Libri Vastarum
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Lease Book
Composition Bks
- 1610 composition book (Mic)
- 1643 compositions (Mic)
- 1643 fines and receipts (Mic)
- c1655 survey of leases (Mic)
- 1660 benevolences (Mic)
- 1666 lives for (Mic)
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- 1691 lives (Mic)
- 1704 compositions (Mic)
- 1704 fines and receipts (Mic)
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Other Records
1704 Composition Book for Michael
Given below is my transcription of the above record.
*** Folio 51 *** 4 Decr: 1704 KK Michaell BallaCrynane [G001 ref Z002] 14 March Phillip Cannell of Ballacrynane for [crossed out line] } 1704 half of a tenemt } Rcd hereof f[ro]m called Ballacrynane cont one qrr & a half of } Jon Cannell his land of 53s 4d double rent } 01=10=0[0] son 1:00:00 And Jo Cannell his son for the other half of the } 12th June 1706 sd tenemt both compd for in 1643 by Jo: Cannell } recd ye remaindr sd fine then 45s. One life in being so to pay now ----------} being 10s [G002 ref Z001] 16 Janry 170[?] Wm Cannell for one other qrter & a half of land } 02=05=[00] Recd from Wm called Ballamaynough of 53s 4d double rent } Cannell by the compd for in 1643 by Jo Cannell his grandfather } 6 Feb 170[?] Cnor as pd to fine then 45s lives expired so to pay ------------------ } 20d ye rema[inder] [?] 30s @ Coron [G003 ref Z003] p.l.0:19: 5 1/4 Phillip Cannell 2 pts of a qrterland called Kerrow } p l 0: 9: 8 3/4 glass of 18s 8d double rent and Hen: Kaighen } --------------- for the other third pt of the sd land of 9s 4d } 1: 9: 2 double rent all compd for in the year 1643 by } 01=09=[02] 8s 0: 8: 4 Tho Kaighen & Kathrin Cannell fine for this & } --------------- 8s more rent in KK German in Scarsdall treen } 1:17: 6 was 37s 6d lives expired so now to pay in } proportion for this 28s in this p[ar]ish (the fine for } the 8s being charged in KK German) only the sum of } Ballister [G004 ref Z004] Cha Cannell soun of Hugh Cannell for half a tenmt } 26th March 1[?] called BallaCottier of 8s rent & Jo: Quail for the } Recd here[of] other half of the sd tenemt of 8s double rent } by ye Coron[er] both compd for in 1643 by } 10s [next part crossed thro - "Sn Caine for this } 00=10=[00] rent of 6s 9d lives expired so to pay"] } ye full rent [The remaining lines added vertically in left margin besides the above:] John Quaile in 1643 together w[i]th 22s 6d in ye treen of Ballanimade now on ye names of this sd Cha Cannell & Sam Quaile fine then for the whole with 2s 8d intacks was 25s. Lives expired so to pay now for the s[ai]d 16s w[i]th their p[ar]t of ye intacks - 10s [smudged calculations follow] [G005 ref Z005] Mary the daughter of Wm Quaile & Dan Lace } 26 March [?] her husb for the other halfe quarter of Balla } recd her[eof] Cottier of 16s double rent compd for in 1643 } 10s by Wm Quaile fine then 15s lives expired } 00=1[5=00] so to pay ---------------------------------------------- } 29th Ap [?] recd ye rem[ainder] @ Coronr bein[g ?] [G006 ref Z006] Jo Cannon for 4s double rent for a prell of qrter ------ } 26 Mar[ch ?] land called Ballana [Xed out "compd for in 1643"] Margt } recd Jo Can[?] the daughter of [Jo] McBoy & Don Caine her husb for } full pt her[eof] 3s 8d double rent & Mary the daughter of Wm Quaile } being 3s [?] & Don Lace her husb for 4d double rent all compd for } & from Do[?] in the year 1643 by Margt Quaile joint wth another } for his being [?] *** Folio 51.5 *** KK Michael 2 [? ?] 2 half qrter in this treen double rent 17s 6d fine for the whole } 26th March [0] 2 5 1/2 was then 22s 6d lives expired so now } 1705 vide ye [0] 3 2 3/4 to pay in p[ro]porcon for the sd rents by the afforesd } begining of the 0 0 3 1/2 psons the sum of --------------------------------------------- } entry ----------- 00=07=[00 3/4] 0 7 0 3/4 19th June 1706 full pcrl being 3s 2d 3/4 [G007 ref Z007] 4 March Ellen the daughter of Jo Courseage & Ja Quaile her } 1704 husb for one qrter of land called Ballister of } Recd hereof 32s double rent compd for in 1643 by Don Corseag } 01=00=00 13s 4d fine then 20s lives expired so pays now } [?]0th January [1]705 Recd the [r]emaindr [G008 ref Z008] 0: 5: 0 Dav: Callister for 3s 9d double rent Jo: Carrett } 13 June 170[?] 0: 5: 0 for 3s 9d more double rent Wm Cannon for 7s 6d } recd Dav Callis[ter] 0:10: 0 double rent being for half a qrter } full part being ------- of land called Aneegau } 5s 1: 0: 0 Itm the sd Dav: Callister & Jo Carrett for another } prell of 3s 4d double rent & Wm Cannon for 3s 4d } 01=00=00 [?]th March 1704 more double rent being for another third pl of } [R]d from Wm a qrter of land called Anegan all compd for in } [Can]non his whole 1643 by Jo: Cannon & Jo Carrett fine then 20s } [par]t of this fine lives expired so now pays ------------------------------ } being - 10s [G009 ref Z006] 6 Janry Jo Cannon for pte of a tenem called Ballona } [17]05 of 17s double rent, Mary the daughter of Wm } [?] paid Quaile & Don Lace her husb for 6d more double } [?] Caign rent [crossed out extract from next entry] } 00=15=0[5 1/4] [?]s 4d for both wch were compd in 1643 by the before } [?] Carrett menconed Margt Quaile joynt in the afforesaid } 29 Apr 1706 recd the 8s fine then for the whole was 22s 6d } remaindr of Jo lives expired so now to pay for these two } Carretts part being rents in pporcon the sum of ---------------------------- } 19d @ Coronr 0: 15: 0 0: 0: 5 1/4 ----------- 15 5 1/4 [? M]arch 1705 [?] Jo Cannons part being [?] and Don [?] full part 5d 1/4 [G010 ref Z009] [?] 14 3 Margt the daughter of Ja McBoy afforsd & Don } 14 June 170[?] 0 2 9 Caine her husb for an other pt of the sd } recd from Don --------- tenemt of Ballona of 21s 8d double rent, Mary the } Caine in full 0 17 0 daughter of Wm Quaile & Don Lace her husb for } of this fine --------- 4s 2d double rent being the remainder of the sd } being 9s 6d 0 9 6 tenemt both wch compd for in 1643 by Finlo } 00=11=[04] 0 1 10 McBoy fine then 17s One life in being so now } 29th [?] --------- to pay ------------------------------------------------- } recd Don [?] 0 11 4 part being [?] 3=13=[10] *** Folio 52.0 *** 4 Decr 1704 KK Michaell Shalcagh [G011 ref Z011] + note this Wm Dollin Caine for a tenemt called Ballacayne } Cannells father of 23s 4d double rent Jon Quiggin for } dyed in Augt another parte of the sd quater of 5s 2d double } last and there- rent & Wm Cannell for 2s 6d and Wm Quayle } fore an Alienation for 4s being the remaing parte of the sd } fine is to be quarter, of wch there was } enquired for compounded by } wh is 9d in [following crossed out: "Jon Quiggin and Don: } [crossed out: 01=06=[??] ] proportion for Caine only 32s in the year 1643 } his part of this fine paid for the same then was 26s 7d } rent lives expired; soe they are now to pay - } 15th March 1704 And for the other 3s remaining pl of the sd } Recd from Jo: qter not yet compd for" ] } Caine & his ptnrs John Tear in year 1643 half a } being - 13s 4d quarter rent double 17s 6d fine } 29 Ap 1706 recd for the same was 15s one life in being } 00=10=[00] ye remaindr @ Cornr Soe and now to pay for the sd halfe quarter -- } being 6s 8d 3/4 And there was compounded only of the other } halfe quarter 16s by Don Caine in the } year 1643 for wch he paid 13s 4d fine } 00=08=[??] one life in being, and now to pay for the sd } 0:1:3 16s rent ------------------------------------- } and for the other 18d rent, being not formerly } compounded for and to pay in proportion to } 00=01=[??] 15th March 1704 | rest of the quarter -------------------------- } recd this 9d from } And from Wm Cannell for an alienation fine --- } 00=00=[09] Wm Cannell | [G015 ref Z012 Z013] J.Q. 0:12: 5 W.C. 0:12: 1 1/2 John Quiggin for near a quartr of land called } W.C. 0: 2: 1 1/2 Ballaquiggin Rent 13s 8d, Wm Cannell for } ----------- near the other halfe of the sd quarter Rent 13s 4d } 1: 6:8 and Wm Cannon for 2s 4d being the remainder } 15th March 1704 of the sd quarter, all these compounded for in 1643 } 1" 6"[8] by Jo. Cannell and Jo. Quiggin, fine then for ye whole } recd hereof from 26s 8d lives expired so to pay now } these persons - in proportion ---------------------------------------- } ---------- 17s 1d 1" 7" 5 [?] 24 Ap 1706 recd ---------- remainder being 9s 7d -- 15th March 1704 And the said Wm Cannells father having dyed in Augt } recd ye full last so he is to pay for an alienation fine ---------- } 00"04"[00] hereof from Wm Cannell *** Folio 52.5 *** Shalcagh KK Michael 4 [G016 ref Z014 Z015] 14 March 1704 Wm Cannell Ballaluig for one quarter 28s of } Recd hereof land and a part of another quarter called } 13s 4d Ballamanagh 5s. Alice Cannell for another part of the } [?] Ap. 1706 rec said quarter called Ballamanagh Rent 14s w[hi]ch sd } 01"00"00 remaindr @ quarter of Ballaluig of 28s double rent was comp- } [C]ornr being 6s 8d pounded for in 1643 by Fin Cannell fine then 30s } for this & 6d intack one life in being so to pay now ---------------------- } 14th Juine 1705 [?] is 0: 3:11 1/4 and of the other quarter called Ballamanagh there } recd Coron [6s] is 0:11: 0 3/4 was compounded by the sd Fin Cannell in 1643 - 15s } 8d ----------- fine then for the same was 15s one life in being } 00"10"00 0:15: 0 so to pay now in proportion betwixt them ------------- } 29 Ap 1706 ----------- Remaindr @ 0: 2: 7 1/2 and the other 4s doth not appear to be yet com: } Coronr being 3s 4[d] 0: 7: 4 1/2 =pounded for ----------------------------------------- } ----------- 0:10: 0 [G017 ref Z016] [?]th June 170 Ann the daughter of John Tear and John Sayle her } Recd @ Coronr husband for the remaindr of the sd quarter called } [?]s 4d Ballamanagh Rent 16s compounded for in the } 00" 8"00 [?]th April 1706 recd year 1643 by Jo Tear fine then 12s one life } [r]emaindr being in being so to pay now ------------------------------- } [?]s 8d Ballanymade [crossed out - "Wm Corjeage for pt of a tenemt called Ballaliey ] or [rent a ? & a halfe of land of 12s double rent" ] Bargarrow [G018 ref Z082] Wm Curlett of Ballagawne for pt of a tenemt ---- } [?] Decr 1704 called Ballaley of 6s double rent & Jo: Caine } 0:12:10 1/2 for 6s more double rent lately belonging } 0: 4: 1 1/2 to Wm Corjeage Margrett the daughter of Wm } 00=17=0 ----------- Caine late of Ballagawn & Wm Curlett her } 0:17: 0 husb for 12s 8d double rent of the sd tenemt } compd for in 1643 by Jo Corjeage fine then for } March the whole was 17s lives expired so to pay -------} [?] the [? ?] [Cur]letts pt [?] 12s 10d 1/2 [?] Dec 1711 recd [?] Caines 4s 1d 1/2 [G019 ref Z017] 0: 8: 6 James McBoy for a 4th pt of the sd tenemt of Balla } 26th March 0: 8: 0 1/2 Ley of 12s 4d double rent Tho Crellin for another } 1705 recd 0: 5 1/2 pt of the sd tenemt of 11s 8d double rent & Tho: } Coronr 12s [?] ------------ Quaile for remaindr of the sd qrter of 8d double } 00=17=[00] 17: 0 rent all compd for in 1643 by Jo: Crellin } 13 May 1707 fine then 17s lives expired So now pays ----------- } the remainder [of] 4s 8d 3"12"0 *** Folio 53.0 *** 5 Decr 1704 KK Michael Ballanymade or Bargarrow [G020 ref Z018] 0:10:00 1/2 Jo Caine Miller for halfe of a tenemt called Balla= } Curlood cont half a qrter of land of 17s 4d double } 26th March 1705 rent compd for in 1643 by Wm Curlett fine then for } 00=10=0[0] @ Coronr 6s 8d this & an other prell in the treen of Cammall rent 5s 8d was } 29 Ap 1706 rec 13s 4d. Lives exp: so to pay in proportion 10s for this halfe quar } ye remaindr being 3s 8d [G021 ref Z019] 26 March 1705 recd hereof @ Tho Curlett for ye othr half quartr of 17s 4d } Coronr 6s 8d double rent compound for in 1643 by Tho Curlett } 00=10=00 29 Apr 1706 recd fine yn 10s Lives exp: so now to pay ---------- } remaindr to Coronr 3s 4d [G022 ref Z004] Cha C 0:03:09 1/2 Cha Cannell for parte of ye quartr calld Bare= } 26th March garow of 6s 3d double rent Jon Quaile for A } 1705 rec ye [full] for 11 3/4 0:00:07 1/4 nother pt of ye sd quartr of 6s 3d double rent & } hereof to Coron Intack Sam: Quaile for 10s more of ye sd quartr all wch } 15s were compound for togethr wth ye 16s before } J.Q. for 0:03:09 1/2 mencond in treen of Ballistr fine for ye } the [?] 0:00:07 1/4 whole togethr wth 2s 8d Intack in 1643 by Jon } 0:15:00 Quaile was 1:5:0 lives exp: so now to pay in } S.Q 0:06:00 3/4 prorcon for ye 1:2:6 wth yt pt of ye sd Intack } for 8 1/2 there unto belonging ----------------------------- } Intack 0:00:05 1/4 ----------- 0:15:03 1/2 [G023 ref Z020] 26th March 1705 Ellin ye daughtr of Wm Caine & Jon Caine her } recd hereof to husb for ye remaining pt of ye sd quartr rent } Coronr 2s 8d 7s 6d double compound for 1643 by Jon Caine } 00:04:00 29 Ap 1706 recd fine yn 4s lives Exp: so now to pay --------- } remaindr 16d [G024 ref Z021] 0:6:3 1/2 Cha: Kaighen for ye half pt of } ye half quartr calld Qoole daragh rent 7s double comp: } 26 March 1705 for in 1643 by Wm Kaighen & [Wm?] Quaile fine yn for this & } 00:07:0[6] recd the full Anoth quart in Barrickmore rent 1:14:8 was 1:17:6 lives } hereof 7s exp: so now to pay in prorcon for ys 4th pt ---------------- } Reserving ye right of Jon Kaighen his brothr to ye premises ---------- 2 6 6 *** Folio 53.5 *** [?] 1704 KK Michael 6 Ballanymade or Bargarrow [G025 ref Z022] 26th March Jon Cannell Barck for 3s 6d double rent being the 4th } 1706 recd @ pt of ye sd hakf quartr calld Quoole daragh compound in } Coronr 2s 6d 1643 by Don: Cannell togethr wth Anothr quartr } 0:03:02 3/4 in Barrickmore rent 1:13:2 fine yn for ye whole was } 00:03:02 [3/4] 27th July 1708 1:13:9 lives exp: so now to pay in pporcon for } Recd the remr this prcell --------------------------------------------- } @ Coronr [G026 ref Z023] 26th March Wm Quaile for ye remaining pt of ye sd halfe } 1705 recd @ quartr rent 3s 6d compound for in 1643 by } Coronr 20d Gilbt Quaile togethr wth Anothr quartr in } [?] March 1707 Barrickmore rent 1:13:2 fine yn for ye whole was 1:13:9 } 00:02:06 recd the remaindr 1 live in being so now to pay in pporcon for } [?] Coronr being this prell ---------------------------------------------- } 6d 0:02:02 Cammell [G027 ref Z024] [?] March Jon Cannon for 3 pts of A quartr called the -------------- } 1704 recd Quoole Shallah rent 1:9:0 compound for 1643 } 00"16"4 [1]5s 8d by Ux Wm Quaile & Jon Quaile her son & Don: Quaile fine yn } for ye whole was 1:[4]:6 lives exp: so is now } [1=4=6 Xed out] to pay } note this ought to be 16s 4d 29th Ap 1706 recd ye remaindr being 8d [in different hand] note it appears [?] certificate disposed before Mr Deemstr yt Jo Cain: being one of ye lives in ye above composition alive in [?]8th Augt 170[?] therefore is now to pay 15s 8d [G028 ref Z025] [?] March 170[?] Tho Qerron for 3 pts of a quartr called Clyfinn } @ Coronr rent 1:7:0 double compound for 1643 by Tho } [?]s Lewen & Wm Kerron fine yn 1:2:6 } 00:15:0[0] [?] May 1707 1 live in being so is now to pay --------------- } [?] the remaindr [being] 5s ---------- 1"17"0[0] *** Folio 54.0 *** 7 [O]cbr ye 5th 1704 KK Michael Cammall [G029 ref Z026 Z027] John: Corjeage for a parcell of the } quarterland called Ballakilley of [9s Xed out] 13s } 8d double rent Jon Caine junr for an } other parcell of the sd quarter of 6s 8d } double rent Wm Quayle for 6d Jon Kelly } for 4s 2d John Cannell for 6s 8d and } Kathrin the daughter of John Kneale and } 0:3:3 1/2 Robt Cannon her husband for 6s 8d } 0=3=4 being the remaining parte of the sd quarter, } of all wch rents there hath been only } compounded by Wm Curlott (joint wth an } other halfe quarter of 17s 4d in the treen } of Ballanymade) 5s 8d lives ex= } -ired, soe to be payd for this by Jon Caine junr } in proportion } } 14th June 170[?] Note that Jon } recd hereof by Kelly and Jon And for the rest of the sd quarter there } } ye Coronr 5s [?] Corjeage have is noe composicon appears for the same } the Rent that excepting a composicon made by Jon Curlood } Jon Curleod did wch is said to be for parte of this quarter of } 0=5=0 compound for 10s double rent. Fine for the same was 5s } as the setting Lives expired, now to pay for this pte } 6th Feb 1708 quest affirm recd [?] Coron And the 6s 8d above mentioned on the } 2s 9d 26 March 1705 names of Karthrin and Robt Cannon her husband } recd ye full of in parte of 23s rent compounded for by } this being 3s 10 1/2d Wm Cannell in the year 1643, fine then } 0=3=10 1/2 from Ro. Cannon for the whole was 13s 4d Lives expired } 0:3:10 1/2 Soe and now to pay in pportion for the sd } 6s 8d ----------------------------------------------- } ---------- 0"12"2 1/2 *** Folio 54.5 *** 8 Cammall [G032 ref Z028 Z029] William Kelly Cammell for a parcell of the } 26th March sd quarter of 5s 10d double rent, whereof } 1705 recd 5s was compounded for by Patr Kelly in } hereof 2s 4d the year 1643 fine for the same was 3s } Lives expired , soe is to pay for the sd 5s, 3s and } 0=3=06 20th May 1708 Alice Mcylrea compounded for 6d more of } recd ye remaindr the sd rent in the year 1643 fine for the same } being 14d was 6d Lives expired, soe the sd Wm Kelly } is now to pay for the sd 5s, 6d ------------------- } and for the other 4d the same is not compounded as yet [G033 ref Z077] 14 March Wm Quayle camell for another parcell of the } 1704 sd quarter rent of 21s compounded for in } 0=12=00 Recd hereof the year 1643 by Doll Quaile fine then } 8s was 12s lives expired soe is now to pay } 10 Janry 1705 Recd the remaindr being 4s [G034 ref Z027] Wm Quayle Ballacawn for another parcell } 26th March 1705 in the sd quarter of 7s 2d double rent } recd hereof @ and Jon Kelly junr for 8s 2d more } Coronr 6s 4d being both compounded for by Wm Cannell } joint wth 6s 8d more in the quarter } 0=9=8 1/2 [2]9th Ap 1706 recd of Ballakilley fine for the whole was 13s } remaindr being 4d. Lives expired, soe and now to pay } [3]s 4 1/2d proporconably fior these parcells ----------------- } [G035 ref Z030] 14th March 1704 Richard Curleod for another parcell in } recd hereof Cammell of 5s 2d double rent; and } 8s 4d Jo [Cannell] for 8d more; of wch there } 0-5-0 was compounded in the year 1643 5s 4d } 20th Ap 1706 recd by Don: Curleod, fine for the same was } ye remaindr being 5s. Lives expired; soe now to pay ----------------- } 10d @ Coronr And the other 6d uncompounded for Reserving the right of his oldest Bro. Wm Curleod to his parte of the above lands. ----------- 1"10" 2 1/2 *** Folio 55.0 *** KK Michael 9 Barrickmore [G036 ref Z023] 26th March 1705 Wm Quayle of Barkemore for one quarter of } recd @ Coroner land of 33s 6d rent, compounded for in } 13s 4d the year 1643 by Gilbt Quayle joint wth another } parcell in the treen of Ballanymade, as in before } 01= 0= 4 [?] March 1707 mentioned Fine for the whole was 33s 9d } recd the remaindr one life in being, soe is now to pat pportionaable } by the Coronr for this quarter --------------------------------- } being 7s ["01:00:04" is written in the left margin, probably before the other margin notes were added] [G037 ref Z022] 26th March 1704 Jon Cannell for another quarter of land, called } recd of Coronr Barkmore, of 33s 2d double rent } 20s compounded for in the year 1643 by Doll: } [?] July 1708 Cannell, together with another parcell in } 01=10=06 recd the remaindr the treen of Ballanymade; Fine for the } [1:10:6 1/4 Xed out] whole was 33s 9d Lives expired soe } being 10s 6d is now to pay in proportion for this quarter } Wm Cannell old Coronr [G038 ref Z021] 26th March Charles Kaighen for one quarter of land } 1705 recd the called Ballnacreggey of 34s 8d } full hereof being double rent, compounded for in the year } 30s 1643 by Wm Kaighen and Wm Quayle } 01=10=00 fine then was for this and another pcell } called the Quoole darraugh was 37s } 6d Lives expired, soe is to pay in pro= } portion for this quarter --------------- } Reserving the right of Jon Kaighen his Bro to this quarter as afsd [G039 ref Z031] 20th March Margt the daughter of Wm Caine and Wm } 1704 Curlet her husband for one quarter of } 02=13=04 Recd in full land called Ballagawne of 36s } [04=0=0 crossed out] 53s 4d double rent, compounded for in the year } 1643 by Jon Caine, together with a Miln } rent 12d and an intack rent 14d, fine } for all these was 4l. Lives expired, soe } now to pay ----------------------------- } Note it appears [?] certificate hereunto yt theris 1 life in being. so only to pay [?] 6"13" 8 *** Folio 55.0 - attached sheet *** p.1 Charles Cannel,It should be mentioned how what part of the 2s 8d intack is betwixt him and Jon Quayle if all then that in p5 (Ch. Cannell) is not clear Sam. Quayle being brought in for 10d rent and part of the intack and yet in the intack it is said to be all betwixt thm two 3 Dollin Cain is vo[?]d 10 Pat Corjage Wm Cowley's rent here is not mentioned so that I cannot proportion it 11 Question whether Philip Cannel compounded for Largebreck & the whole quarter if Ballagilkey with the other intacks here mentioned all in one if so then there ought to be above 20s deducted for Ballaguilky seeing Mr Norris & Cha Kaighen have above 2 thirds of that quarter betwixt them & conse- quently above 5s over charged 20 Charles Cannel these parcels of intack seem to [me] foor to the 2s 8d intack in Bargarrow but do not anymore and I think Sam Quayle should be here mentioned & I do not find the 8 1/2 & 6d page 29 in the fine of Bargarrow 16 Itt for near half a quarter &tc the 16d intack here mentioned should be on the name of Wm Curlot as appears by the be- ginning of page 18 21 Wm Curlot This 3d intack is referred to Ballagawn & ye intack there is 14d compare this with the last of page 24 23 Adam Curlood This intack of 15d is not fined with his quarter land in Oristall 25 [All crossed out - "Robt Corkan This fine seems not clear if compounded wth] [Jon Corkan page ? & Robt Corkan page 29"] *** Folio 55.5 *** KK Michael 10 Dromrewaigh [G040 ref Z032] [following Xed out] Henris Norris Cler for near one quarter } 14th June 170[?] [? ? 2:11: 0 1/2] of land called Largebrock of 32s 8d } recd Cha: Kaighe[n] [C K 0: 3:11 ] Rent, Charles Kaighen for 2s 6d rent and } full fine bei[ng] [W C 0: 2: 4 ] Wm Cloage and his wife for 18d being the } 3s 11d [Intack 1: 0 1/2] remaining parte of the sd quarter all com= } pounded for in the year 1643 by Phillip } 16th Janry 1704 Cannell fine for this quarter wth another halfe } Recd fro Wm quarter in Ballaguilky together wth 3s 6d intacks in Ballaugh } Cloaghan pd & 8d intack in ye mountains was 6l 13s 4d out of wch } Rec old Coronr deducting 15s for the fine of the sd half quarter in Ballaguilky and } [Xed out] 20d 3l for the intack in Ballaugh (wch is proportioned according to } [02 18 ?] the fines payable out of other intacks in the same place) } [Xed out 2"18"4] then there will be only chargeable for this quarter of Largy: } note the fine breck wth the 8d intacks in the mountains the sum of } is regulated as 2l 18s 4d. Lives [Xed all dead] one in being the sd Hen Norris Clerk } 01"12"[?] folls - l s d Cha Kaighen and Wm Clague are to pay proportionably } Mr B 1 9 8 the said sum of ---------------------------------------------------- } C.K. 0 2 1 W.C. 0 1 2 3/4 --------- 1=12:10 3/4 12th March 1706 then recd from Mr Norris his part of ye above fine being 29s 8d [G041 ref Z033] 26 March Patrick Corjage for parte of the halfe quarter } 1705 recs called Balloney of 10s 8d double rent } hereof 13s 4d and William Cowley for the remainder of the } 16th Feb 1709 sd halfe quarter rent 5s 4d compunded for in the year } 01=0-0 recd ye remaind 1643 by Patri Corjeage fine for the } being 6s 8d same was 20s Lives expired soe and now } to pay proporconably -------------------------------- } P.C 13 4 w C 6 8 ------- 1 0 0 ------- [G042 ref Z034] 4th June 1705 Hugh Caine for the other halfe of the sd } recd hereof quarter, compounded for in 1643 by Wm } 17s 4d Caine, fine for the same was 26s } 01=6-0[8] 8d Lives expired now to pay --------------- } 13th June 1706 recd the remaindr being 9s 4d --------- 3"19"6 3/4 *** Folio 56.0 *** KK Michael 11 Dromrewaigh [G043 ref Z035] J.C. 0:18: 2 3/4 Jon Cannell for near one quarter } T.C. 0: 1: 4 1/2 of land, called Ballacrink of 31s } J.Q. 0: 0: 4 3/4 double rent Thomas Croaghen for 2s } ----------- 4d and Jon Quayle for 8d being } 1:00: 0 the remaindr of the said quarter } 01=00=00 compounded for in the year 1643 by } 14th March 1704 Robt Cannell fine for the whole } Recd hereof fro was then 30s one life in being } Jon Cannell 13s 4d Soe and now to pay in pportion ----- } 13th May 1707 recd Reserving the right of Jon Cannell to the above 8d on the the remaindr being name of Jon Quayle [G044 ref Z036] 26th March 1705 William Caine necreggey for the halfe } recd hereof 5s of the halfe quarter called Ballakenaig } 13 May 1707 recd rent double is 8s compounded for } the remaindr being by Richard Caine in 1643 fine } 00=07=06 2s 6d then was 7s 6d Lilves expired } is now to pay ------------------------- } [G045 ref Z033] P.C. 0: 4: 5 1/4 Patrick Corjeage for 5s 4d and } W.C. 0: 2: 2 3/4 William Cowley for 2s 8d being } ----------- the remaindr of the sd halfe quarter } 0: 6: 8 compounded for in the year 1643 } 26 March 1705 by Patr Corjeage together with 10s } 00=06==08 recd hereof more in Ballakenaige Fine for } 4s 5d the whole was 15s Lives expired } 16th Feb 1709 and now to pay in proportion } recd ye remaindr being for the above 8s ------------------------ } [G046] Henry Woods Balleyra for the 4th parte of a quarter called Monymollaugh rent double 10s not yet compounded [G047 ref Z033] P.C 0: 5: 6 3/4 Patr Corjeage for 6s 8d } W.C. 0: 2: 9 1/4 and William Cowley for 3s 4d } ----------- being the other 4th pte of a } 0: 8: 4 quarter, compounded for in 1643 } by Patr: Corheage being the re= } =maindr of the 18s mentioned in the } ------- 1"14" 2 ------- *** Folio 56.5 *** Decembr 6th KK Michael 12 1704 P.C. 5 6 3/4 sd Patr Corjeags composicon fine } W.C. 2 9 1/3 for the whole then was 15s lives ex= } -------- -pired soe are now to pay pportioable } 00=08=04 26th March 8 4 for the sd 10s } 1705 Reserving the Rt of Jony Corjeage now wife of Jo Duke KK Recd hereof 5s 7d Arbory 6th Feb 1709 recd the remaindr - 2s 9d Ballafaden [G048 ref Z037] D.N. 0: 7: 6 Don Nelson for a fourth parte of a quarter } M.N. 0: 7: 6 of land called Ballnaquooley of 9s 3d } A.C. 0: 7: 3 1/2 W.G. 0: 7: 6 rent [?]an Croaghen & Mary his wife is for another } A.Caz 0: 5: 5 1/2 G.C. 0: 7: 6 fourth parte, of 9s 3d double } R.C. 0: 1:10 ------- rent Wm Gremshire for another fourth } 01=10=0[0] ------- 1:10: 0 parte of 9s 3d rent, and Gilbert } 0:14: 7 Cannell for the other fourth parte of } 14th June 1705 recd the sd quarter of 9s 3d double } 26th March 170[?] recd from Don: Nelson rent, all compounded for in ye year } recd @ Coronr X[?] 5s Wm Grimshaw 5s 1643 by Gilbt Cannell, fine then } 2d Gilbt Cannell 5s was 30s lives expired, soe and } @ Coronr now to pay --------------------------------------- } 6th Feb 1708 recd 2 July 1705 Recd remaindr @ Cor[onr] from Don Croaghan by the Coronr 5s 29th Ap 1706 recd remaindr @ Coronr being 10s [G049 ref Z038] W .C. 2: 6: 3 William Cannell for near one quarter } [J].S 0: 0: 5 of land called Ballamainaugh of } ------- 41s 8d double rent John } 2: 6: 8 Stephan for the remaindr of the sd } quarter of 4d rent, compounded } 02= 6= 8 26th March 1705 for in the year 1643 by Don: Cannell } Rec @ Coronr 30s fine then was 46s 8d Lives } 19 Feb 1707 recd the expired soe are now to pay ----------- } rmr being 16s 8d [G050 ref Z039] 26th March 1705 Thomas Caine for one quarter of land } recd hereof @ Coronr called Barneygarg of 37s } 13s 4d double rent, compounded for in the } 3 June 1706 recd year 1643 by James McBoy } 01= 0- 0 ye remaindr being fine then was 30s one life in } 2s 8d being renewed in 1666, soe to pay } now ---------------------------------- } -------- 5 5 0 -------- *** Folio 57.0 *** KK Michael 13 [G051 ref Z040] Jon Tear & William Tear his son for halfe a quarter of } 11th March 1707 land called Ballnarenny of 14s } Recd the full @ double rent, compounded for in the } Wm Cannell Coronr year 1643 by John Tear, together } another halfe quarter in Rencullen } 00=09=08 3/4 0:9:8 3/4 fine for the whole was 33s 4d } one life in being soe is to pay for } this halfe quarter in proportion ---------------------- } [G052 ref Z041] A.C. 0: 7: 3 1/2 Adam Callister for 7s Adam Curlett } A.Car 0: 5: 5 1/2 for 5s 3d Richard Cannell for } R.C. 0: 1:10 21d being the other halfe quarter } ----------- compounded for in the year 1643 by } 0:14: 7 Robert Freere, together w[i]th an } 00=16=08 other halfe quarter in [Xed out "the treen of"] } 26th March 1705 Rencullen, fine for the whole was } recd @ Coronr 11s 33s 4d Lives expired, Soe are } 2d now to pay in proportion for this } halfe quarter ----------------------------------------- } 6th Feb 1707/8 recd ye remaindr @ Coronr [G053 ref Z050] Hen Woods for 6s double rent [Xed out "and Jon Croaghen } for 2s Largeagges"] being part } of a parcell of land, called Lawgeagges, } of wch 6s there was only compounded } 00=00=[00] 2s by Jane Woods, in the year } 1643, and the fine of the same is } charged wth the fine of the tenemt of } Balleyra ---------------------------------------------- } And for the other 4s there appears noe composicon for the same [G054 ref Z051] Don: Croaghen for another parcell of } the sd land called Largeagge of 2s } rent, compounded for in the year 1643 } 00=00=[00] by John Croaghen joint w[i]th the rent of } his land in the treen of Balleyra, and } the fine charged there -------------------------------- } ---------- 1" 6" [?] ---------- *** Folio 57.5 *** KK Michael 14 Norlough [G055 ref Z042] Leonora the daughter of Mr Hugh } Cannell decd and Capn Jon Wood her } husband for a quarter and halfe of } quarterlands at 30s on land called Ballagennell of 57s } each quarter 4d [Xed out "(whereof Jon Cannell Ballacre= } 5" 5" 0 nane hath now 2s thereof). Itm for"] } thirds of Itm for another quarter called Ner= } Mullen Kelly } =lougher of 49s 4d double - } [?] ye rest [?] } 1"13" 4 rent. Itm for another quarter in the } [fines?] ------ } treen of Leyre of 35s double } rent called the Kerrow Crange, } all compounded for in the year 1643 } 13=08=04 Mullen Gawe } by Jon Cannell waterbayleffe wth one } Rent - 4.0 } 6"10" 0 watercorn Milne called Mullen e gaw } Intacks 13:11 1/2 } of 4s rent, and two parts of another } Milne called Mullen e Kelly of 8s } -------- rent, wth 2s 2d intackes ajoing to ye } 13" 8" 4 Kerrow Crunge, two parcells of Intacks } -------- adoining to Ballagennall of 12d rent } Itm wth severall parcells of intacks } Recd the full hereof in the parish of Ballaugh one of 18d } [assayed?] in a bill paid rent another of 10 1/2 d and the rest } Mr Worthington by Hn of 8s 5d fine for all these } Rany in London - on rents before mentioned was then } Sr [Braddwandin?] Jacksons 13l 8s 4d Lives expired soe } acct now to pay --------------------------------- } Item for 2s in the latter end of the treen of Nerlough [G056 ref Z024] [?] March 1704 recd Ellin the daughter of Wm Quayle & } [1]s 4d in pt hereof Jon Cannell of Ballacrenane her hus= } [?] June 1706 recd ye =band for a small parcell of land } remaindr being 8d called bolly Garoldry of 2s double } 0- 2-0 rent, compounded sd for in the year 1643 } [by ?] Quayle and Jon her son. Fine then 2s lives ex= } -pired and now to pay ------------------------------- } ------- 13"10"4 ------- *** Folio 58.0 (original and damaged - most of this page is torn away) *** C.K 0:13 | H.N. 0: 7 | D.N. 0: 3 | M.N. 0: 3:| C.C. 0: 1: | A.MB 0: 1: | ------| 1:10:0| ------| | 14th June 1705 | recd from Cha | Kaighen 13s 3 | 3/4 from Cha: | Cannell 14s 3/4| [?] Coron | | 16th January | 1705 | Recd from Don: | Nelson & Don | Croagan as pd | by the old Coror | to Mr Rolf 4s | 3 1/2d and from | | | Oristall | | 15 March Pat | 1704 call| Recd hereof xxi| 2:00:00 1643| quart| 1s 10 1/2 belong| now --| | | J.S. 0:5:0 John | A.C. 0:5:0 Ballam| Stephan| 14 March for the ot| 1704 both comp | Stephan and| Recd here of one life in be| 6s 8d | 29th Ap. 1706 | recd ye remaindr | [?] Coronr being | 3s 4d | [The following entries corresponding to the above are taken from the 1760 copy of this 1704 book] [G057 ref Z032] 57 (ffo 15) Charles Kaighen for part of a quarter called Ballagilbey of 14s 6d double } rent Hen: Norris clerk for 7s 10d being another parcell of } the sd quarter Don Nelson for 3s 6d Don: Croaghen and } Mary his wife for 3s 6d Charles Cannell for 16s and Adam } 1"6"00 McBoy for 8s rent being the remaining part of the said } quarter all compounded for in the year 1643 by Phill } Cannell joint with another quarter called Largeabreck } Fine for this in proportion is 39s. One life in being so to } pay in proportion only ------------------------------------ } Oristall [G058 ref Z044] 58 Patt: Cannell ... for a tennement called Ballacallow containing one quartr } of land rent 29s 6d double compounded for in the year 1643 } by Paule Quaile Fine then for this quarter together with } 03"00"00 2s 6d intack thereunto belonging was £3. Lives one in being } so to pay now --------------------------------------------- } [G059 ref Z045] 59 John Stephan ... for the 4th part of a quarter called Ballamanaugh rent } 7s 6d double and Ellen Stephan his daughter & Adam Caine } her husband for the other fourth part of the same quartr } 00"10"00 Rent 7s 6d both compounded for in the year 1643 by } William Stephan and William Mcylrea. Fine then } was 10s. One Life in being so to pay now betwixt them ----- } *** Folio 58.5 (original and damaged - most of this page is torn away) *** |0"00 | | | | | |1" 5"00 | | | | | |} |} |} 00"13" 4 |} |} | | | | | |had } |or } | } 2"00"00 |fine } |e } | } |ow } | | | | |may be } |7s 6d } | } | of the } 2"15"00 |ounded } |ogether } 21th June 1710 |s fine } recd ye remaindr |xpired so to } of Hen Woods |------------- } for 21s 1 3/4d Quayle and Jon her son fine [?] Siddell for his full fine for the 16d ------- 7" 3" 4 [The following entries corresponding to the above are taken from the 1760 copy of this 1704 book] [G060 ref Z046] 60 (ffo 16) Adam Callister for the other half quarter called Ballamanaugh rent 15s } compounded for in the year 1643 by Ro Callister. Fine } 00"10"00 then for this was 15s. One life in being so to pay now } [G061 ref Z047] 61 John Curlett son of Gilbert Curlett for a half a quarter called Orristall rent 14s 9d } compounded for in the year 1643 by Dollin Curlett Fine then } 01"05"00 was 95s. Lives expired so to pay now ----------------------- } [G062 ref Z048] 62 John Curlett ... for a fourth part of the sd Quarter - and Adam Curlett his } son for the other fourth part rent 14s 9d compounded for in } 00"13" 4 the year 1643 by Adam Curlett. Fine then was 20s. One life } in being so to pay now betwixt them ------------------------ } [G063 ref Z049] 63 Hugh Callister ... for one quarter called Keondroughead rent 31s 4d compd } for in the year 1643 by Hugh Callister his grandfather. } 02"00"00 Fine then for this and one acre of Meadow Rent 20d was } 3l. One life in being so to pay now ------------------------ } Leyre [G064] 64 Henry Woods Balleyna for one quarter rent 37s for which no composition } appears ---------------------------------------------------- } [G065 ref Z050] 65 Itm -------------------- for near half of another quarter called Lougha na masha } rent 17s 6d. Jo Curlett and his mother for the remainder of } the sd half quarter rent 12d double compounded for in the } 2"15"00 year 1643 by Jane Woods together with 16d Intack 2d in } Larga.aggage. Fine for the whole was then 55s. Lives } expired so to pay now in proportion ------------------------ } *** Labelled Folio 58.0, but inserted between original Folios 57 and 58 *** [This page and the next have a different format and were apparently added later] KK Michell The whole fine of Balleyra Estate as well Miln and } Intackes as quarterland as appears by lease taken } 41"04"[00] by Hen: Woods Anno 1638 is ------------------------------ } Whereof there is to be deducted for part of it called } Longhanamashey compd in 1643 by Jane Woods -------------- } 2"[15" 0] So remains to be proportioned upon the rest } of the estate miln and intackes according to the quantity } 38" 9["00] and quality We whose names being the Setting Quest of the parishes of KK Michell & Ball[augh] having viewed and considered the remainder of the Estate of Balleyra do according [to the] best of our judgements and by virtue of our oathes lay upon the Intackes in Balla[?] of the above fine of 38l 9s 0d the sum of 16l 14s 0d which is proporconed by the sett[ing quest] of Ballaugh upon the same as is hereafter written, and the reaminder of the sd fin[e] being 2l 15s 0d is settled and proporconed upon the Estate in KK Michell by us [the] Setting Quest of that parish according to the quantity and quality of the sam[e] [viz?] KK Michell [G066 ref Z043] 10th Jan 1720 recd Hen Woods for the lands in his hands viz the houses, flatts Rents Fines hereof of Mr Norris & being the whole quarterland of Balleyra, all of the rent 3l of -------------------------------------------------------- 1"17" 0 06" 0"[00] 1st Feb 1720 recd more 3l [G067] 7th Feb 1721 Recd John Kelly for the Mona vollaugh in Drimrewaigh } 0"10" 0 2"15"[00] the full 55s from treen ----------------------------------------- } Hen Woods [G068] 7th Feb 1721 Recd Wm Caine and Gilbt Cowley for part of Largaragage } 0" 1" 4 0" [7" 6] the full 7s 6d called Ballahewans Croft ------------------------ } from Hen Woods [G069] Wm Sittleton for another part of the same ------- 0" 2" 8 0" [7" 6] 1st Feb 1720 recd the full md that the whole Rent of Largnagage is 6s but there 7s 6d was 2s of it compd by Jane Woods & included in the fine of Longhan ne markey so the other 4s charged fine [G070] Aryhorkill } Wm Caine glanegeii for 2 daymath & a half of hay & } 0" 1" 7 1/2 02"[17"06] Intacks } Corn land or thereabouts. 1st Feb 1720 recd hereof 20s } 2nd Jan 1724 recd the remaindr 37s 6d [G071] Wm Curlett Ballagawn for 2 daymath & a half of Hay & } 0" 1" 0 1/2 03"[ 2" 6] 7th Feb 1721 Recd Corn land or thereabouts - in the sane place } the full 3l 2s 6d from md that in regard Wm Curletts rent is the lesser the Henry Woods fine is the greater ---------- 15 [10 00] *** Folio 58.5 *** [As stated above: This page and the last have a different format and were apparently added later] Rents Fines [G072] [Boro]dall Miln Phill Curlett for the third part of Borodall miln 0" 4" 0 03" 0" [0] [?] recd 40s 1st Feb 1720 recd the remmaindr of Phil Curlett 20s [G073] [?] Jo Kelly 3l John Kelly for the other 3[r]d part of the sd miln 0" 4" 0 03" 0" [0] [G074] [?] miln John Curlett & Wm Caine for a wast miln in glanwillin } 0" 0" 8 00" 2" [0] 2[n]d Jan: 1724 recd ye full 2l [?] Coronr } [G075] [?] John Kelly pred for Cannells garden in Glanwillin --- } 0" 0" 2 0" 2" [0] 2[n]d Jan 1724 Recd the remaindr 2s ----------- } [G076] [?] recd this Wm Cannell for a Cottage on the northside of Glenwillin 0" 0" 4 0" 1" [?] [?] Note the other 4d of this 8d rent is left in Hen Woods's hands, but the setting quest avouch that there is no land to be found for it --------- 6" 5" [0] 15"10" [0] ---------- 21"15" [0] ---------- md that what these Tennts paid out of this Close at Intackes in Ballaugh the Settlement as appears in Ballaugh parish thereafter in this Book is to be allowed them to Close Woods make up these [fines?] following [?]uary 1718 } Tho Killip for a parcell of meddowing cont a daymath and } 5 1/2d 8th pt 1d 01"16 [3] [fr]om Tho Hill } a half or thereabouts being an 8th part of the sd Close } [?] 8d wch } [?] 16d ob [?] } Wm Cleator for a like proporcon of the same ------------ 5 1/2d 8th pt 1d 01"16 [3] [?] makes } this 36s 3d } Tho Steans for the like - 18th Jan 1720 rec 20s 5 1/2d 8th pt 1d 01"16 [3] [?] recd from Willm} 2[n]d Jan 1724 recd ye remaindr 16s 3d [?] 19s 2 1/d d } [?] before 17d 1/2 } Phill Steans for the like 18 Jan 1724 recd 21s 5 1/2d 8th pt 1d 01"16 [3] 2[n]d Jan 1724 recd ye remaindr hereof 15s 3d Jo Steans for the like 5 1/2d 8th pt 1d 01"16 [3] 2[n]d Jan: 1724 recd hereof 19s 11 1/2d the rest pd in Ballaugh parish [?] Jan 1720 recd } Tho Craine Ballaugh for a fourth pt of ye sd Close -- 11 1/4d 03"12"[6] [h]ereof 20s } [?] 1721 recd ye Tho Craine pred for a small pcell there 2d Jan 1724 recd 1 1/2d 00"09"[0] [re]maindr 22s 6d this 9s 3/4d John Cally for another parcell there joint with Craine - 4d 8th pt 1d 01"07"[0] 24th Nov 1724 recd from John Caley 15s 10 1/4d the rest the rest paid [?] Ballaugh before [?] 1720 recd from [?] [? ?] 21s Ro Steans for the Turberry - 2d Jan 1724 recd the remaindr 6d 02" 4"[0] [?] 23s [?] for the other 6d rent Sum totall of the fines of the Intacks } 16"14"[0] in Ballaugh ----------------------------- } Sum totall of the fines settled and } proporconed on the lands in KK } 21"15"[0] Michell --------------------------------- } Toto of both --------------------- 38" 9"[0] Setting Quests names KK Michell Ballaugh [? Can]nell x } Tho Curlett x } [? Ca]nnon x } Wm Craine x } [? Qu]ayle x } Gilbt Teare x } [? Can]nell x } Fin Craine x } *** Folio 59.0 *** KK Michael 17 Leyre [G078 ref Z051] D.C. 3: 7: 2 1/4 Don Croaghan for near the other halfe } G.K. 0: 0: 7 1/4 quarter called Longhanamagha rent } 2d is 0: 7: 4 double 18s 4d and Gilbt Kaighen } 1:4d is 0: 4:10 1/2 for the remaindr of the sd halfe quarter } ----------- rent double 4d compounded for in } 04"00"00 4: 0:00 1643 by John Croaghen fine then for } this halfe quarter for 2s in Largaiagagh } 26th March 1705 and 16d intack was 4l. Lives } recd hereof @ Coronr expired so to pay now ------------------ } 2l 13s 4d 29th Ap 1706 recd ye remaindr being 26s 8d @ Coronr [G079 ref Z042] Leonora the daughter of Mr Hugh } Cannell & Cap. Wood her husband } for one quarter called Kerrowkruin } rent 35s compounded for in ye } 00"00"00 year 1643 by Jo. Cannell Waterbayliff } and the fine charged with the rest of } the Estate in the treene of Norlough } Rencullin [G080 ref Z040] 11 March 1707 Jo Tear & Wm Teare his son for 17s and Wm Christian } Recd the full hereof for 12d double rent being for halfe } @ Wm Cannell Coronr a quarter called Ballarenny compounded } for in ye year 1643 by Jo Teare together } 0:12:6 with another halfe quarter in Balla } 00"12" 6 fadeen Treene fine for the whole was } then 33s 4d one life in being so } to pay for this halfe quarter in propor= } :tion --------------------------------------------- } [G081 ref Z041] A.C. 0: 9: 4 1/2 Adam Callister for 9s Adam Curlett for } A.Cur 0: 7: 0 1/2 6s 9d double rent Rich Cannell for } R.C. 0: 2: 4 2s 3d double rent being the other halfe } ------- quarter called Ballarenny compounded } 0:18: 9 for in the year 1643 by Ro Freere fine } 00"16"08 then for this & another halfe quarter in ye } 26th March 1705 Treene of Ballafadeen was 33s 4d } recd hereof @ Lives expired so to pay for this quarter } Coronr 11s in proportion ----------------------------- } 12th Jam 1707 recd ye remaindr @ Coronr 5s 8d -------- 5" 9" 2 *** Folio 59.5 *** KK Michael 18 Aryhorkill [G082 ref Z050] { Margt the daughter of Wm Caine Balla } { gawn and Wm Curlett her husband for } { 6d rent being an intack & compound } { ed for by Jane Woods in ye year 1643 } 00"00"00 { and the fine hereof included in the } { fine for Hen Woods halfe quarter called } { Loughanamassha in the Treene of Leyre } [G083 ref Z051] { Note that altho these { Don Croaghen for 16d more of the } rents are inserted { same intack compounded for ye year } among ye quarter { 1643 by Jo Croaghen and the fine for } 00"00"00 land yet they { this included in ye fine with his halfe qrtr } are found to be { called Loughanamassha, in Leyre treen } intacks { { [G084] { Wm Caine glannagaii for 19 1/2d of ye } { sd intack, not yet compounded for ------ } { [G085] { Hen Woods Balleyra [written above:] now Wm Curlett Ballegawn for 12 1/2d being } { the remaindr of the said intack, not } { yet compounded for ----------------------------------------------------------- } [G086 ref Z052] 19th June 1706 John Kelly Narii for the fourth pt } recd ye full of a quarter land rent 4s 8d double } hereof compounded for in ye year 1643 by Wm } 00"13" 4 Kelly his father fine then for this & } 20d intack in the fells was 20s one } life in being so to pay now ------------ } 0"13"4 *** Folio 60.0 *** KK Michael 19 Intacks [G087 ref Z052] Jo Kelly Nary for a parcell of intacks } rent 8d and another parcell rent 14d } both these compounded for by Wm Kelly } 00"00"00 father to the sd Jo Kelly together with 4s } 8d quarterland in Aryhorkill and the } fine of this 20d charged there ------------ } Itm for 2d more not yet compd for --------- } [G088 ref Z032] Wm Caine glannagaii for a parcell of } intack rent 8d and another parcell } of 12d rent ye 12d not yet compounded for } & ye 8d is included in Mr Norris fine of } Largabreck } [G089] Don Nelson [? ?] ^Edw Nelson^ for 2d intack & } Wm Gremshor et Gilbt Cannell for 2d more both adjoyn } =ing to the tenemt of Ballaquooley ----------------- } not compounded for --------------------------------- } [G090] Don Nelson pred for another intack rent } 4d Wm Gremsher & Gilbt Cannell for } 4d more both being the 8d formerly } on the name of Gilbt Cannell, joynt wth othrs } in 3s 4d rent ------------------------------- } [G091] Itm the said Don Nelson & his mother for } 4d more & Wm Gremsher & Gilbt Cannell } for ye other 4d likewise formerly on ye } name of ye sd Gilbt Cannell, not yet com } pounded for ------------------------------- } Itm the said persons for 4d more rent } of intacks betwixt them , not compd for } Itm for 4d more joint wth others in 10d } rent. not yet compd for ------------------- } Itm for 4d more of intacks betwixt } all these before menconed rents was formerly } on the name of Gilbt Cannell & now in ye } holding of these sd persons, & none of them } compd for ----------------------------------- } *** Folio 60.5 *** KK Michael 20 Intacks [G092 ref Z004] Charles Cannell Bargarrow et Jo. Quayle } for an intack rent 2d formerly on the name } of Jo Quaile son of Fin Quayle ------------------------ } } Itm for 6d more formerly on the [Xed out "sd Jon Quails } name"] name of Hu. Cannell } } Itm for 3d more formerly on ye same name } joint with others for 10s rent ------------------------ } [comment: name referred to above could be Jon Quaile] } } Itm for 8d more formerly on ye name of } the sd [Xed out "Jon Quaile] Hu Cannell } } Itm for another parcell rent 5d likewise } on ye name of the sd Jo Quaile formerly } all these rents above menconed are equally } payable by the abovesd Cha Cannell and } Jo Quayle and were compounded for by } Jo Quayle bargarrow together with 8d [1/2] } in the cottages and the fine included in this } fine charged on the quarterland in Bargarrow ---------- } [G093] Tho Gell Analoange for severall pcells } of intacks one of 14d, another of } 9th June 1715 12d another of 8d another of 1d and } recd 9s 6d another of 1d none of them yet com= } pounded for. Fine for ye sd 8d is 4s 6d } fine for the said 14d is 5s } [Comment: last sentence and margin entry added later ] } [G094] James Caine Slewhurne for a parcell of } intack rent 2s and another parcell } rent 2d not yet compounded for ------------------------ } [G095 ref Z014] Wm Cannell Ballaluig for a parcell of } intack in ye mountains rent 8d } whereof there was 6d } 00"00"00 compd for by Fin Cannell wth his tenemt } & the fine included there ----------------------------- } 29th Feb 1715 recd the and the other 2d yet uncompd for - fine } 00" 9"00 full hereof - 9s [comment: above fine apparently added later] } [G096 ref Z053] 26 March 1705 Wm Caine milnr for a parcell of intack } recd hereof @ Coronr called Crot Corkill in glanwhyllan rent } 16d 4d being part of the 8d compd for by } 00"01" 8 [?]9th Aprill 1706 recd Ro Corkill in 1643 fine then for ye whole was } [rem]aindr being 3s 4d lives expired so to pay for this 4d } [4]d -------- 0" 1" 8 *** Folio 61.0 *** KK Michael 21 Intacks [G097 ref Z054] John Corkan Taylor for several parcells } 26 March 1705 of intack formerly on the name of Christian } recd hereof @ Stephan, one of 2d rent another of 3d } Coronr 20d another of 4d & another of 1/2 d, 9d - } 00" 2"06 hereof compounded for by Jo. Corkan in } 20th June 1710 recd 1643 fine then was 2s 6d. Lives ex } this 10d pired so to pay now ----------------------------------- } and the other 1/2 d not yet compd for } X fine for the 1/2 d is --------------------------------- } 00"00" 6 [comment: above line added later] [G098 ref Z055] 26 March 1705 John Shittleton for severall parcells of intack } recd @ Coronr in glanwhoillan one of 6d another of 4d } 18d another of 1d part of the 2s 1d compd } 00" 2" 2 1/2 29 Aprill 1706 recd for by Bahy Kelly in 1643 fine then for } ye remaindr being the whole was 5s. Lives expired so to } 8 1/2d pay now in proportion for this 11d -------------------- } X 5th Aprill 1715 recd Itm for 1/2 d more being a late inclosure not } this 6d yet compounded for. Fine ------------------------------ } 00"00" 6 [G099] 5th April 1715 X Jo Curlett and his mother for 1d intack in KK Michael town } recd this 6d bought from Hen Woods, not yet compd } 00"00" 6 for ------------------------------------------------------ } [G100] X { Wm Woods for another 1d in ye same place } 00"00" 6 9th June 1715 recd { not yet compounded for ---------------------------------} the full being 2s { Itm for other parcells of intack one of 2d another } { of 1d joint wth Jo. Christian & another of 1 1/2d } 0"01" 6 X { joint wth ye sd Jo. Christian neither of these } { compounded for ---------------------------------------- } [G102] 5th April 1715 { Jo Christian for severall parcells of intack } recd this 18d X { joint with Wm Woods one of 2d another of 1d } 0" 1" 6 { & another of 1 1/2d not yet compd for ----------------- } [G103] Wm Curlet Ballagawn for an intack rent 3d } formerly on ye name of Wm Caine [Xed out: "for wch no } fine? is found therefore to be required after"] } includuded in ye fine of Ballagawn } ----------- 0 4 8 1/2 [comment: many fines above seem to have been added and paid circa 1715. An X seems to indicate this] *** Folio 61.5 *** KK Michael 22 Intacks [G104 ref Z056] 26th March 1705 Doll Corlett for several intacks formerly on ye name of Jo Madrell one of } recd @ Coronr 8d 3d another of 1d and 2 more of 1/2 d } 13 May 1707 recd apiece compounded for in 1643 by Gilbt } 00"01"00 the remaindr being Croaghen fine then 12d Lives expired so } 4d to pay now -------------------------------------------------------------- } [G105] Wm Clague and his wife of Ballnakilley } 5th Aprill 1715 for 2 parcells of intack formerly on the } recd this 6d name of Tho Quayle one of 1d & ye other } 00"00" 6 of 2d not yet compd for. Fine for the } X sd 4d is ------------------------------- } [G106] Cha Caine for 2 parcells of intack one of 2d } } 9th June 1715 recd rent another of 4d formerly on the name of } } the full hereof by Doll Caine not yet compounded for ---------- } } Margt Browne of } glanwoollon being Itm for several other parcells one of 2d } } 3s 6d another of 6d another of 1s & another of 1d } } 0 " 3 " 6 formerly on the name of Do. Cannell wch } } the quest avouch do belong to the above Cha } } Caine, not yet compounded for -------------- } } X fine for both is ----------------------------- } [G107] Tho Caine Barnagarge for several parcells } of intack one of 4d and another of 2d } formerly on ye name of James Boy not yet } compounded for -------------------------- } [G108 ref Z044] Patt Cannell BallaCallow for an intack } rent 2s 6d compd for in the year 1643 } 00"00"00 by Paul Quaile and the fine included in } the fine of his tenemt in Oristall Treene } [G109 ref Z045] 15d is 0:2:7 3/4 John Stephan Ellin his daughter and } 4 is 0:0:8 1/4 Adam Caine her husband for two } --------- severall parcells of intacks adjoining to } 0:3:4 their quarterland of Ballmanaugh one } of 15d rent and another of 4d rent } 00"03"01 14th 26th March 1705 both compounded for in the year 1643 } recd hereof @ by Wm Stephan and Wm Mcylrea, fine } Coronr 2s then was 5s one life in } 29th Apr 1706 recd ye being soe are now to pay pportionatly } remaindr @ Coronr -------- being 16d 0" 4" 4 -------- [comment: fines above again seem to have been added and paid circa 1715. An X seems to indicate this] *** Folio 62.0*** [O]ctbr ye 7th 1704 KK Michael 23 Intacks [G110 ref Z046] 26 March 1705 Adam Callister for a prell of intack adjoy } recd hereof @ Coronr =ning to his quter land in ye 4 towns rent } 2s 2d 1s 3d compound for in 1643 by Ro. Callister } 00=03=04 5th Feb 1708 recd ye fine yn 5s 1 live in being so now to pay } remaindr @ Coronr Itm for anothr prell of intack not yet comp: for rent 4d [G111 ref Z047] Jon Curlett son of Gilbt for one parcell } 13th June 1706 recd of intack adjoining to his quarterland in } the full ori[s]tall of 15d rent } 00=03=00 hereof being 3s compounded for in the year 1643 by } Doll [Xed out "Cannell] Curlead, fine then was 3s Lives } expired soe now to pay -------------------------------- } 5th April 1715 Itm for another parcell of intack of 12d } recd this 2s 6d rent formerly on the name of Mally Kelly } 00" 2" 6 X not compounded for Fine ------------------- } [G112 ref Z048] Adam Curleod for a parcell of intacks } adjoining to his quarterland in Oristall } of 15d rent comp: for in 1643 by Adam } 00=00=00 Curleod & included in his fine for ye qrter } land -------------------------------------- } [G113 ref Z057] Jon Gawne & Ja: Caine for several parcells } 26th March 1705 of intacks formerly on ye name of Thomas & } recd hereof @ John Mcylrea one of 2d & another of 4d ---- } Coronr 17d Itm for 4d more formerly on ye name of } 19 Feb 1707 recd Gilbt Moore all being part of the 20d } 00" 2"00 the remr being 7d compd for in 1643 by Tho Mcylrea fine } then for ye whole was 4s lives expired } so to pay in proportion for this 10d ------ } [Pointing Hand figure] note there is names found only for this 10d & 8d in ye cottages, so there is 2d more to be inquired after 8th Nov 1708 upon examination of the book I find Tho Mcylrea } recd ye full hereof drawn & Tho Gremshaw & Rich Cannell entered } 00"00"04 3/4 4 3/4d for it vide Vastar 1683 - wch ye quest avouch } is the 2d wanting so is to pay ---------------- } -------- 0" 8" 8 [?] *** Folio 62.5*** KK Michael 24 Intacks [G115 ref Z058] Q whethr this 3d Jon Caine Milr for a prell of intacks one } qutr land be of 3d rent formly on ye name of Wm Caine } entrd & anothr of 1 1/2d formly on ye name of } Jon Caine both these comp: for in 1643 by } 00=01=00 16th March 1705 Jon Caine fine yn for this & 3d qutr land } recd @ Coronr 8d was 2s 6d 1 live in being so to pay } 29th Ap 1706 recd now in pporton for this ------------------- } ye remaindr @ Coronr being 4d [G116 ref Z042] Leonora daughtr of Mr Hu: Cannell & } Capt Wood her husbd for sevll prells of } intacks one of 1s 4d 2 formly on the } names of Tho Caine Jon Cannell deem } @ Doll Kelly [Xed out " ? of 10d form on ye } name of Wm Caine"] anothr of 6d anothr } of 6d anothr of 1s 4d & anothr of [A?] 1d } 00=00=00 all these dound on ye name of Jon } Cannell & comp: for in 1643 by Jon } Cannell Waterb[a]ll[iff] ye fine hereof in: } =cluded in ye fine of ye rest of his } estate ------------------------------------ } [G117 ref Z031] Margt ye daughter of Wm Caine & Wm } Curlood her husbd for a prell of intack } rent 8d being pt of 1s 2d comp: for in 1643 } 00=00=00 Q for ye other 3d by Jon Caine ye fine included in his } fine of Ballagawne ------------------------ } [comment: Next 2 lines in different ink] Itm for 3d more formerly on ye name of } Wm Caine ---------------------------------- } *** Folio 63.0 *** KK Michael 25 Intacks [G118] Jane ye daughtr of Jon Cannon & Jon Quaile } her husbd for an intack rent 4d in KK Mich } towne } [G119 ref Z059] 16th March 1705 recd hereof @ Itm more for ye rent formly on Jon Cannell } Coronr 8d and comp: for in 1643 by Jon Cannon fine } 00=01=00 11th Jan 1709 recd ye yn 12d lives dead so to pay now ----------- } remaindr @ Phill Curlett 4d [G120 ref Z060] 26th March 1705 Ro Corkan for several parcells of intack } recd hereof 20d one of 4d another of 6d another of } 1/2 d & another of 1d compounded for by } 13th May 1707 recd Tho Corkan & Jo Corkan in the year 1643 } 00"02"06 the remaindr being together wth some cottage fine 3s 4d } 10d the fine for both was 5s 10d and lives expired } in the comp of Jo Corkan for the intacks } for wch the fine of 2s 6d was pd so } now to pay ----------------------------------- } [G121] Tho Croughan for 2 prell of intacks one } of a 1d form on ye name of Gilbt Croughan } @ anothr of 2d form on ye name of Dan: } Croughan not yet comp for --------------- } [G122] Hen: Woods for a prell of intack rent 1d } in Glanwhoillan not yet comp: for } [G123] Jon Kelly for anoth intack rent 1d in } ye same place not yet comp: for } [G124] Christian Caine Execs for a intack being } 5th April 1715 X a small house in KK Mich towne } 00" 0" 6 recd this 6d rent 6d not yet comp for ---------------- } [G125 ref Z049] Hu: Callister for an intack att Candron } =ghead gill rent 20d comp: for in } 1643 by Hu: Callister & ye fine included } in his fine for his tenmt calld Candro } nghead in ye treen of Orristall } 0"3"6 *** Folio 63.5 *** KK Michael 26 Intacks [G126] Joany Curlood als Caine & Jon Curlood her son for a } intack in KK Mich towne rent 7d } 5th April 1715 X [Xed out "Comp in 1643 by Mally Qualtrough } 00" 1"00 recd this 12d fine ."] not comp: for formerly on ye } name of Mally Qualtrough --------------------------- } [G127 ref Z061] 15th March 1704 Wm Cannon for an intack } recd the full hereof rent 4d formly in ye name of Jon } being 18d [Xed out "Callister for wch no tents name is found"] } 00" 1"06 Carrett compounded for in 1643 by Wm Canon fine then } 18d Lives expired ---------------------------------- } A prell of intack rent 6d lying in the } fells in ye Lds hands ------------------------------ } [G128] Jon Caine for a prell of intack rent } 6d being ye half of yt prell in our } Rent 6d more on { honrble Lds hands form: on ye name of } Jo Caine { Ellin Quaile & Don: Kerroun being } on ye other [?] foll { waste in ye mountaines just comp: ------------------ } { { Anothr prell of intack rent 16d } { in ye fells in o[u]r honrble Lds hands } [G129 ref Z062] 26th March 1705 Margt Browne for sevll pcells of } recd hereof @ intacks in Glandwhoolling one a 1d } Coronr 9d and anothr 1d being pt of } 29th Ap: 1706 recd ye ye 9d comp: for in 1643 by Phill } 00=01=01 1/2 remaindr being Browne fine yn for ye whole was } 4 1/2d 5s lives exp: so now to pay in } pporcon for ys 2d ---------------------------------- } [G130] 5th Aprill 1715 X Jon Stephan a Cruink for a parcell of intack } 00"02"00 recd Jo Steanes rent 3d not yet compd for -------------------------- } 2s [G131] 5th Aprill 1715 X Margt Christian for an intack rent } recd this 12d 2d formerly on ye name of Jony } Corjeage not yet compd for ------------------------- } fine for these three 00"01"00 X Itm for 1d more formerly on ye namee of } [Xed out "Jo Corkill & Kath Corjeage"] Jo Cannell } [next paragraph vertically in left margin] X Itm for 1d more formerly on ye name of Don Caine 2s 7 1/2d *** Folio 64.0 *** KK Michael 27 Intacks [G132 ref Z063] John Caine gloinwhoillan for severall } 26 March 1705 parcells of intacks one of 1d formerly on } recd hereof @ the name of Don Kerron another of 1d } Coronr 11d on ye name of Jo Clark, another of 1d } on ye name of Ja Cry & another of 1d } 00"01" 4 29 Ap 1706 recd ye on ye name of Don Kerron being part } remaindr being 5d of the 10d compd for in 1643 by Jo } Quark & Ja Cry fine then was 5s } in ye cottage 4d one life in being so to pay in pporcon } more for this 4d ----------------------------- } 29th Ap 1706 recd ye Itm for another 1d of ye same comp: ----- 00"00" 4 full being 4d [G133 ref Z064] Note that the Ld Bp of this Isle having com Adam & Jo Cottier for an intack rent 2d near } 8th Nov 1708 recd :plained of this as a Bps Court part of the 9d compounded } this fine from Cottiers nusance desires to have for in 1643 by Jo Cottier their father fine } by ye Ld Bps consent ye benefit of ye Act of then for the whole was 3s 9d one } being 7s 3/4 d Settlemt for to become life in being so to pay in proportion for } tennt for ye same for ye this 2d ------------------------------------ } 00"00" 7 3/4 future The 6d is in ye mountains & ye 1 1/2d for several intacks } is in ye highway at X formerly on ye name of Mr Cha Christian } 0" 1" 6 KK Mich town one of 6d one of 1/2 d and another of } 1d not yet compounded for -------------- } 5th Aprill 1715 recd this 18d from ye Coronr Cha Kaighen [G134] Alice Cannell grandchild of Tho } Cannell for an intack in Analong } 00" in ye fells 1d not compounded for fine } Wm Christian for 1/2 d intack not } 00" compounded for fine ------------------ } [G135] 3l Wm Cannon for severall parcells } 9th June 1715 of intacks one of 1d another of 8d } 03"00"00 recd the full hereof another of 1d and another of 8d } being 3l not yet compounded for Fine ---------- } Note Wm Cannon compd for 4d wch his name is not to be found in ye setting book for 0"2"3 3/4 *** Folio 64.5 *** 28 [G136 ref Z073] X Hu Caine son of Pat Caine Ballatroo } wane for an intack of 3d rent } 17th Aprill 1716 called Balltrowan [Xed out "not"] compd } 0" 0" 6 recd this 6d @ Margt in 1643 by Hu Caine fine then 6d lives expired } Caine his sister so to pay ------------------------------------ } [comment: the last two lines above are in different ink and were presumably added circa 1715] [G137] X Phill Curlett an intack of 11d rent } being a house and ye old walls of another } 5th Aprill 1715 and two little gardens at ye end of } 00" 2" 6 recd this 2s 6d KK Michell towne. not compd } [G138] 29th July 1724 Mr Richd McGwire Mr Jos } Poole Mr John Atherton and } Mr John Sanforth for a parcell } of Comons in the mountains of } KK Michell & Ballaugh lying } between the Gill beyond } 10" 0" 0 Drimreharey & Douglas Road } beginning a little below Chibber } Slew ne Magarell - all equally } concerned. Rented to 3l 10s } fine agreed for is 10l --------- } *** Folio 65.0 *** 29 Cottages [G139 ref Z060] 26 March 1705 Rob Corkan for a cottage rent 6 1/2d } recd hereof compounded for in 1643 by Tho Corkan } 18d fine then was 3s 4d one life in } 00"02"02 3/4 11th Jan 1709 recd being so to pay now ---------------- } ye remaindr from Cha Kaighen being 8 3/4d [G140 ref Z004] Cha: Cannell et Jo Quayle for a } cottage rent 8 1/2d and another } of 6d rent, both compounded for by } 00"00"00 Jo Quaile and the fine included in } ye fine of the Bargarrow ----------- } [G141 ref Z055] John Shittleton for these several cottages } in glonwhoillan one of 5d another of } 13 May 1707 recd 4d and another of 3d compounded for } the full hereof in the year 1643 by Bahy Kelly fine } being 2s 9 1/2d for this and 11d intack was 5s lives } 00"02"09 1/2 expired so to pay in proportion for this } 12d and 1d more formerly on ye name of } Jo Caine & another 1d formerly on ye name of } [Xed out "Margt Cannell"] Don Croaghan ----- } [G142 ref Z065] 1 July 1707 Jony Curlett als Caine and John her } recd the full son for a cottage in KK Michell towne } hereof by Willm rent 6d compounded for in 1643 by } 00"02"00 Curlett old Coronr Mally Qualtrough fine then was 2s } being 2s Lives expired so to pay now ---------- } [G143] X Margt Christian for a cottage rent 4d } 5th April 1715 formerly on ye name of Wm Christian & Don } 0" 1" 6 recd this 18d Croaghen, not yet compd for ------------- } [G144] X Don Cannell for [Xed out "a cottage"] 4d rent } 9th June 1715 formerly on ye name of Margt Cannell } 0 0 6 recd this 6d not compounded for } [above last line originally read before Xing out: ] ["compounded for in 1643 by Wm Cannon ] [ Lives expired fine therefore 18d ] [ lives deced to pay ------------- " ] [ Also in right margin 0 1 6 Xed out ] [0]" 7" 0 1/4 *** Folio 65.5 *** KK Michael 30 Cottages [G145 ref Z066] Tho Corkill Taylor, of Doughlas for } 13 May 1707 recd a cottage rent 3 1/2d being half of } the full hereof the 7d compd for in 1643 by Collough } 00"01" 8 being 1s 8d =oony Quine fine then for ye 7d was 3s 4d } Lives expired so to pay now for this 3 1/2d } [G146 ref Z066] 2 July 1705 Kath Corjeage for the other half of } recd hereof the the sd cottage rent 3 1/2d likewise of } Coronr 13d ye 7d compd for in 1643 by ye said } 00"01"08 13 May 1707 recd Colloughooy Quine Lives expired so pays } the remaindr being now --------------------------------------- } 7d [G147 ref Z064] note this has been com= Adam Cottier and John Cottier for a cottage } 8th Nov 1708 recd plained of as a nusance near Bps Court rent 6d being part of } the full hereoff fm by ye late Bp and the 9d compd for by Jo Cottier in 1643 } Jo & Adam Cottier also by ye present Bpp fine then for ye whole was 3s 9d one life } ye Ld Bps consents who desires the benefitt in being so to pay in proportion for this } of ye Act of Settlemt to 1d ---------------------------------------- } 00"01" 8 become tennt for this for the future [G148 ref Z062] Margt Brown for a cottage in Glan: } 13th June 1706 recd whoillan rent 6d and another of 1d } the full 3s 10 1/2d being the remaindr of the 9d compounded } 00"03"10 1/2 for in 1643 by Phill Brown fine then } for ye sd 9d was 5s Lives expired so } to pay in proportion for this 7d } [G149 ref Z057] 26 March 1705 John Gawne and Ja: Caine for severall } recd @ Coronr 13d cottages in Slowhurne one of 4d } another of 3d and the other of 1d being } 10th March 1710 recd the remaindr of the 20d compounded } 00"01" 8 the remaindr from ye for in ye year 1643 by Tho Mcylrea } Coronr being 7d fine for ye sd 20d was 4s Lives expired } so to pay in proportion for this 8d ----- } [G150 ref Z056] 26 March 1705 Tho Croaghn for cottages one rent 3d } recd hereof @ Coronr & another of 3d of wch 5d was compd } 00"01"00 8d for in 1643 by Gilbt Croaghen fine for ye } 12th Janry 1707 sd 5d was 12d lives expired so to pay now } recd the remaindr being 4d X and the other 1d not yet compd for fine 0.0.3 5th Aprill 1715 recd this 3d ------------ 00"11" 6 1/2 *** Folio 66.0 *** KK Michael 31 Cottages [G151] X Phill Cowne for 2 cottages one of 3d } and the other of 3d formerly on ye name } 00" 1" 3 5th Aprill 1715 of Don Croaghen not ye compounded } recd this 15d for ---------------- fine 15d ---------- } [G152] X X Hen Woods for 2 parcells of cottage } one of 2d formerly on the name of Jo } Wood & the other of 8d on his own name } 00" 2" 6 19th Dec 1716 recd not yet compd for Fine for the 2d is } this 2s 6d 15d Fine for 8d more is 15d ------------ [G153 ref Z042] Leonora the daughter of Mr Hu Cannell } & Cap Wood her husband for 2 parcells } of cottage one of 6d & ye other of 2d } 00"00"00 the fine of wch is included in the fine for } the Whitehouse ---------------------------- } [G154 ref Z063] 26 March 1705 recd @ Coronr Jo Caine glanwhoillan for } 13d a cottage rent 4d formerly on ye } name of Ja Cry and Jo Quark and part } 0:1:4 of the 10d compd for by ye sd Cry and } 00"01" 4 Quark in 1643 fine then for ye sd 10d } 29th Ap 1706 recd was then 5s one life in being so to } ye remaindr @ Coronr pay now -------------------------------- } being 3d [G155] Tho Caine Barnagarge for severall } cottages formerly on ye name of Wm } Boy one of 4d another of 7d and } the other of 2d not yet compd for } [G156] Cha Caine for a cottage formerly on ye name } of Don. Caine rent 2d not yet compd } for --------------------------------------- } a cottage of 2d } rent formerly on ye name of Tho Caine no } tennt found for --------------------------- } a cottage of 1d } rent formerly on ye names of Jo Woods etc } & no tennt found -------------------------- } 0"1"4 *** Folio 66.5 *** 32 Firma } Molend } [G157] John Kelly for the third part of a } miln called Mullon Harry of 4s rent } bought from Hen Woods Balleyra for } wch there appears no composition } [G158] Phill Curlett for another third part of } the said miln rent 4s no composition } appearing ----------------------------- } [G159 ref Z051] 14 March Don Croaghen for the other third part } 1704 of the sd miln rent 4s compounded } Recd the full for in 1643 by Jo Croaghen fine then } 00"16" 8 hereof being was 16s 8d Lives expired so pays } 16s 8d now ----------------------------------- } 0"16" 8 *** Folio 67.0 *** 33 Firma } Molend } [G160 ref Z042] Leonora the daughter of Mr Hugh } Cannell & Cap Wood her husband for } 2 parts of a miln called Mullen Kelly } rent 8s - compound for in the year } 00"00"00 1643 by Jo Cannell waterbayliff and } the fine of this included in the fine of } the rest of the estate ----------------- } [G161 ref Z067] 20th March 1704 Margt the daughter of Wm Caine Balla } Recd in pte hereof gawn and Wm Curlett her husband for } 11s 8d the third part of the said miln rent 4s } 26 March 1705 compounded for in the year 1643 by } 00"16" 8 recd by Mr Sidden Sr Hu Cannell in behalfe of Alice Kelly } the full hereof fine then was 16s 8d Lives expired } being 5s so to pay now -------------------------- } [G162 ref Z042] Leonora the daughter of Mr Hu Cannell } & Cap Wood her husband for a miln } called Mullen gawe rent 4s fine } 00"00"00 included in the fine of the rest of the } estate as abovemenconed } [G163 ref Z031] Margt the daughter of Wm Caine Balla } gawn & Wm Curlet her husband for } a miln called Ballagawne miln rent } 00"00"00 12d the fine hereof included in the } fine for ye tenemt of Ballagawn } [G164] Hu Woods Balleyra for miln rent } 8d in glan woillan now lying wast } wch no composition appears for } fine is -------------------------------- } 00"16" 8 *** Folio 67.5 *** 34 [G165] Wm Cowley of KK Braddan & Willm } Kelly KK Michell for a new } watercorn miln on the great } river Rent 12d - fine ------------------ }