , & ye sd Wm & An are entered for ye 12d beinge left unto them by ye last will & testamt of ye sd Jo: ref IN000200 1648 Intackes 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Sill: Ratcliffe {8d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Ratcliffe {8d} cu ceter The father dead ye sone entred ref IN000204 1648 Intackes 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corleod NEW ENTRY Ro: Curleod {7d} Wm Corleod & An Ratcliffe {21d} ut ante ref IN000400 1648 Intackes 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Wm mc ylrea entred ye father beinge deade ref IN000304 1648 Intackes 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Jo: Clarke {20d} NEW ENTRY gilbt Cowley cu ceter The [Jurors?] say yt Cowley ought to bee entred this 20d rent havinge ye right thereof ref IN000204 1648 Intackes 00 02 [] OLD ENTRY gilbt Stephan {14d} NEW ENTRY Finlo Stephan {7d} Ellin Stephan et gubon Crayne {7d} cu ceter The jurors say that theise now entred have ye [] of this grounde therefore entred for ye same ref IN000016 1648 Intackes 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Jo: mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Wm mc ylrea ut ante ref IN000013 1648 Intackes 00 00 13 OLD ENTRY Jo: Twaites NEW ENTRY phill Twaits cu ceter entred by consent of ye ptyes in bpossession all rights reserved if there bee any ref IN000000H 1648 Intackes 00 00 00 1/2 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod NEW ENTRY Wm Curleod entred for this 1/2d as before ref BG002704 1649 Broughargh 00 27 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawne {9s 1 1/4d} NEW ENTRY Phill Curleod {4s 6 3/4d} cu eo et ceter Phillip Curleod is entred for this 4s 6 3/4d rent by vertue of a bill of Sayle from Jo: Gawne & his sone dollin allowed of by officers at this Court psent ref BT001306 1649 Ballitersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {6s 7d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod {6s 7d} cu ceter entred ye father beinge dead. And Tho: hath sold all ye said grounde unto Wm Curleod his uncle wch is alsoe acknowledged in Court by ye sd Thomas soe ye sd Wms name is to come forth in charge for ye same ref IN000008 1649 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Edm: kneene {4d} Wm kneene {4d} NEW ENTRY Nicholas Cowley Tho kneene granchild to ye sd Edm: & Jonie to ye sd Wm who are both deade is soe very poore & simple that hee is not able to keepe or manage ye sd grounde (ye same cominge by right unto him as ye quest avouch) & therefore delivred ye same into ye lords hands wth ye consent of Geo: Stephan his over =seer and ye officers of this Court entred ye name of ye sd Nicholas Cowley for ye same hee beinge willinge to take ye rent upon him. ref IN000013 1649 Intackes 00 00 13 OLD ENTRY Phill Twaites NEW ENTRY Patr Curleod in ceter Twaites in Court desired yt the name of Patr Curleod bee entred for this rent (beinge 3d as ye avouch) for yl hee was willinge to delivr upp ye same & ye sd Patr Curleof was willinge to take the same ref CO000003 1649 GD Cottages 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Michell Cally NEW ENTRY In man dm This beinge a wast pcll of ground wch formrly was sett upon ye said Cally, ye same is now by him surrendered upp into his lops hands upon his ye sd Callyes peticon prferred upon the head Court houlden this 28th of May 1649 and therefore his ye said Callyes name is drawne for beinge any further chardged for the said rent ref BG002704 1650 Broughhyarge 00 27 [] OLD ENTRY Jo: Gawne {9s 5 1/4d} Phill Curleod {4s 6 3/4d} Phill Curleod {13s 4d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Curleod {26s 4d} Jo: Gawne {12d} Curleod is entred for Jo: Gawnes rent by vertue of a bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers & acknowledged by gawne in Court only reservinge 12d rent to the said Jo gawne & his sone as upon his name is ent[ered] soe yt ye said Curleod is to stand forth in chardge for ye full 27s 4d exceptinge ye sd 12d ref BB002100 1650 Ballaskebayye 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curloed NEW ENTRY Ro: Curleod cu ceter Jo: ye grandfather is dead & his sone also And now Ro: the grandchild is entred beinge the right Tenant thereof ref BY002100 1650 Ballamony 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Patr Callister juniore {10s 6d} NEW ENTRY Thos Thompson {10s 6d} Tho: Thmpson {10s 6d} Thos Thompson is entred for Callisters rent by vertue of the composicon & agreemt wth his Loship as in the booke of composicon appeareth soe now hee is to come forth in chardge for the whole 21s ref BY001200 1650 Ballamony 00 12 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curloed NEW ENTRY Robt Curleod ut antea ref CO000012 1650 Cottages 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY donald Crayne {3d} NEW ENTRY Patr Carrett cu ceter entred by sayle from Ann [Vreny?] wife of ye said donald & Jony Ceally wife to Tho: Crane brother to the said donald who had sold right thereof as the quest avouch wch Ann & Jony acknowledged their said sayle in Court & desired ye name of ye sd Patr Carrett ^to^ be entred ref IN000016 1650 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Phillip Curleod NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod paid this rent and alsoe 1d rente more as in the latter end of the Intacks stands upon the name of Finlo Curleod, both wch rents hee hath this day deliv[er]ed upp ^in Co[u]rt^ unto the Lords hands being not able to pay the rent soe the Lords atturney is to enquyre for another tenant for this 16d rente and for the said 1d rente ref BC001700 1651 Ballacarne 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Lowney {4s 3d} NEW ENTRY John Gawne {2s 1 1/2d} cu eo et ceter gawne is entred for the said 2s 1 1/2d rent by vertue of a bill of sayle confirmed & allowed of by the officers ref IN000012 1651 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Gawne {6d} NEW ENTRY Phill Curleod {6d} Curleod is entred for this 6d of gawnes by vertue of a bill of sayle allowed of & confirmed by the officers, and see the sd Curleods name is to come forth for the whole 12d ref IN000008 1651 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Lownie {2d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Gawne {1d} cu eo et ceter ut antea ref IN000400 1651 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: gawne {2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Curleod cu ceter ut ante ref IN000007 1651 Intacks 00 00 07 OLD ENTRY Jo: gawne {3 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Curleod {3 1/2d} ut ante, and hee is to come forth in chardge for the whole 7d ref IN000311 1651 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Hugh Murray {1d} NEW ENTRY Adam Cannell {1d} cu ceter Adam Cannell is entred for this 1d rent by vertue of a composicon thereof wth the right honorbl the lord of the Isle for [?] of lyves wch composicon hee shewed in Court ref IN000012 1651 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY donald Corraige {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod et Alic Corraige uxr eim {1 1/2d} cu ceter donald is dead & Tho: Curleod wth Alic Corraihe his wife daughter of ye sd donald are entered for the sd 1 1/2d rent by bargaine of contract shewed in Court wch ^was^ under ye hands of the sd donald & his wife who are both deceased ref IN000001 1651 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY donald Corraige {1d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod et Alic uxr eim {1d} ref IN000001 1651 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Hugh murrey NEW ENTRY Adam Canell ut ante ref IN000001 1651 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Tho: Curleod NEW ENTRY Adam Cannell ut ante by vertue of ye composicon afforesaid ref FB 1651 Firma Brac OLD ENTRY donald Curleod {6d} NEW ENTRY note ye name of George Stephan was entred for this rent who hath paid ye same hitherto and now hee hath delivered in a lead pann into Castle Peele for the lord use and soe ye rent [?] ye weight of ye leade was 6s. ref CO000004 1651 Cottages 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY donald Corraige NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod et Alic uxr eim ut ante ref CO000012 1651 Cottages 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY donald Corraige {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod et Alic uxr eim {2d} cu ceter ut ante ref IN000008 1651 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY gilbt Cowley {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: lowney {2d} Jo: gawne {2d} cu ceter lowney hath ye right of this 4d rent & ought to bee entred for ye same as the quest avouch, and Jo: gawne is entred for 2d therof as before ref COMMENT 1652 [no entries for 1652] ref COMMENT 1653 [no entries for 1653] ref CN002103 1654 Cardall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY kathren Gawne NEW ENTRY Adam Caine cu ceter kathren Gawne is out of the Countrey And the quest avouch that Cayne is in possession & payes ye rent havinge lawfully bought it from her before shee depted the Isle, wch alsoe Wm ylrarran a witness to the bargaine avouched in Court. yet all rights reserved if any bee ref IN000200 1654 GD Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Quayle {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: kinley {5 1/2d} cu eo et ceter kinley is entred for this 5 1/2d rent by vertue of a bill of Sayle from Jo: Corris of Peeletowne and Ann Corris als quayle his wife acknowledged before officers by ye sd Jo: & Ann, who had the same in handfastinge bargaine from ye sd Tho: quayle fat[her] to the said Ann ref BC001700 1655 Ballacaine 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Hugh Cannell {4s 3d} Jo: Lowney {2s 1 1/2d} Jo: gawne {2s 1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY donald Harrisson {8s 6d} cu ceter donald Harrisson is entred by vertue of the order & determinacon of ye deemsters & 24 keys of the Isle after sevrall disputes ^tryalls of &^ coveringe this ground ref AR000608 1655 Anerencke 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY Robts woods forester NEW ENTRY Willm mc ylrarran forester Wm mc ylranan (the now forester) is entred by vertue of a warrant from the lord of the Island unto him granted of the foresters place ref IN000012 1655 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Henry Cally {6d} NEW ENTRY Michell Cally {6d} cu ceter The quest avouch that Michell Cally hath the right of this 6d rent upon the decease of [his] father the said Henry Cally ref IN000020 1655 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Henry Cally {10d} NEW ENTRY Michell Cally {10d} cu ceter ut ante ref IN000004 1655 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Mable Creere {2d} NEW ENTRY Wm kelly & bahy Sayle {1 1/2d} ^Issabell Sayle {1/2d}^ cu ceter The quest avouch that the right of this pcell of ground is in the said bahy Sayle who is therefore entred wth Wm kelly her husband being 1 1/2d rent and the said Issabell Sayle is ewntred for the said 1/2d as her right ref IN000004 1655 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Richard kinred & kathren Curleod his wife cu ceter The quest avouch that the said Richard his name ought to bee entred for this rent of Phill Curleods in the right of ye sd kathren his wife ref IN000311 1655 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY James Sayle {3d} James Sayle {1d} Mable Creere {6d} NEW ENTRY Wm kelly et Bahy Sayle {7 1/2d} Issabell Sayle {2 1/2d} cu ceter ut antea ref IN000311 1655 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY donald ylrea {2d} NEW ENTRY Wm kelly & Bahy Sayle {1 1/2d} Issabell Sayle {1/2d} cu ceter The quest avouch that this 2d rent came to Phill Cowley in the right of his wife Ann ylrea unto whome the same fell due by executor[shi]pp And afterward the said Phill passed over the same piece unto the said pties now entred in consideracon of another pcell of ground ref BC000200 1656 Ballacayne 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY donald mc ylrea NEW ENTRY Jony Cowley donald is dead & Ann his daughter unto whome the right did descend as the quest avouch beinge deade alsoe the right of this ground hath now fallen unto Jony Cowley as her right by Inhe- =ritance ref BT001700 1656 Ballatersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Gawne NEW ENTRY Wm Curleod et Margrett Carrett {8s 6d} cu ceter Wm is entred in the right of Margrett his wife who was the right heyre unto this land ref BT001700 1656 Ballatersin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Thos Curleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Wm Curleod {8s 6d} cu ceter Wm is entred for this 8s 6d rent upon an exchange made betwixt the said ptes of this ground ref BT001700 1656 Ballatersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Curleod {6s 7d} Tho Cowley {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curloed {6s 9d} cu ceter Tho: Curleod is entred for this rent upon the exchange afforesaid, as the quest avouch to bee true ref BT001700 1656 Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Ann ylrea {6s 10d} NEW ENTRY Jony Cowley {6s 10d} cu ceter entred upon the reasons afforesaid And the said Jony wth her husband John Cotter have sould the same [?] unto Phil Cowley father to the said Jony for the consideracon betwixt them agreed upon whose name is to come forth in chardge for the same. ref BK000016 1656 Ballanally 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Hen: Calie {8d} NEW ENTRY Mich: Cally et Bessi: Kinley {8d} cu ceter Mich Cally et Bessie kinley is entred for this 8d rent by heireshippe ref CN002200 1656 Carndall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY gilbt Cowley {5s 6d} NEW ENTRY Will killipe {5s 6d} cum ceter Will: killipe is entered for this 5s 6d rent as right tennent to the same by bill of sayle ref BC002100 1656 Ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corraige {21s} NEW ENTRY Jo: Corraige {20s 9d} Wm Crenilt {3d} John Corraige is entred for 20s 9d rent by way of heireshipe and will: Crenilt for 3d by way of buying ref IN000016 1656 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Ann Ratcliffe {6d} NEW ENTRY Will: Curloed {6d} cu ceter Will Curleod entered for this 6d rent by way of handfasting bargaine as the quest avouch ref IN000016 1656 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Don: ylrea {8d} NEW ENTRY Ann: ylrea {8d} cu cetera Ann: ylrea is entred by way of heireshipp now Ann: ylrea is dead and Jony Cowley is entered for that 8d by heireshiooe as the quest avouch, whose name is to come forth in chardge ref IN000300 1656 Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Don: ylrea {18d} NEW ENTRY Ann: ylrea {18d} cu cetera Ann: ylrea is entred by way of heireshippe And now Ann: ylrea is deade and Jony Cowley is entred for that 18d by way of heireshippe as before ref IN000006 1656 Intackes 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Mich Cally et Bessye kinley {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Jo: kinley {1 1/2d} cum ceter John: kinley is entred for this 1 1/2d by because the law made [himm?] by recovery of a Jury ref IN000204 1656 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Alice: Ratcliffe {10 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Will: Curleod {10 1/2d} cum ceter Will Curleod is entred by way of handfastinge bargaine as before ref IN000001 1656 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Adam Cottier {1d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Cottier Jo: Cottier is entred by way of heire shippe as the quest avouch ref IN001909 1656 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY dollin kelly {6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: mc ylvorrey et [?] xpin cu ceter Entred for this 6d rent as their right, the one half havinge fallen due by executorshipp, & ye other half by bill of Sayle as ye quest avouch ref BM001504 1657 Ballamoney 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Tho: Curleod {20d} NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley {10d} Jo: kneene ^et uxor^ {4d} dan Curleod {6d} cu ceter the quest avouch that this Tho Curleod should bee finlo Curleod who gave the sd 10d rent to Gilbt Cowley by handfastinge bargaine as likewise ^4d^ to John Kneen ^wth^ his wyfe kath Curleod & the other 6d given to the sd don: Curleod by the last will & testament of the sd Finlo as the setting quest alsoe avouch ref CR002010 1657 Carndall 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY Will: Crayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne ^senior^ Will is deade & Tho his eldest son is entered as right heyre as the quest avouch ref IN000200 1657 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Will: Crayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne senior Entered as before ref IN000002 1657 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Tho: kinley NEW ENTRY Elliz: kinley et Mich: Cally Tho: kinley is deade & Elliz: kinley wth her husband Mich: Cally is entered as right heyre to this 2d as the quest avouch ref IN000200 1657 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Rich: Boy NEW ENTRY Tho: kinley {2d} cu eo et ceter the quest avouch that the sd Tho Kinley should bee entered for this 2d rent havinge bought the same & is in possession for divers yeares past ref IN000014 1657 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Jo: kinley NEW ENTRY Elliz: kinley et Mich Cally {3 1/2d} don: Stephan et Averick Quayle {1 3/4d} John Quayle et Tho: Kewley {1 3/4d} cu ceter The foresd Elliz: kinley et Michell are entered for there pte it fallinge due to the sd Elliz: as her right by the deathe of her father & the sd don & Averick are entered by right of Executorshipe and the sd Jo & Tho: entered by bill of Sayle & all this as the quest avouch ref IN000016 1657 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Margr: ylvorrey NEW ENTRY parson Robt Parr {8d} cu ceter parson Robt Parr is entered for 8d by bill of Sayle & consent of Phill: Twates in Courte who bought pte therof formerly from Ann: kewley And the other pte sould by himselfe beinge then in his possession as of the same bill may apeare beinge dated the yeare 1644 ref IN000008 1657 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Fin: Kneene Will Kneene NEW ENTRY Nich: Cowley Nich: Cowley is entered by bill of Sayle & is in possession for divers yeares past as the quest avouch ref IN000012 1657 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Will: Crayne NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne senior {2d} cu ceter Entered as before ref IN000003 1657 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare NEW ENTRY Jo: killipe [grouped with the entry below] ref IN000001 1657 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare NEW ENTRY Jo: killipe John killipe is entered by bill of Sayle as the quest avouch ref BT001308 1658 Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Phill Cowley {6s 10d} NEW ENTRY An Cowley et Finlo Quayle {3d} cu eo et ceter Phill hath given this 3d single rent in hand= fastinge bargain to the said An his daughter wth ye sd Finlo her husband, wch ye sd Phill alsoe acknowledged in Court ref BK002108 1658 Ballanalley 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY John Teare {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY donald Teare {7s 3d} cu ceter John is deade & donald his eldest sone is entred as right tenant thereunto accordinge to the custome of ye countrey ref CN002200 1658 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Tho quayle {11s} NEW ENTRY Wm kewish {11s} cu ceter entered by way of exchange for other ground wch the quest avouch to bee true ref IN000004 1658 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Will: ylvorrey NEW ENTRY kath ylvorrey et Will: Corteene cu [du?] et ceter kathren ylvorrey & Wm Corteene her husband are entred for the half of this rent wth ye sd Wm the same havinge fallen due unto them by executorshipp by ye last will & testament of donald ylvorrey ref IN000200 1659 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Tho Quayle {1/2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: kinley {1/2d} cu ceter Tho is deade & this wth other rents fallinge due by executorshipp to Mally quayle daughter of ye sd Tho: shee wth Jo xpin her husband have sold the same unto ye said Thos kinley now entred by bargaine confirm,ed by officers and all this as ye quest avouch ref IN000008 1660 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Hugh Cannell {4d} NEW ENTRY Phill Twaits {4d} cu ceter Twaits is entred by sayle from ye sd Hugh Cannell & his wiffe & daughter as acknowledged before deemster Edw: xpin, yet in respect of an accon touching ye same is dependinge at comon law, every ones right is reserved if any bee ref BM001504 1660 Ballamony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Cowley {10d} NEW ENTRY Jony Curleod als Cowley {10d} cu ceter Jony is entred for this 10d rent by vertue of the last will & testament of ye sd Gilbt Cowley her husband now shewed in Cort Note this is raised at prsent upon a further & more strict pusall of ye will & the prceedinge thereuppon by ye will Court. [THE ABOVE ENTRY IS CROSSED THROUGH] ref IN000008 1660 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Hugh Cannell {2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Twaites {2d} cu ceter ut antea ref IN000020 1660 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Wm mcylrea NEW ENTRY donald Teare {2d} Jo: mcylrea {18d} Wm is deade & John his brother is entred as next heyre thereunto as the quest avouch wch John hath now sould 2d of ye sd 20d rent unto the sd donald Teare by bill of Sayle acknowledged by ye sd Jo: in Court ref IN000006 1660 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY John kinley {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Wm Callister {1 1/2d} cu ceter John kinley acknowledgeth to have sould this 1 1/2d rent unto ye sd Wm Callister in Court as the entry hereof. And the sd kinley hath [enqadged?] himself in Court to pay 3s 4d unto Michall Cally wch is due unto him in refference of a fyne for this land, and the same to bee pd before michm next ensuinge ref IN000013 1660 Intacks 00 00 13 OLD ENTRY henry Cally {10d} NEW ENTRY Michell Cally {10d} cu ceter henry is deade & michell his sone is entered for the same fallinge unto him as his right as ye quest avouch; for wch he Michell Cally junior sone to ye sd Michell now entred as by agreemt made betwixt ye sd Michell ye father (wch hee acknowdegeth now in Court) & Eliz kinley his wife (who is deade) to bee entered for ye same wholly after [?] fathers decease ref IN000002 1660 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY John Cowley NEW ENTRY Wm Kelly John Cowley is dead and this rent, fallinge due & by right as the quest avouch unto kathren Cowley his only child, and shee afterward marryinge unto Nicho: Cayne they have sould the same unto ye said Wm kelly now entred by sayle confirmed by ye officers ref AR000608 1661 Ardnenke 00 06 08 OLD ENTRY Wm mc ylcarran NEW ENTRY Tho: [ffbayor?] entered by vertue of a commission from ye commisioners of ye Right Honrbl Charles Earl of Derby Lord of this Isle ref IN000008 1661 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Geo Cowley NEW ENTRY Gilbt Cowley The quest avouch that this Geo: should bee gilbt Cowley and soe accordingly ye same is entred & to come forth in chardge ref IN000800 1661 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY John Teare et Mally kissage {4s} NEW ENTRY John killip {5d} cu eo et ceter killip is entred for this 5d rent by vertue of a bill of sayle from the said John Teare & Mally his wife upon ye consideracon of 10l already satisfied, the ground beinge for the sixt pte of a greate meddow whereof half is sittuate in Trinit Ayre & half in Ballaugh wth six yards more added by their said bargaine wch are to be six yards in [?] provided that a sufficient fence or [?] be made accordinge to the purport of the said bargaine ref IN000008 1661 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Wm Cottiam NEW ENTRY donald mc Nameere {4d} Rich: Cowley {4d} Cowley and mc Nameere is entred for this rent of 8d as uppon their names, by vertue of a bill of Sayle from Mr Edw: xpin as under his hand appeared who bought the same formrly as alsoe under the hands of Jony Cottiam Tho kinred & Margar kinley did appeare unto which relacon is to bee had for the better manifestacon thereof ref IN000004 1661 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Issabell Sayle {1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Twaits cu ceter Twaites is entred for this 1/2d rent, by vertue of a bill of sayle confirmed by the officers, shee beinge alsoe [?] case by accon at comon ^lawe^ [?] tryall of her right whereuppon shee afterward [? ? ? ? ? ?] [? ? ? ?] pcell is called close [mor?] Sayle in consideracon of tenn yeares cloathinge as by ye bill appeares ref IN000311 1661 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Issabell Sayle {2 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Twaites {2 1/2d} cu ceter ut antea ref IN000311 1661 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Issabell Sayle {1/2d} NEW ENTRY Phill Twaits {1/2d} cu ceter ut antea ref IN000006 1661 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Cottiam NEW ENTRY Donald mc Nameere {3d} & Rich: Cowley {3d} This 6d beinge bought from Mr Edward xpin as before [?] the said donald & Rich: have now in Court acknowledged to have sould & passed over the same unto Rich mc Nameere who is to come forth in chardge for the said 6d. ref IN000200 1662 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Mally booy {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: kinley {2d} cu ceter kinley is entred for this 2d rent by vertue of a bill of sayle from John Corkill & Ann his wife acknow= ledged before ye officers & by them confirmed & 4s ye consideracon money already paid as in the sd bill is menconed ye said 2d fallinge due unto the sd John Corkill by ye death of ye said Mally his mother as ye quest is psuaded to believe, therefore all rights are reserved if any bee. ref IN000311 1662 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY John Freere {2d} NEW ENTRY John Crayne {1/2d} cu eo et ceter The quest avouch that this 1/2d rent fell due by executor[shi]pp unto Tho: Moughton, who hath sould ye same unto ye said John Crayne as was proved before Mr Edw: xpin deemster by ye witnesses to ye bargaine And 20s beinge ye considecon money already paid viz 10s formerly & 10s at ye enteringe hereof ref CN002103 1662 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: Cowley {6s} NEW ENTRY Adam Cottiam et Adam Cayne {4s 3/4d} cu eo et ceter The quest avouch that the pte of rent remayninge on Tho: Cowley should bee but 5s 3d 3/4d whereof he hath sould formrly to John quayle 4s 3/4d by sayle confirmed by ye officers. And afterwards ye said quayle hath sould the same rent unto Adam Cottiam by another bill of sayle and now ye said Cottiam hath sould ye half thereof unto ye said Adam Cayne by bill of Sayle confirmed by ye officers soo that they are to come forth in chardge for 4s 3/4d And the said Thos Cowley himself for 15d, And Adam Caynes name to come forth for 5s 3 3/4d in ye two places yt his name formerly stood. ref IN000800 1663 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {11d} NEW ENTRY david Quayle & Ann Crayne uxor ejus {11d} cum ceter Quayle & his wife are entred by vertue of a order of Chancery bearinge date the 8th June 1660 as in ye chancery booke for ye yeare 1657 yet in regard Jo Crayne have made some opposicon in court his owne & his mothers right is reserved to bee tryed accordinge to law if any such bee ref BM001504 1663 Ballamony 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Ann Curleod {20d} NEW ENTRY Wm Curleod {20d} cum ceter Wm Curleod is entred by vertue of a contraccon [?] [?] from ye sd Ann Curleod as ye quest avouch yet nevrtheles evry ones right is reserved if any such bee ref IN000304 1663 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY xpian Quayle {20d} NEW ENTRY Cha Cannell {9d} cum cetr This past by untill ye next court in regard phill Cannell who is ptie concerned in this bussiness is not present & ye quest beinge not satisfyed it is ordered yt in case ye sd Phill Cannell doe not appeare at ye next court havinge lawfull notice thereof to show sufficient cause why ye sd Charles name shall not bee entered then ye court shall pceed wthout any further dispute ref IN000200 1664 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm: Teare {20d} NEW ENTRY don Teare {20d} cu ceter The father is dead & ye son is entered to be right heire as ye quest avouch ref IN000400 1664 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Teare NEW ENTRY don: Teare Entered as before ref IN000208 1664 Intacks 00 02 08 OLD ENTRY Wm: Teare NEW ENTRY don Teare Entred as before ref IN000008 1664 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Louny {2d} NEW ENTRY John Gawne {2d} cu ceter John Lowney gath acknowledged in Court [?] yt hee hath sould this 2d rent unto ye sd John Gawne ref IN000008 1664 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Lownye {1d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Gawne {1d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000002 1665 Intacks 11 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Jo: kneene {1d} NEW ENTRY Wm Crenilt et uxor {1d} cu eo The quest avouch yt te sd Crenilt should bee entered for 1d of this 2d rent by vrtue of a contracon bargain given him wth his wife, Therefore hee is now entred for ye same ref IN000001 1665 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jo: kneene NEW ENTRY Wm Crenilt et uxor {1/2 d} cu eo Entred as before ref IN000001 1665 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jo: kneen NEW ENTRY Wm Crenilt et uxor {1/2 d} cu eo Entred as before ref CO000003 1665 Cottages 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: kneene NEW ENTRY Wm Crenilt et uxor {1 1/2 d} cu eo Entred as before ref CO000010 1665 Cottages 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Jo: kneene NEW ENTRY Wm Crenilt et uxor {5d} cu eo Entred as before ref FM001800 1665 Firm mollend 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Fin: Quayle NEW ENTRY Wm killip {6s} cu cetris The sd killip is entred by vertue of a bill of sayle from Tho: Quayle son to ye sd Fin: Quayle unto whom ye right of ye sd [?] doth belong. ref IN000008 1666 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod ballanaige et ceter The sd Jo: Corleod son to Phill Curleod ^deceased^ is in possession & payes ye rent as ye quest avouch therefore hee ought bee entred for ye same. ref IN000304 1666 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Robt Curleod {7d} NEW ENTRY John killip cu cetrus The sd killip is entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from ye sd Robt Curleod & confirmed by ye officers & ye quest avouch yt this 3s 4d should bee 2s 8d ref IN000010 1666 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Robt Curleod {4d} NEW ENTRY John killip {4d} cu cetr Entred as before ref BB000012 1667 Ballaskbagge 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY patr Curleod NEW ENTRY don: Curleod The father is dead & ye sone is entered ref CN002103 1667 Carndall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Tho Cowley NEW ENTRY Phill Carrett et Adam mcylvorrey {9d} cu eo et ceter Entred by issue of sale from ye sd Cowley & confirmed by ye officers ref CN002200 1667 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Tho Cowley et Tho Quayle {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY Phill Carrett et Adam mcylvorrey {6d} Adam Cayne {2s 3d} cu cetrs The sd Phill Carrett & Adam mcylvorrey is entered as before & ye sd Cayne is entred by [?] sayle as ye quest avouch & confirmed by ye officers ref CN002200 1667 Carndall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Gawne {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY Adam Cayne {2s 9d} cu cetrs The sd Cayne is entred by vertue of bill of sayle as ye quest avouch ref IN000012 1667 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod {3d} NEW ENTRY don: Curleod cu cetrs entered as before ref IN000003 1667 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod NEW ENTRY don: Curleod cu cetrs entered as before ref IN000003 1667 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod NEW ENTRY don: Curleod entered as before ref IN000012 1667 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Jo: Crayne {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Crayne {4 1/2d} cu eo et cetrs The sd Tho: Crayne is entered by vrtue of a bill of sayle from dan: Quayle & his wife unto whome ye right of ye sd rent did descend by executorshp & confirmed by ye officers ref IN001909 1667 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY patr: Clarke {16d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Clarke {16d} cu cetrs The dather is dead & ye son is entred ref IN000004 1667 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod NEW ENTRY don: Curleod entered as before ref IN000013 1667 Intacks 00 00 13 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod {3d} NEW ENTRY don: Curleod {3d} cu cetrs entered as before ref IN000200 1667 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod NEW ENTRY don: Curleod entered as before ref IN000002 1667 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY patr: Curleod NEW ENTRY don: Curleod entered as before ref IN000001 1667 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cottier NEW ENTRY Jo: Gawne et user {1/2d} cu eo entered as ye quest avouch for ye 1/2d rent by executorsp wch his wife came in as one & this is acknowledged in Court by John Cottier ref IN000504 1668 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY NEW ENTRY Mich xpin {16d} Jo: Cally {16d} Jo: Quayle {2s 8d} The Court & ye Enquest having taken the examination of this rent doe find yt Wm Callister, John Killip & Thoms Killip should bee entred for 2s of this rent by virtue of a bill of sayle from Charles [Lad?] unto whom ye same descended as right tenent And Mally killip is entred for 8d being executrix [?] thereof & [? ?] And Quayle is entred for ye other 2s 8d [?] by for asmuch as Jo: Calys name [?] this rent yet it is supposed that hee hath noe righte therein but what hee can make apper in the [?] said John Quayle 2s 8d to wch hee is [?] and his right accordingly reserved if any can be made to appear ref IN000004 1668 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cannell NEW ENTRY xpian Cannell The quest say they cannott find any other tenant that should pay this rent, but the said xpian at prsent ref IN000006 1668 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Sr Thomas Casemt NEW ENTRY Mary Casemt & her children The quest avouch that this said Mary Casement grandchild to the said St Thos Casement ought wth her children to bee entred for this rent ref IN001909 1668 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Wm kelly {2s} NEW ENTRY Wm kelly Curry {2s} cu ceter Wm Kelly ballaheshin is drawne & Wm Kelly Curry is entred for this 2s rent by vertue of a bill of sayle as is mencond in the entry of his [marke?] in Jurby pish ref IN000008 1668 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY phillipp killipp & kathr Cowley uxr epis NEW ENTRY Wm xpin The quest avouch that this rent havinge fallen to the wife of the said Wm xpin [Cowley] hee the said Cowley hath now in Court consent[=] ed to enter [in?] the name of the said Wm xpin for the same ref BY001504 1669 Ballamoney 00 15 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Caloe {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Clarke & ye execrs of Eliz Freer his wife {1 1/3d} cu ceters The sd Tho: Clarke ^& ye executors of Eliz: Freer his wife^ is entered by virtue of a pceeding made in ye spirituall Court & Temporall Court & a compos[ition] wth ye right honrbll ye Lords of ye Island his comissionrs for yt ye sd Tho ^& ye sd execs^ their name is to come forth in chardge for 1d & ye third pte of a 1d & ye sd Caloes name for 2d & 2 pts of a penny ref IN000006 1669 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Caloe NEW ENTRY Tho: Clarke & ye exrs of Eliz Freer his wife & Nich Moore {2d} cu eo The sd Tho & exors entred as before & ye sd Nich [en=] tred for a 1d of ye 2d by ye consent of sd Tho: Clark in Court ref IN000006 1669 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Mrgr: Curleod NEW ENTRY Phill Cottiam {3d} Wm Boddough [see the following entry] ref IN000006 1669 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Mrgrt Curleod et Issa: Boddough NEW ENTRY Wm Boddough et Phill Cottiam The sd Boddough having formrly bought ye sd 6d rent from ye sd Mrgr: Curleod & Issa: Boddough & haveing like wise compounded for ye same in ye yeare 1643 & ye wife of ye sd Boddough havinge by her last will left her pte of ye sd land unto her sone Tho: Boddough payinge unto her two daughters 20s a peece & ye sd Tho: Boddough haveing sould ye sd halfe unto ye sd Phill Cottiam who is marryed unto one of his sd sisters upon ye paymt of ye sd 40s as appears by bill confirmed by ye officers ^& in possession^ Therefore his name is entred wth ye sd Boddough for ye one halfe of ye sd 6d reservinge ye right of Margt Curleod & Issa: Boddough or any other yt can prtend any right to ye same ref IN000202 1669 Intacks 00 02 02 OLD ENTRY Magrt Curleod {3d} NEW ENTRY Wm Boddough {1 1/2d} Phill Cottiam {1 1/2d} cu cetus Entred as before ref BT002004 1670 Ballatersin 00 20 04 OLD ENTRY Phill: Twaits {4s 3d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Twaits clarke cum caeter The sd Phill Twaits beinge dead the sd Tho: Twaits clarke is entred as next heire accordinge to the custome of ye Countrey ref IN000008 1670 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Phill: Twaits {6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Twaits clarke {6d} cum ceter Entered as before, yet reservinge the right of his sister Grace Twaits if any bee ref IN000008 1670 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Phill: Twaits {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Twaits clarke {2d} cum ceter entred as before ref IN000016 1670 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY xpian Carrett NEW ENTRY Ellin Carrett et patr killip The quest avouch yt ye right of ye sd 16d is in is the sd Ellin Carrett & her sd husband by ye death ^of^ her ^the^ sd xpian [who?] beinge in possession is accordingly entred ref IN000004 1670 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Phill: Twaits {1/2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Twaits clarke {1/2d} cum caeter Entred as before ref IN000004 1670 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY kath: ylvorrey et Wm Coortene NEW ENTRY Tho: ylvorrey cum ceter Tho ylvorrey entred by vertue of Bill of Sayl confirmed by ye officers ref IN000311 1670 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Phill: Twaits {2 1/2d} Phill: Twaits {1/2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Twaits clerke {3d} cum ceter entered as before ref IN000016 1670 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Phill: Twatch {8d} et parson Robt Parr {8d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Twatch cler {16d} The sd Tho: Twatch is entred for ye 8d of his fathers head as before & for ye other 8d hee is entred by vertue of an order of Court as appeares under ye officers hands so yt now he is to come in chardge for ye whole 16d ref IN000012 1670 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY xpin Carret {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Carrett et pat killip {1 1/2d} Entred as before ref IN000003 1670 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleode {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleode ^kown^ {1 1/2d} cum eo The sd Jo: Curloede koun is entred by vertue of bill of saile from pson Robt: Parr according to his own certi[=] ficate of request hereunto annexed the money beinge tendered in Court as in ye sd request is desired which parson Robt parr had bought ye sd rent from one donald Curleode in ye right of himselfe & his brother Willm as by ye saile from ye sd Donald to the sd pson Robt Parr & from ye sd pson Parr to ye sd Jo: Curleode koun may more at large appeare rese[=] ving nevryeless ye right of ye sd Wm or any other to ye prmises if any bee [Parr's note is attached to the opposite page] ref IN000018 1670 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleode NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleode koun {9d} cum eo as before ref IN000001 1670 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY xpian Carrett {1/2d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Carret et patr killip {1/2d} cum ceter Entred ut antea ref IN000002 1670 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY xpian Carrett {1d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Carret et patr killip {1d} cum c Entred ut antea ref IN000004 1670 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Boddough et Avricke boddough NEW ENTRY Ellin Carret et patr killip [] quest avouch yt ye right of this 4d was in Jo: Carrett from whom the same descended to Ellin Carrett his daughter who now wth her sd husband is entred for ye same ref BC002100 1671 Ballacaine 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Finloe Cowley NEW ENTRY Tho Curleode {6d} cum eo The sd Finlo beinge long since dead & Tho: his eldest son in possession of ye whole hath sold this 6d [to] ye sd Tho Curleode now entred for ye same ref BC002100 1671 Ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Croaghen NEW ENTRY Jo: Corraige {20s 3d} Jo: Casement {6d} cu ceter The quest avouch yt ye sd Jo: Croaghen should be John Corraige & soe is henceforward to forth in chardge [wc]h Corraige hath sould 6d of this rent to John [Ca]sement now entred by Bill of sayle confirmed [b]y ye officers ref BT001306 1671 Ballatersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Tho: Curleode {6s 9d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleode {6s 7d} Wm Curleode {2d} cu ceter [The] sd Tho: Curleod being dead, John his eldest sone is [en]tred for ye sd 6s 7d & ye sd Tho Curleod havinge []ower by ye contract bargaine of his sd eldest sone John [] dispose of ye sd 2d to what child he pleasd hath [?] disposed of ye sd 2d to his sd youngest sone Wm as apears by ye last will & testamt of ye sd Tho Curleod & soe accordingly ye sd Willm is entred f[or] ye same reservinge nevrtheless [ye] right of ye Heires of ye sd John Curleood ye eldest sone as as [?=] lie due unto them ref IN000008 1671 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY John Corleode {2d} NEW ENTRY Wm Curleode his sonne {2d} cu ceter Entered as before ref IN000202 1671 Intacks 00 02 [] OLD ENTRY Issa: Boddough {3d} NEW ENTRY don Curleode {1 1/2d} Jony Cottiam {1 1/2d} cu ceter The sd don Curleode & Margt Cottiam are [] for this 3d rent by ye verdict of a shed[ing] Jury remaininhe upon Record in ye Book of ye yeare 1669 & agreemt made for ye sa[me] ref IN000002 1671 Intacks 00 00 [] OLD ENTRY Mallo: Kermode NEW ENTRY Don Curleode {1/2d} Jony Cottiam {1/2d} cu ceter Entered as before by ye same rec[?] ref BK002108 1672 Ballanally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY Don: Tear {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY Thom Tear {7s 3d} cu ceter This Thom: is entred as heire his father being dead and soe to come forth in charge for the future as succeeding ten[an]t ref IN000203 1672 Intacks 00 02 03 OLD ENTRY don: Tear NEW ENTRY Thom: Tear Entred as before ref IN000203 1672 Intacks 00 02 03 OLD ENTRY Finlo Corraig NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod koun {2d} cu eo cu ceter The right of this fin: Corraiges rent (being 9d as the quest avouch) being in Jo: his son hath sould ^2d of^ the same to ye said Curleod as appears by bill of Sayle confirmed by the officls nevr= theless relacon had to the clause of the sd confirmacon ref IN000014 1672 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Jo: Quayle & Thom Kinley {1 3/4d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cally {1 3/4d} cu eo et ceter This 1 3/4d chardged on the names of Jo: Quaile ^& Tho: Kinley^ as their proporcon (the quest avouching the same) being in the right of Jo: Mcyllrea by the marriage of his wife Kath Cally (the other [phill?] remaind on the name of Thom Kinley) as appears by bill of sayle con= firmed by the officers ref BM001700 1672 Ballonirn 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY don: Harrison {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Wm Harrison {8s 6d} cu ceter The father don: now drawn is dead ye son entred as heyre ref BM001700 1672 Ballonirn 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Thom: Cowley {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY John: Cowley {8s 6d} cu ceter Entred by course of heyreship ref BM002100 1672 Ballonirn 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Fin: Cowley NEW ENTRY Jo: Cowley cu ceter This Finlo being father to ye above Thomas is now drawne & this John entred by cause of heyreship as afforesd ref COMMENT 1672 See for more entrys in this parish towards ye latter end of this book ref BB002808 1672 EX Ballaskebagg 00 28 08 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo Corleod John is entred by heyreship from his father Phill now drawn ref BY002100 1672 EX Ballamonie 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson The father dead and the son Nich now entred heyre ref BY001800 1672 EX Ballamonie 00 18 00 OLD ENTRY Thom: Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred as before ref BY000200 1672 EX Ballamonie 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod ballahaige entred as before in Ballaskebegg ref BC001806 1672 EX Ballacayne 00 18 06 OLD ENTRY Thom Craine {9s 3d} NEW ENTRY Pat: Craine {9s 3d} cu ceter Entred by course of heyreship his father Thom: now drawne being dead ref BC001806 1672 EX Ballacayne 00 18 06 OLD ENTRY Nich Craine {9s 3d} NEW ENTRY John Craine {9s 3d} cu ceter entred by heyrship ref BT001306 1672 EX Ballatersin 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Rob: Kinred {6s 9d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Kinred {6s 9d} cu ceter The father dead and the son entred now heyre ref BT002004 1672 EX Ballatersin 00 00 24 OLD ENTRY Phill Cowley {4s 3d} Phill Cowley {4s 3d} NEW ENTRY Thom: Cowley {4s 3d} Thomas Cowley {4s 3d} cu ceter Entred by course of heyreship after his father now drawne ref BT001308 1672 EX Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Phill Cowley {6s 7d} NEW ENTRY Thom: Cowley {6s 7d} cu ceter entred as before ref BT001308 1672 EX Ballatersin 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Averick Quayle {2d} NEW ENTRY Fin: Quayle {2d} cu ceter Entred by herreship from ye sd Averick his mother now drawn and soe to be charged in her place for this rent for the future ref BK002006 1672 EX Ballavally 00 20 06 OLD ENTRY John Cry {13s 8d} NEW ENTRY Pat: Cry {13s 8d} cu ceter The father is dead and the son now entred heyre ref BK001700 1672 EX Ballavally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Don: Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY Wm Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter This Wm is entred by heyreship in the place of his father now dead and drawn ref BK001700 1672 EX Ballavally 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Don: Stephan {5s 8d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephan {5s 8d} cu ceter entred by heirship from his father now drawn ref BK000016 1672 EX Ballanally 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John Cry {5 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Pat Cry {5 1/2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref CR001700 1672 EX Scrondall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Don: Curleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY John Curleod {8s 6d} cu ceter This don: now drawne being the right pprietr of this rent and dyeing wthout issue (as ye quest avouch) the same fell by right into Jo: Corleod brother of ye sd don: and grandfather to this Jo: now entred and soe it by course of heyrship descended to sd Jo: and then entred accordinglie ref IN000010 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY John Cry {7d} NEW ENTRY Pat Cry {7d} cu ceter Entred as affore in ye QuartrLand ref IN000800 1672 EX Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Nich: Craine {2s 4d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Craine {2s 4d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000004 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Thom: Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred intack in ye QuartrLand ref IN000012 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Cry {4d} NEW ENTRY Pat: Cry {4d} cu ceter ut ante ref IN000300 1672 EX Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo Corleod ballahaig [grouped with entry below] ref IN000012 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod Ballahaig Entred as before in ye QuartrLand ref IN000008 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Averick Quayle {2d} NEW ENTRY Fin: Quayle {2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000008 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Robt kinred {2d} NEW ENTRY Thom kinred {2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN 1672 EX Intacks OLD ENTRY John Cry {2d} NEW ENTRY Pat Cry {2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000020 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY John Cry {7d} NEW ENTRY Pat Cry {7d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000300 1672 EX Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Craine {2s} NEW ENTRY Pat Craine {2s} cu ceter Entred as in ye QurtrLand ref IN000300 1672 EX Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Nich Craine {12d} NEW ENTRY John Craine {12d} cu ceter Entred as afforsd ref IN000012 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Nich: Craine {1d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Craine {1d} cu ceter ut ante ref IN000300 1672 EX Intacks 00 03 00 OLD ENTRY Averick Quayle {6d} NEW ENTRY Fin: Quaile {6d} cu ceter Entered as before ref IN000012 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Thom Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred as before ref IN000004 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Robt kinred {1d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Kinred {1d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000014 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY don: Stephan et Averick Quayle {1 3/4d} NEW ENTRY Fin: Quayle cu ^eo et^ ceter Fin is to be entred in Avericks part of this rent uppon the rea= son afforeshewed ref IN000014 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Thom: Stephan et Aver: Quayle {3 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Fin Quayle cu ceter Entred in Averick stead ut ante ref IN000009 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Aver: Quayle et don: Stephan {4 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Fin Quayle cu ceter to be entred as before for Avericks part ref IN000004 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Thomas Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson ut ante ref IN000001 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Averick Quayle NEW ENTRY Fin: Quayle ut ante ref IN000204 1672 EX Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod Ballahaige [no comment given] ref IN000008 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod Ballahaige cu ceter [no comment given] ref IN000002 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Averick Quayle NEW ENTRY Fin Quayle ut ante ref IN000002 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY don: Stephen et Averick Quaill {6d} NEW ENTRY Fin Quayle {6d} cu ceter Entred for Avericks part as afforesd ref IN000004 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod ballahaig as before entred ref IN000008 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson ut ante ref IN000002 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Phill Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo Corleod Ballahaige cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000002 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Thom: Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson ut ante ref IN000304 1672 EX Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Thom: Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson cu ceter ut ante ref IN000008 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson [no comment given] ref IN000200 1672 EX Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Quayle NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson cu ceter {2d} The Quest avouch that Nich is in possesion of this rent being 2d and payeth the same. Therefore ought to come forth in charge for ye future ref IN000204 1672 EX Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Callister NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson cu ceter Nich is in possession and payeth the rent as the Quest avouch Therefore is to come forth in charge for ye future ref IN000002 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Thom: Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson as before ref IN000001 1672 EX Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Thom: Thompson NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson ut ante ref BC002100 1673 Ballacaine 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY John Coriage {20s 3d} NEW ENTRY John: Cowley {12d} cu eo et ceter This Cowley is entred by vertue of a Bill of Sayle from and under the hands of ye sd John Coraige and his wife Jony & son John, being 2 parcells called by the names of Crott necronny & Ellen begg the con= sideracon being 9l 17s for ye sd Closes as in ye sd Byl appeareth haveing ye conformacon of ye officls thereunto, which is alwayes to be observed for our honrble Lords interest ref IN000016 1673 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thomas Curleod NEW ENTRY Patt Craine ^curraugh^ cu eo The quest avouch that the right ^of this^ rent was in Jony Freer being wife to ye sd Thomas Curleod now drawne, who in her last will and Testamt bequeathed this 4d being q part of ys 16d unto ye sd Patt Craine, who ought to come forth in charge accordingly for ye future ref IN000200 1673 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Fin: Corraige NEW ENTRY William: Gawne {17d} cu eo This William Gawne is entered by vertue of a Byll of Sayle from and under the hands of Jo: Corraige son and heire of the sd Fin: now drawn, wth the consent of his wife Jony Casemt als Corraige & Jo theire eldest son, and approbacon and confirmacon to ye sd Bill, whereunto relacon unto he had, if occasion be, for some condicon of morgage specified therein for years not as yett unexpired and other obligatory covents as therein alsoe appearth ref IN000008 1673 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Curleod NEW ENTRY Patt: Craine curraugh {2d} cu eo entred for ye 4th part as before ref IN000012 1673 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY William Clerk {3d} NEW ENTRY Thomas mcyllvare {3d} cu ceter Entred by vertue of a Bill of Sayle confirmed by the offcls, from William Clerke afsd wth his wiffes consent thereunto for this rent being a pcell called nappin acre as the sd Byll recites ref IN000200 1673 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Curleod NEW ENTRY Patt Craine Curraugh {1/4d} cu eo et ceter Entered as before for the 4th pte of this rent being 1/4d ref CO000020 1673 Cottages 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Fin: Curleod NEW ENTRY John Curleod Ballahaige This Fin: Curleod was grandfather to ye sd John Curleod now entred by course of heyreship according to the anncient custome of this Island ref CR001700 1674 Secondall 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY John Curleod {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Michell Crosse {8s 6d} cu ceteris Entred by vertue of a bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers ref IN000504 1674 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY John Quayle {2s 8d} NEW ENTRY John Lace kk bride {2s 8d} cum ceteris There being a [faite?] at Comon Law betwixt ys sd John Lace & Joh Quayle about the sd rent of 2s 8d and the same coming to a tryall before a traverse Jury it was concluded upon by the sd pties as apears by an instrumt under both their hands witnessed by the sd transverse Jury bearinge date the 25th of may 1672 towitt that the sd John Lace should enter upon halfe of the sd rent after the second day of the date of the sd writing and the other halfe at the end & experracon of 5 yeares payinge onely in the sd time halfe the rent & Joh Quayle the other parte. Nevertheless the sd lace is now entred for the whole reserving the right of the sd John Quayle for the remaininge pt of the sd yeares paying half the sd rent for the tearme afforesd in performance of the agreemt under their hand unto wch relacon is to be had at all times hereafter as occacon shall serve ref IN000304 1674 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Christian Quayle {11d} NEW ENTRY Phillip Canell Lrgeybreck KK Michell {3 1/2d} Joh Caighen kk michell {7 1/2d} cu ceteris The sd Christian Quayle being longe since dead, the right of this 11d fell unto the sd Phillip Cannell her sonn, who hath sould the above 7 1/2d thereof to the above John Caighen as appeares by bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers, and soe their severall names to come forth in charge for the future for 3 1/2d & 7 1/2d relacon nevertheless is to be had to the order of confirmacon made in the sd case, and reservinge like- wise the Right of the grandchild of the sd Phillip Cannell the now heire apparent or of any other if any be ref IN001909 1674 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY John Freere {1d} NEW ENTRY Tho: mcylvorrey {1d} cum ceteris The sd John Freere beinge dead and the right of this 1d beinge in his son Thomas is sold by him the sd Thomas as by Sayle confirmed apears ref IN000504 1675 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY John Lace kk Bride {2s 8d} NEW ENTRY William Killip {10d & 2pts of 1d} cu eo et ceter The said William killip is entred by vertue of a Bill of Saile from ye sd Jo Lace and his wiffe confirmed by ye officers, relacon nevertheless to be had to the caution made in ye confirmacon ref IN000800 1675 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY John Teare et Mally Kissaige {3s 8d} NEW ENTRY John Killip {5d} cu cis et ceters John killip is entred for this 5d rent being ye fifth parte of a meddow called Lanymore, with six yards over or in qr breadth there being ye like propocon formerly purchased by the sd John killip in ye sd meddow, by vertue of a Bill of Saile from John Teare son and heyre to the sd Jo Teare and Mally Kissaige confir= med by the officers. relacon nevertheless to be had to the caution made in ys sd confirmacon ref IN000001 1675 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Christn Kinley NEW ENTRY In man domini The quest avouch that the Tennt of this rent is fallen to decay and yt ye sd inclosure is prejudiciall to ye passage of the highway. Therefire the rent is hereafter to cease ref BC002100 1676 ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY John Corraige {19s 3d} NEW ENTRY Wm mcylrea {20d} Jo: Casmt {10d} cu eo et cetrus The sd Wm Mcylrea & Jo: Casmt is entred for ye sd rents by vertue of two sevrall bills of Sayles from ye sd Corraige confirmed by ye officers whereunto relacon is to bee had In respect of my Lords Intrest wch is always to bee observed ref IN001300 1676 Intacks 00 13 00 OLD ENTRY Mary Quayle NEW ENTRY Ellin Quayle et patr xpin Mary Quayle beinge dead & ye right of it beinge in her sone Robt Quayle who is likewise dead & by his last will & alsoe a contract bargane gave ye sd land to his daughter Ellin, who hath likewise recorded ye same by course of law, & is now therefore wth her husband patr: xpin entred for ye same ref IN000800 1676 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Gilbt Caly {9d} NEW ENTRY patrick Caly {9d} cu cetrus The quest avouch yt ye right of this land is in ye sd patr: Caly by ye death of Gilbt Caly his unkle & therefore entred for ye same ref IN000200 1676 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY don: Stephan {6d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Stephan {3d} Avricke Stephan {1 1/2d} don Stephan {1 1/2d} cu cetrus The sd don: Stephan beinge dead left by his last will this 1 1/2d rent unto his sd daughter Avricke & Jo: [] being interested in ye other 4 1/2d by ye death of ye sd don: Stephan his father, sold 1 1/2d more of it unto ye sd din: & Tho: Syephan as appeares by a bill of Sayle confirmed by ye officers whereunto relacon is alw[ays] to bee had for certaine condicons betwixt don: & [] by wch condicon ^don:^ is only entred for ye sd 1 1/2d & [ye] quest doe further say ye altho ye sd Avricke be [set?] for ye other 1 1/2d yett ye same to descend to ye children of her formr husband Jo: Quayle & this ^[?]^ avricke [entered vertically] are both entred ref COMMENT 1676 Inserted deed of sale from Thomas Boddough dated 1668/9 ref IN 1676 Intacks OLD ENTRY Gilbt Caly {4 1/2d} NEW ENTRY patr Caly {4 1/2d} cu cetrus Entred as before ref IN001909 1676 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Tho: Caloe {2d} Gilbt Caloe {2d} Wm Caloe {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: mcylvorrey {6d} cu cetrus The avouch yt ye right of these rents was in Wm Caloe deceased who in his life ^tyme^ passed it away unto ye sd Tho mcylvorrey as appears by a bill Sayle confirmed by ye officers & therefore accordingly entred ref IN000004 1676 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Ew: Caly {4d} NEW ENTRY patricke Caly Ewan Caly beinge longe since dead & ye sd patr: Caly his grandchild is entred accordinge to ye custome of ye country ref IN000203 1676 Intacks 00 02 03 OLD ENTRY Fin Corraige NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod {6d} cu eo cetris Fin: Corraige beinge dead & ye right falling to his sone John hee hath sold ye sd 6d to ye sd Curleod as appears by two bills of Sayles confirmed by ye officers ref IN000006 1676 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Phill Cottiam {3d} NEW ENTRY Ann Curleod {3d} cu cetris The sd Phill Cottiam came into Court & surrendered this rent to ye sd ^Ann^ Curleod therefore entred for ye same reserveing evry mans right if any bee ref IN000202 1676 Intacks 00 02 02 OLD ENTRY phill Cottiam {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Ann Curleod {1 1/2d} cu cetrus Entred as before ref FB000010 1676 Firm Bras 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Tho: Quayle {6d} NEW ENTRY don: Boddough {2d} Tho: Curleod {2d} Jo: Curleod [lqueene?] {2d} cu cetr This [?] rent being decayed & none found to pay ye rent therefore ye quest for maintenance of ye Lords rent hath Imposed ye sd rent upon ye psons before named who are hereafter to bee chardged for ye same ref BG002500 1677 Broughjarge 00 25 00 OLD ENTRY Margt Kissaige et Jo: Corleod NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod Broughjarg The sd Mrgt Kissaige & Jo: Curleod being long since dead the Right of this rent fell due to his Tho: Curleod who beinge since dead, it fell to their grandchild Jo: Curleod who is now entred according to ye custom of ye countrey ref BK002108 1677 Ballvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY Don: Teare {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare ^Senr^ {7s 4d} cum cetrus The father is dead & ye sone entred accordinge to ye custome of ye cuntrey ref BK002108 1677 Ballvally 00 21 08 OLD ENTRY Jo: Stephen {7s 3d} NEW ENTRY Tho Stephan {7s 3d} cu ceter The father is dead & ye sone is entred accordinge to ye custome of ye cuntrey ref BK002000 1677 Ballvally 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Don: Teare {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY John Teare {3s 4d} cu cetris The father is dead & ye sine is entred accordinge to ye custome of ye cuntrey ref CN001511 1677 Carndall 00 15 11 OLD ENTRY Jaimes Craine {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Craine {2d} cu cetrs The father is dead & ye sone entred accordinge to ye custome of ye cuntrey ref IN000204 1677 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Mrgt Kissaige et Jo: Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod Broughjarge Entred as before ref IN000200 1677 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Mrgt Kissaige et Jo: Curleod NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod Broughjarge Entred as before ref IN000204 1677 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {14d} NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod ^broughjarge^ {14d} cu cetrs Entred as before ref IN000016 1677 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY don: Teare {5 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Teare {5 1/2d} cu cetris Entred as before ref IN000020 1677 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Don: Teare {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare senr {2d} cu cetris Entred as before ref IN000400 1677 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Mrgt Kissaige {5d} NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod ^Broughjarge^ {5d} cu cetris Entred as before ref IN000400 1677 Intacks 00 04 00 OLD ENTRY Mrgt Kissaige {9d} NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod ^broughjarge^ {9d} cu cetris Entred as before ref IN001000 1677 Intacks 00 10 00 OLD ENTRY Mrgt Kissaige {20d} NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod ^broughjarge^ {20d} cu cetris Entred as before ref IN000002 1677 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Avrick Boddough et Kath Quayle NEW ENTRY patr: Killip et Ellin Carrett The Quest avouch yt they are in possession & payeth ye rent therefore accordingly entred ref FB000010 1677 Firm Brac 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY Mrgt Kissaige {4d} NEW ENTRY Jo Curleod broughjarge {4d} cu cetris Entred as before ref COMMENT 1677 [1701 Note re the division of land between John Steane and his sister Avericke Steane] ref BY002010 1678 Ballmoney 00 20 10 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip The father is dead & ye sone is entred as his heire ship ref BY000206 1678 Ballmoney 00 02 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip Entred as before ref BY000404 1678 Ballmoney 00 04 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip {22d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip {22d} cu cetrs Entred as before ref IN000504 1678 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Lace {21 3/4d} NEW ENTRY Wm Killip {16d} cu eo et cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from ye sd Jo: Lace confirmed by ye officers ref IN000012 1678 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Wm: Killip NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip Entred as before [THIS ENTRY APPEARS TO BE CROSSED THROUGH] ref IN000800 1678 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare et Mally Kissaige {3s 2d} NEW ENTRY John Killip {4d} cu eo et cetr The right of this 4d rent falling due as heirship to their sone Jo: Teare, hee hath sold ye same to ye sd Killip as appeares by bill of sayle from himself & his wife - confirmed by ye officers Therefore is entred for ye same reserving our Honrble Lords Intrest as it is in ye con[=] formacon ref IN000006 1678 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip Entred as before ref IN000304 1678 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip Entred as before ref IN001900 1678 Intacks 00 19 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Jo: Steene {3d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Crow {1 1/2d} Jo: Teare et Mally Kissaige {1 1/2d} cu ceter Don Steene grandchild to ye sd Sr John hath delivrd ye sd 1 1/2d by ye straw in Court & Jo: Teare & Maly Kissaige entred by Excusp. Therefore to come forth in chardge for ye future ref IN000008 1678 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Wm Christian NEW ENTRY Robt Quayle The sd Robt Quayle is in possession & payes ye rent Therefore ought to come forth in chardge for ye future ref BB002100 1679 Ballashebagg 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Curleod Junr {10s 6d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod {10s 6d} cu cetrs The father is dead & ye sone is entred according to ue custome of ye countrey ref CN002103 1679 Caindayle 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Adam Cottiam et Adam Cayne {4s 3/4d} NEW ENTRY Mr Cha: xpin et Adam Cayne cu cets {4s 3/4d} The sd Cottiam pte of this rent falling in ye Lords hands & given by ye Govrnr & Atturney (after proclamacon made sevrall tymes in ye pish Church) to Mr Cha: xpin who is in possession & payes ye rent Therefore thus entred ref IN000504 1679 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY Mally Killip {8d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod {8d} cu cetr Entred as before ^in^ Tho: Curleod Junr rent ref IN000800 1679 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Craine {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY patr: Craine {19 1/2d} cu eo et cetr The quest avouch yt ye sd patr: Craine is in possession & payes ye 19 1/2d rent of ye sd Jo: Craines rent. Therefore is now entred for ye same ref IN000006 1679 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Hu: Murrey NEW ENTRY Mr Cha: xpin Entred as before in Cottiams rent ref IN000203 1679 Intacks 00 02 [03?] OLD ENTRY Tho: Curleod NEW ENTRY Tho: Curleod Entred as before ref IN000003 1679 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Hu: Murrey NEW ENTRY Mr Cha: xpin Entred as before ref BC002100 1679 Ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY John Corraige {16s 9d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {12d} Wm mcylrea {6d} cu eo et cetr The sd Tho Cowley & Wm mcylrea are entred by vrtue of their sevrall bills of sayles from ye sd Corraige & his sone confirmed by ye officers ref BK001700 1680 Ballacarin 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Harrisson {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Phill Cowley {8s 6d} cu cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill Sayle from ye sd Wm Harrisson confirmed by ye officers ref BC002100 1680 Ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corraige {15s 3d} NEW ENTRY Wm mcylrea {5d} cu eo et cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of Satle from ye sd Corraige confirmed by ye officers reserving my Lords Intrest as it is in ye confirmacon ref CN002103 1680 Caindall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: Cowley {6d} NEW ENTRY Adam Cayne {6d} cu cetr The Quest avouch yt ye sd Cayne is in possession & payes ye rent, therefore is entred for ye same ref IN000504 1680 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY Jo: Lace {5 3/4d} NEW ENTRY Wm: Killip {5 3/4d} cu cetr The sd Jo: Lace haveing sould this rent unto Rich: Moore, who hath sould ye sd rent unto ye sd Wm Killip, who now is Entred by vrtue of a bill of Sayle confirmed by ye officers ref IN000504 1680 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip {10 3/4d} NEW ENTRY patr: Caly {8d} cu eo et cetr The quest avouch yt ye above Patr: Clay hath a just intrest in ye above 8d by vrtue of a bill of Sayle wch is concealed by ye sd killip & yt hee is in possesion & payes the rent & therefore accordingly entred ref IN001900 1680 Intacks 00 19 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: kelly {18d} NEW ENTRY Jo: kelly {14d} Arthur moughty {4d} cu ceter The sd Tho Kelly beinge dead, his son Jo: is entred for ye sd 14d & hath sould 4d rent unto ^ye sd^ Arthur Moughty who now is entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle confirmed by ye officers ref IN000004 1680 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY John Kelly {1d} NEW ENTRY Wm Moughty cu cetr The sd Moughty is entry by vrtue of a contracon bargane acknowledged before ye deemster ref BC002100 1681 ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corraige {14s 10d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {11d} cu eo et cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from ye John [?] & his sone confirmed by ye officers The Lords right [?=] ed, according to ye reservacon in ye sd confirmacon unto relacon is to be had ref BC002100 1681 ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cowley {12d} NEW ENTRY Wm Killip {12d} cu cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from ye sd [?] phill Cowley & Mrgery Cowley als Curleod confirmed by ye officers ref CN002103 1681 []andall 00 21 03 OLD ENTRY Adam Cayne {6d} Mr Cha: xpin et Adam Cayne {4s 3/4d} Adam Cayne {5s 4 3/4d} NEW ENTRY phill Cayne {} Mr Cha: xpin et phill Cayne {4s 3/4d} phill Cayne {5s 3 3/4d} cu cetr The above phill Caine is entred by vrtue of a contraccon bargain from ye Adam Caine his father wth ye consent of his eldest brother ^James Cain^ proved before ye deemster. Therefore to come forth in chardge in ye above sevrall rents afforesd. ref CN002200 1681 []andall 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Adam Cayne {2s 3d} Adam Cayne {2s 9d} NEW ENTRY phill Cayne {5s} cu cetr Entred as before ref IN000012 1681 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip The father is dead & ye ^sone^ entred & alsoe recorded by order of Court ref IN000004 1681 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Christian Cannell NEW ENTRY Wm Stephan & phill Stephan The quest avouch yt ye sd Wm Stephan & Phill Stephan ought to bee entred for ye same & to come forth in chardg[e] for ye future [ABOVE ENTRY IS CROSSED THROUGH] ref IN000008 1681 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Wm Killip his son Entred by vrtue by ye last will & testamt [ABOVE ENTRY IS CROSSED THROUGH] ref IN000003 1681 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Tho: Cayne {} Tho Kelly {} NEW ENTRY Tho: mcylvorrey {} Tho: mcylvorrey {} cu cetr The sd Tho: mcylvorrey for ye sd Tho: Cayne by vrtue of ye last will & testamt of Tho: Cayne & entred for kelly rent by delivry of straw in court by his John ref IN000016 1681 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cannell NEW ENTRY phill Stephan & Wm Stephan cu cetr The quest avouch yt ye sd ptyes ought to bee ent[ered] for te sd Cannells rent ref BC002100 1682 ballacayne 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corraige {13s 10d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {12d} cu eo et cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from John Corr[aige] & his sone confirmed by ye officers ref BK002000 1682 ballavalley 00 20 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare {3s 4d} Jo: Teare {20d} Jo: Teare {5s} NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare {3s 4d} Tho Teare {20d} Tho: Teare {5s} cu cetr The father is dead & ye sone is entred for ye abovesd rent as next heire thereunto ref IN000008 1682 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Wm Killip NEW ENTRY Wm Killip Jnr Entred by vrtue of ye last will & testamt of Jony Cu[] his mother & alsoe by contract bargane from ye Wm Killip his father & is in possession of ye same by [] ye sd will & contract reservine ye right of Jo: kili[p] & his heires if hee cxan make any to appeare ref IN000020 1682 Intackes 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Christian Quayle Gilbt Cannell NEW ENTRY Tho: Kinley {13d} cu eo The right of this rent fallinge by Inheritance to Phill Cannell & Jo: his sone ^hath^ sould this 13d rent to ye sd kinley by bill of sayle confirmed by ye officers Therefore ye sd Kinley is entred for ye same ref IN000012 1682 Intackes 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY don: Teare NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare Junr {6d} cu cetr The father is dead & ye sone is entred ref IN000006 1682 Intackes 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Hen: Woods NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley Entred by vrtue of a bill of Sayle from ye Hen: Woods & his wife confirmed by ye officers ref IN000200 1682 Intackes 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Nich: Thompson NEW ENTRY John Killip {2d} cu cetr The sd Killip is entred by bargane from ye sd Nich: Thompson wth this provisoe yt yf heires of ye sd Nich: have ^[?]^ to redeem ye same yt they are at liberty to doe ye same upon ye same price as ye sd bargarine specifiyeth ref IN000204 1682 Intackes 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY Nich: Thompson NEW ENTRY Jo: Killip {9d} cu cetr Entred as before wth ye privsoe afforesd ref BC000200 1683 ballacaine 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Hen: Cowley NEW ENTRY Jony Cowley The quest avouch yt this Hen: Cowley, ought to bee Jony Cowley. Therefore is to come forth in chardge for ye future ref BT001306 1683 ballaterson 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {6s 7d} NEW ENTRY Mrgt xpin et Tho: Curleod {2s} Wm Curleod {4s} cu eo er cetr The sd Mrgt xpin & Tho: Curleod are entred by vrtue of a bill from ye sd Jo: Curleod confirmed by ye officers & Wm Curleod entred by bill of exchange alsoe confirmed & soe ye sd psons are to come forth in chardge for their sevrall rents for ye future, unto wch barganes relacone is alwayes to bee had ref BT001306 1683 ballaterson 00 13 06 OLD ENTRY Tho: kinred {6s 9d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod {2d} cu cetr Entred by vrtue of ye bill of exchange as abovesd. Confirmed by ye officers unto wch relacon is to bee had allsoe ref BK000012 1683 ballanalley 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY John Cowley NEW ENTRY Wm Cowley Entred by vrtue of a bill sale from ys John confirmed by ye officers ref IN000008 1683 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Tho Kinred {2d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod {2d} cu cetr Entred as before ref IN000008 1683 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Tho Kinred {1d} Gilbt Cowley {1d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod {2d} cu cetr Entred as before ref IN000008 1683 Intackes 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Gilnow Cowley NEW ENTRY Wm Cowley Entred as before ref IN000008 1683 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Tho Kinred {2d} NEW ENTRY Jo: Curleod {2d} cu cetr Entred as before ref IN000018 1684 Intackes 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY Hen: woods NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan et patr Crayne and Essable Stephan Entred by vrtue of bill of sayle from ye sd woods confirmed by ye officers ref IN000015 1684 Intackes 00 00 15 OLD ENTRY Hen: woods NEW ENTRY Tho: Stephan et patr Craine and Essa: Stephan {4 1/2d} cu eo Entred as before ref IN000200 1684 Intackes 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY don: Teare {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare jnr {4d} cu cetrs the grandfather is dead & the grandson is entred as next heire thereunto ref IN000014 1684 Intackes 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Jo: Teare {4d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare senr {2d} Tho: Teare junr {2d] cu ceter ye quest avouch yt they are in possession & payes ye rent Therefore are entred for ye same ref IN000014 1684 Intackes 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Jo: woods NEW ENTRY Tho: Teare jnr {2d} cu cetr Entred as before ref IN000006 1684 Intackes 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jo: Craine NEW ENTRY Wm Cowley Entred by vrtue of a bull of Sayle from ye children of Jo Craine confirmed by ye officers ref BC002100 1685 ballacaine 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corraige {12s 10d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {2s 6d} cu eo et cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from ye sd Jo: Cor[raige] & his sone John: Corraige jnr confirmed by ye officers ref CN002100 1685 Secondall 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Craine senr NEW ENTRY Wm Craine [Clerke?] The father is dead & ye sone is entred as next hei[r] thereunto ref IN000200 1685 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Fin: Corraige {7d} NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {7d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000200 1685 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Tho: Craine senr NEW ENTRY Wm Craine [Clerke?] Entred as before ref IN000006 1685 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Tho: Cowley NEW ENTRY Robt Stephan Entred by vrtue of a bill pf sayle from ye sd Cowley his wife confirmed by ye officers ref IN000012 1685 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Tho: Craine senr NEW ENTRY Wm Craine [Clerke?] Entred as before ref IN000014 1685 Intacks 00 00 14 OLD ENTRY Tho: Craine senr {2d} NEW ENTRY Wm Craine [Clerke?] {2d} cu cetr Entred as before ref IN000003 1685 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Killip NEW ENTRY Wm Killip Curry The father is dead & ye sone is entred as his Exec ref IN000001 1685 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jo: Killip NEW ENTRY Wm Killip Curry Entred as before ref CO000012 1685 Cottages 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Fin: Corraige NEW ENTRY Tho: Cowley {2 1/d} cu eo Entred as before ref BC001700 1686 Ballacayne 00 17 00 OLD ENTRY Jo: Cowley {8s 6d} NEW ENTRY Wm Cowley {8s 6d} cu cetr Entred by vrtue of a bill of sayle from Wm Cowley son [&] heire to Tho: Cowley deceased who hath ye right of ye s[ame] as ye quest avouch, confirmed by ye officers ref IN000003 1686 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Jo: Curleod {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Ellin Curleod & doll gawne {1 1/2d} cu cetr The sd Ellin beinge daughtedr to ye sd John Curleod ye sd r[ent] fell unto her by Exorsp: Therefore sjee wth her husba[nd] are entred for ye same ref IN000008 1686 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Hen: Woods NEW ENTRY Issa: Kinley et Kath: Curleod cu Tho: Stephan et patr Caly and Issa: Stephen Entred by vrtue of a bill Sayle confirmed by ye officers from Hen: Calthorp & his wife who bought ye same [from] ye sd Hen: woods reservinge evry mans right if any bee ref IN000015 1686 Intacks 00 00 15 OLD ENTRY Hen: Woods {10 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Issa: Kinley et Kath: Curleod cu Tho: Stephan et patr Caly et Issa: Stephen cu cetr {10 1/2d} Entred as before ref IN000004 1686 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Hen: Woods NEW ENTRY Issa: Kinley et Kath: Curleod cu Tho: Stephan et patr Caly et Issa: Stephen Entred as before ref BC002100 1687 Ballacarin 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jon Cowley NEW ENTRY Willia, Cowley Patt Cowley {7s} cum ceter Jon Cowley is dead and his Bro: William Cowley entred as heyre unto him wch William Cowley hath (wth the consent of his wife) sold 7s rent of the same unto his Bro patt: Cowley as appears by a Bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers as in herein annexed. [A copy of the bill is given on the opposite page] ref BC002008 1687 Ballacaine 00 20 [] OLD ENTRY William Curlett NEW ENTRY Thomas Curlett Ballacaine Tho: Curlett a grandchild to Wm Curlett, who is entred right heyre, according to the custome of the Island ref IN000200 1687 Intackes 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY William Curleod NEW ENTRY Thomas Curleod ^Ballacayne^ ut supra ref IN000016 1687 Intackes 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Patt: Craine {4d} NEW ENTRY Jon Craine curraugh {4d} cum ceter patt Craine hath bequeathed this parcell unto his sd so[n] Jon Craine by his last will and testamt and is entrd as right tent to the same ref IN000008 1687 Intackes 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Patt: Craine curraugh {2d} NEW ENTRY Jon Craine curraugh {2d} cum ceter entred as before ref IN000304 1687 Intackes 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY Wm Curleod NEW ENTRY Thomas Curlett ^Ballacyn^ entred as before ref IN000200 1687 Intackes 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Curleod NEW ENTRY Thomas Curlett Ballacyn entred as before ref IN000200 1687 Intackes 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Patt Craine {1/4d} curry NEW ENTRY Jon Craine {1/4d} curraugh cum ceter ut ante ref BT001308 1688 Ballatersen 00 13 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Stephan {3s 4d} NEW ENTRY Fin: Quayle {1d} cum eo et ceter Phill Stephan grandchild unto the above Thomas Stephan haveing the right of the above Rent by tytle of discent hath ^wth consent of his wife^ passed over two small parcells of 1d rent being single, unto the said Fin Quayle, in exchange of a [Sleades?] cutting of turffe in Kissages close, wch formerly belonged to the said Fin: Quayle and his Ancestors as by certain Articles concluded upon betwixt them, confirmed by the officers may appear. ref IN000016 1688 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thomas Curlett {12d} NEW ENTRY William Curlett & his children {3d} cum eo et ceter The Quest avouch that the above William Curlett and his children have the right of the above 3d rent by vertue of a decree made in the Spirituall Court upon the death of Wm Boddough orphan, and a resignacon made by Dollin Gawne who was interested in the one halfe wth them, wch was made by him before some of the Quest as they averr in Court; yet nevertheless because Wm Boddoughes Relacon clame a right to the same, the Court have reserved their Right to be tryed by due course of Law. ref IN000008 1688 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Thomas Curlett {6d} NEW ENTRY William Curlett & his children {1 1/2d} cum eo et ceter Entred as before ref IN000200 1688 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Thomas Curlett NEW ENTRY Dollin Gawne cu eo et ceter Dollin Gawn is entred by agreement betwixt the above Wm Curlett & himself as the quest avouch, the right having fallen to them by the sd decree of the Spirituall Court as is above averred by the Quest reserveing the rigt of the Relacon of Wm Boddough as abovesd ref COMMENT 1689 No entries in 1689 ref IN000504 1690 Intacks 00 05 04 OLD ENTRY William Callister {8d} NEW ENTRY Robt Killip {8d} cu ceter The above Wm Callister haveing given the above pcell of 8d rent unto his son Jon Callister in contract of marriage [?] as the quest avouch he wth his wife Ellin have passed over the same unto the sd Ro Killip by Bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers ref IN000008 1690 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jon Gawne {2d} NEW ENTRY Ro: Steane {2d} cu ceter Jon Gawne being dead and the Right of this Land falling to his son Wm Gawne he hath sold the same to the sd Ro Steane who is to come onto in charge for the same accordingly ref IN000008 1690 Intacks 00 00 08 OLD ENTRY Jon Gawne {1d} Jon Gawne {1d} NEW ENTRY Robt Steane {2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000006 1690 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY William Callister {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Thomas Cullip {1 1/2d} cu ceter The Quest avouch that the sd William Callister hath given this 1 1/2d rent unto his son Jon Callister in contract and he with his wife have passed over the same unto the sd Tho: Killip by Bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers ref IN000200 1690 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Jon Gawne {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Ro Steane {1 1/2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000001 1690 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY Jon Gawne junr NEW ENTRY Ro Steane Entred as before ref IN000003 1690 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Don: Carrett NEW ENTRY William Keymaine The Quest avouch that the right of this Rent descended unto Jon Comish being grandchild to the sd don: Carrett and he wth his wife Ann have passed over the same unto the sd Wm Keymaine by Bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers ref BC002100 1690 GD Ballacaine 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Jon Corraige {10s 4d} Thoms Cowley {2s 6d} Thom Cowley {12d} Thomas Cowley {12d} Wm Mcylrea {5d} Thomas Cowley {12d} Wm Mcylrea {6d} Wm Mcylrea {20d} Jon Casement {10d} Wm Killip {12d} Jon Casement {6d} William Crenilt {3d} NEW ENTRY Jon Corraige {4s 2d} Thomas Cowley {11s 9d} Capn William Mcylrea {3s} William Killip {20d} Jon Craine {2d} Jon Crenilt {3d} Jon Corraige son to the above Jon Corraige now drawn haveing petconed [the] Court in the last Sheading Court week at peeletowne that his sd father Jon Corraige had sold and alienated severall parcells of his tenemt to the above nameds psons and had sett but a very small rent on each paercell soe that a great pte of the Rent remained upon him and had but a small pcell of the land in his hands, not near pporconable to the rent ^paid by him^ [?] [?] whereof the Setting quest of that parish were ordered to vew & [?] parte or porcon of the Tenemt and to equalize the Rent according to each holding wch they have done accordingly now in Court, and the sd psons [?] now in possession of the sd land are entred in theire porcon of rent over [] [.. ..] in charge in that maner for the future. ref IN001911 1691 Intacks 00 19 [] OLD ENTRY Jon Kelly {14d} NEW ENTRY Patrick Kelly {2 1/2d} cu eo et ceter The above Jon Kelly hath with the consent of his wife Kathrn passed over the said 2 1/2d rent unto the sd Patr: Kelly by a Bill of Sayle confirmed by the officers ref IN000800 1692 Intacks 00 08 00 OLD ENTRY Jon Craine {11d} NEW ENTRY Jony Quayle {11d} cu ceter Jon Craine in dead and Jony his grandchild is entred, to whom the right is now discended as the Queste avouch ref IN000003 1692 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Eliz: Kinley NEW ENTRY Jon Cowle The right of this 3d rent falling to Mich Cally her son he hath in Court acknowledged to have surrendred up the same to the sd Jon Coune being for a waste pece of group neer the Gleebe of Ballaugh Church ref CO000006 1692 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Jon Curlett NEW ENTRY Jon Cowle The quest avouch that this 6d rent hath laid wast for sevrall years, being ^for^ a housestead and small garden near the River side under Ballaugh Church called Taii cloddy the said Jon Cowle hath taken the same and engaged to payeth rent thereof for the future ref IN000006 1693 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY William Boddough {3d} Ann Curlett {3d} NEW ENTRY John Martin John Martin hath recovered this parcell by the proceedinge of Law & the verdict of the 24 Keyes made in the year 1687 and this parcell is fallen wholly to his [Demission?] being called Crotte callister ref IN000202 1693 Intacks 00 02 02 OLD ENTRY William Boddough {1 1/2d} Ann Curlett {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY John Martin {3d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000006 1693 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY William Boddough NEW ENTRY Thomas Boddough The sd Thomas Boddough is entred as heyr to his father Wm Boddough for this parcell being in the South west end of Callisters Crosse, as the Quest avouch ref IN000004 1693 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY William Boddough NEW ENTRY John Martin {3/4d} Thomas Boddough {3 1/4d} Thomas Boddough is entred for the sd 3 1/4d to make him equall with the sd Jon martin in this and and the above 9d wch fell to his parte in the demission as abovesd as the quest have setled and rectified betwixt them. ref IN000012 1693 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY William Boddough NEW ENTRY John Martin {9d} Thomas Boddough {3d} Jon martin is entred for 3 parts of this Rent and Thom Boddough for the fourth parte according to the sd order of the 24 Keyes reserving never- theless the right of the sd Tho: Boddough to the same during his life only as tthe sd order mentioneth ref IN000010 1693 Intacks 00 00 10 OLD ENTRY William Boddough NEW ENTRY Jon Martin {7 1/2d} Thomas Boddough {2 1/3d} Entred as before ref IN000311 1693 Intacks 00 03 11 OLD ENTRY Wm Boddough {2d} NEW ENTRY John Martin {1 1/2d} Thomas Boddough {1/2d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000003 1693 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Wm Boddough {1d} NEW ENTRY Jon Martin {3/4d} Thomas Boddough {1/4d} cu ceter as before ref IN000012 1693 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Wm Boddough {3d} NEW ENTRY Jon Martin {2 1/4d} Tho: Boddough {3/4d} cu ceter as before ref IN000012 1693 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY William Craine plack {2d} NEW ENTRY William Curlett Ballamoney {2d} cu ceter William Craine hath acknowledged in Court to have surrendered this [pcell] of 2d Rent unto the sd Wm Curlett being a pece of wast ground [in] the Land of patr: Cry of the Bollough and descires that this [rent] maybe entred for the same accordingly ref IN000200 1693 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY William Boddough {1d} NEW ENTRY John Martin {3/4d} Thomas Boddough {1/4d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000204 1693 Intacks 00 02 04 OLD ENTRY John Corraige {3d} John Curlett {6d} NEW ENTRY patrick Cannell {9d} cu ceter patr: Cannell hath 6d of this Rent by marriage wth the daughter of John Curlett and hath bought the other 3d from Jon Corraig son to the sd Jon Corraige now drawne by Bill of Sayle confirm[ed] by the officers ref IN000001 1693 Intacks 00 00 01 OLD ENTRY William Boddough NEW ENTRY John Martin {3/4d} Tho Boddough {1/4d} Entred as before ref CO000006 1693 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY William Boddough NEW ENTRY Jon Martin {4 1/2d} Thom Boddough {1 1/2d} [grouped with entries below] ref CO000006 1693 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Boddough {3d} NEW ENTRY John Martin {2 1/4d} Thomas Boddough {3/4d} cu ceter [grouped with entry below] ref CO000006 1693 Cottages 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Wm Boddough {3d} NEW ENTRY John Martin {2 1/4d} Thomas Boddough {3/4d} cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000020 1693 Intackes 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Thomas Kinley {13d} NEW ENTRY Issa: Kinley & Tho: Killip {6 1/2d} John Tear {6 1/2d} cu ceter Issa: Kinley and her husband are entred for the halfe of the Rent of Thomas Kinley by the last will and testamt of their mother Katherin: Kinley wife to the sd Thomas Kinley, and the sd John Tear is entred for the other half by vertue of the will of his grandfather Thomas Kinley decd as by the sd severall wills may appear: the same being a parcell of Land called Kelly's close ref BC002100 1694 Ballacaine 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY John Corrage {4s 2d} NEW ENTRY John Cowle {18d} cum eo et ceteris John Cowle is entred by vertue of a Bill of Sayle from ye said [Jo] Corage confirmed by ye officers ref IN001909 1694 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY Patrick Caine {6s 8d} NEW ENTRY Ro: Boddaugh {2s} cu eo et ceteris Wm Caine granchild to ye above Pat: Caine hath sold the 2s Rent unto ye sd Ro: Boddaugh by vertue of a Bill of Sa[le] confirmed by ye officers ref IN000003 1694 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY John Curlett ne howne {1 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Patr Cannell et Jony uxor ejus {1 1/2d} cum ceteris The above Pat: Cannell and Jony his wife are entred by vertie [of a] contract of marriage from ye said John Curlett and also by his [last] will and testamt as ye Quest [decoates?] ref IN000018 1694 Intacks 00 00 18 OLD ENTRY John Curlett ne howne {9d} NEW ENTRY Patrick Cannell et Jony uxor ejus cum ceteris Entred as before ref IN000200 1694 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Phill Curlett {1d} NEW ENTRY Wm Cowley {1d} cu ceteris Entred by vertue of a Bill of Sale confirmed by ye officers [from] Wm Courlett Ballatersin to whom ye sd peny rent belonged as [ye] quest do vowch ref IN000016 1694 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Tho Curlett {9d} NEW ENTRY John Freer {5 1/2d} cu ^eo et^ ceteris The right of this ^5 1/2d^ rent haveing fallen unto Ann Crenilt as the Quest doe avouch she hath passed over ye same unto ye sd Jon F[reere] by a Bill of Sale confirmed by ye officers. ref IN000016 1694 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Thos Curlett {9d} NEW ENTRY Jon Freer {2 1/4d} cu eo et ceteris The right of this 2 1/4d being in Ro: Boddaugh by his wife sold ye same un[to] John Freer by a Bill of Sale confirmed by ye oficers ref BY002200 1695 Ballamoney 00 22 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Patrick Thompson Clerc NEW ENTRY Nicho: Thompson Mr Jon Thompson of London son to ye sd Sr Pat Thompson haveing ye Tennt right of ye above land called ballamoney wth ye severall apurtenances after ye death or decease of his said father according to ye Custome of ye Isle hath passed over ye same unto ye sd Nicho Thompson by deed of Saile allowed of & confirmed by ye officers ref IN000304 1695 Intacks 00 03 04 OLD ENTRY phill Cannell {3 1/2d} Jon Caighen {7 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Tho Tear Sen {4d} cum eiis et ceter The Right of ye above three pence halfe penny rent on ye name of phill Cannell being now in ye above named John Caighen he hath with ye consent of his wife passed over ye same togethr with one halfe penny of it: [Each?] leased over his owne name ditto ye said Tho: Tear by Bill of Sayle confirmed by ye officers ref IN000600 1695 Intacks 00 06 00 OLD ENTRY Sr patr thompson Clerc NEW ENTRY Nich thompson entred as before ref IN000016 1695 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY Sr patr thompson Clerc NEW ENTRY Nich: thompson {8d} cum ceter entred as before ref IN000016 1695 Intacks 00 00 16 OLD ENTRY John Quirk {2d} NEW ENTRY Tho mcGlchrist {2d} cu ceteris the above tho Mcylechrist is entred for ye above two pence ^being^ for a peece of a Meaddo called Hichtrs meddow by vertue of a bill of Sayle from ye: said John Quirk confirmed by ye officers ref IN000006 1695 Intacks 00 00 06 OLD ENTRY Christian Quayle {3d} NEW ENTRY Jon Kaighen {3d} cu ceter The above Christian Quayle being long since dead and ye eighth of ye above three pence rent falling unto her grandson Gilbt Cannell of Largabreck in ye parish of KK Michell he hath passed over ye same unto ye said Jon: Kaighen by Bill of Seale confirmed by ye officers reserveing nevrtheless ye widdow right of ye said Gilbt wife in case she survive her husband according to ye custome of ye country ref IN000200 1695 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Robt kinred {12d} NEW ENTRY In Mann Dom cu ceter {12d} This rent being now surrendered into ye Lords hands by Wm Quayle late tennt ye Govr both ordred ye Rent to cease ref IN000200 1695 Intacks 00 02 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Callistr {12d} NEW ENTRY In Mann dom cu ceter this rent being likewise waist and noe pson now liveing to pay ye same the Govr hath ordred ye rent to cease untill a tennt can be found to take ye same ref IN000020 1695 Intacks 00 00 20 OLD ENTRY Christian Quayle Gilbt Cannell NEW ENTRY Jon Kaighen {6d} cum ceter Entred as before ref IN001000 1695 Intacks 00 10 00 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson Cler {8s 4d} NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson cu ceter Entred as before ref IN000004 1695 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Jon Craine NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson cu eo et ceter Nich Thompson is entred for halfe of this Jon Craine [] being two ptes of a penny and formerly belonginge to [] tenemt of Ballamooney now purchased by him. ref IN001909 1695 Intacks 00 19 09 OLD ENTRY John Kelly {6 1/2d} NEW ENTRY Robt Killip {5d} cu eo et cet The said Robt Killip is entred for ^ye said^ pcell of land called Cleose noae by Bill of Sayle from ye said John Kelly and Kath his wife confirmed by ye officers ref IN000003 1695 Intacks 00 00 03 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson Cler NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred as before ref IN000002 1695 Intacks 00 00 02 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson Cler NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred as before ref IN000009 1695 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson Cler NEW ENTRY Nich: Thompson Entred as before ref IN000012 1695 Intacks 00 00 12 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson Cler NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred as before ref IN000004 1695 Intacks 00 00 04 OLD ENTRY Sr Patr Thompson Cler NEW ENTRY Nich Thompson Entred as before ref BC002100 1696 Ballacaine 00 21 00 OLD ENTRY Wm Cowley {13s 6d} NEW ENTRY Adam Callister {13s 6d} cu cetr Entred by vertue of a Bill of Saile from the sd Cowley and Jane his wife allowed and confirmed by ye officers ref IN000009 1696 Intacks 00 00 09 OLD ENTRY Nich: Thompson NEW ENTRY Wm Killip Entered by vrtue of a Bill of Saile from the said Nich: Thompson and Margt his wife to Wm Killip decd father to ye said Wm now entered as descending to him by ye last will and testament of his sd father ref BC002100 1697 Ballacaine 00 00 21 OLD ENTRY Jo: Corrage {2s 8d} NEW ENTRY Jon: Cowley {1s 6d} cu eo et cet Jon Cowle is entred by vertue of a Bill of Sayle from Jon Corrage son to ye above sd Corrage allowed of and confirmed by ye officers ref COMMENT 1698 No entries for 1698 ref COMMENT 1699 No entries for 1699