Libri Vastarum
Libri Assed.
Lease Book
Composition Bks
- 1610 composition book (Mic)
- 1643 compositions (Mic)
- 1643 fines and receipts (Mic)
- c1655 survey of leases (Mic)
- 1660 benevolences (Mic)
- 1666 lives for (Mic)
- 1679 lives (Mic)
- 1691 lives (Mic)
- 1704 compositions (Mic)
- 1704 fines and receipts (Mic)
- Summary of the above
- Name Index
- Liber Assed Index
Other Records
1609 survey of leases (covering 1542-1609)
A literal transcription of this section of the Knowsley Lease Book is given below. Further information about it may be found in the Records section of this website.
This transcription is published by permission of the Rt Hon. The Earl of Derby 2014.
[page 00] [Leases prior to 1610] [page break] The Isle of Mann Anno dni A breffe colleccon off all suche leases w[i]th in the 1609 Isle of mann as have beene formerly grannted by some of Erles of derby to th[e] inhabitants thereof w[i]th theire severall dates what acres they soe conteyne, what rents are resrved what estats are in beinge, and what is the true valuacon of every pticuler rated by the oathes of an especiall Jurie impannelld onlie for that s[er]vice who vewed eich sevrall demyse and valued the same, Lessore the names of tenants Kirke arberie Estates or date of leases Kirke malewe termes of parishes leases tenements acres rents valuacons Henrie Derby John Steevenson and the Farme of balladocoll John Stevenson Alice his wyeffe: the vjth and the Calffe: Acres his lyeffe in of Febuarrie in 23 of Clxx Rent of balladacoll beinge Elizabeth vjl for the Calffe Rent xxvjs viijd ffyne ffor balladokolle xiijl vjs viijd ffor the Calffe vl Kirke arberie Henry derby Thomas Tyldesley one pcell of Lande rent three Lyves in the viijth of August in 8 acres of Rente vijs beinge the 31 Elizabeth ffyne xxs Henry derby Thomas Tyldsley the one mesuage & tente cont out of lease vth of marche the xxxiiijth xviii acres Rente xjs vd of Elizabeth the queene valuacon or fyne - xs Tho Stanley henrie Horrs one quarter of grounde terme expyred and markell more cont ffourtie acr[es] Rente xxijs viijd and vs viijd valew or ffyne - xls Willm Shurlock [?] Myll Rente terme expired and others xs valuacn xxs George Stanley the tenmt called by the terme expired name of ball[a]inkyne [?] [?] Rente iijl vs viijd Vall[uac]on vjl [page 01] [page break] The parish of kirke malewe Lessore the names of tennts tenements acres Estate or termes date of leases rents and valuacons of leases Thomas Stanley Thomas Lucas one tente conteyninge out of lease or by Comission the ffirst of Julie in ffourtie eighte acres terme expyred 4th of Eliz: Rente iijl xiiijs ijd val or ffyne iijl Henry derby John moore Margaret Moore one water Corne mylne Thomas moore and Thomas Moore ffirst one mylne [ffood?] one Cotage in beinge of March 20: Elizabeth or [disuml?] Rente xxxs viijd and xijd val iijl Henry derby Thomas Moore the ffoure Crofts conteyninge Thomas yet xxviiith July 29 Eliz 3 acres Rente viijs in Lyeffe valuacon or xxs Henry Derby George Preston One Clausure of expired or out of lease confessed Lands of two acres Lease Rente viijd val vjs viijd Henry derby Katherine Moore Twoe Clausures of Two yeres yet vith Aprill 23 of grounde conteynninge vj in beinge Elizabeth acres Rente vjs val vjs viijd Th: Stanley Reginalde Lucas one pcell of Lande expyred or out of by Comission the xxix of Ma: 4 conteyninge xiiij acres Lease of Elizabeth Rente xiijs val xiijs iiijd Tho Stanley Margaret Lucas Snte michaels Islande expired or out and other lands in of lease Langnose acres xxx, Rente xxiijs val xxs Thomas Stanley John Clarke 25 Aug one Clausure of Lande John Jounge the vth of Elizabeth conteyninge six acres Rente viijs val xxs John halsall one house one garden Expired Rente xviijd val vs [page 02] kirke malewe parishe Lessore the names of the tents acres Estate or tennts date of leases rents valuacons terms Henry derby Gilbte Moore one Clausure of out of lease 27 July 25 Eliz lande Called tontenby conteyninge ffoure acres Rente iiijs val iijs iiijd [page break] The parishe off kirke Concon Lessore the names of the tenements Estate or tennts and date of acres rents and terms leases valuacons Henry derby Richard hodgson Certen pcells of Expired Lease confessed lande called [kirmmes?] grounds acres 36 Rente xxvjs viijd valuacon xxxs [page 03] The parish off kirk Lonan Noe tenant wth in that parish because of the barren soyle there [page break] The parish Christe Rushen Lessors the names of the tenements acres Estate or tennts and dates rents and valuacons termes of Leases Henry derby Gilbte Nelson twoe quarters of grounde Expired patricke waterson and one pcell of Comon 25 June of Eliz: acres 60 & 5: Rent xxiiijs vijd & ijs vjd val xiijs iiijd & vjs viijd Thomas Stanley Roger Taylor & one halffe quarter John Taylor by Comission others 2 Maii 4 of lande 2 pcells his lyeffe in Elizabeth of Intacke acres beinge xv rente xvs val xxs Henry derby henrie wattleworth one pcell of Intake one lyeffe in and his assignes John and one pcell of intack Beinge Taylor by assigmte meydowe & pasture 19 No: 31 Eliz: and one halffe quarter of grounde acres viij & xv: Rente xiijs valuacon xs and xs John Nelson houseland tenement Expired [page 04] [page break] The parish of kirke maigholde Lessors tenants and date tenements Estates or of Leases acres rents termes & valuacons Henry derby Silvester halsall twoe water Corne Expired 6 August 26 Eliz mylnes called Carney and balure rent xxviijs valuacon iiijl Henrie derby Edmunde Christen and twoe pcells of lande Thomas and others 26 July 29 called Carretts Katherine in of Elizabeth Cloughe acres three beinge rente vjs xd val vjs viijd Henry derby John Christen and one tente acres xxx two yeres yet daholde Chri: 8 Aug rente xxiijs iiijd val unexpyred 31 Elizabeth xxxs Tho Stanley Nicholas Clucas one quarter of one lyeffe in by Comission 28 May 4 Eliza: lands acr[e]s xl Rent beinge xxvs viijd valuacon xxxs henry derby Willm harryson one tente wth other three lyves in and others 6 June pcells acres xl rent beinge 34 of Elizabeth xxijs vijd valuacon xxs henry derby John Nicholson 9 one house & one croft three lyves in No: 30 Eliz: acres 2 rent vijs beinge valuacon iijs iiijd henry derby katherine Corkill one Cotage & certen Expired 4 No: 27 Eliz lands acres 2 Rente iiijs valucon vs George paterick Corkill a tent acr[e]s xv Expyred Stanley and 4 yere of Ed Rente vijs vjd others by 6 valuacon xiijs iiijd Comission [page 05] [page break] The parish of kirke Santon Lessors tenants and date tenements acres Estates or of leases rents & valuacons termes Edward Derby John Moore xv one Mesuage wth Expired August 33 henry [thapremme?] acres 8 xxx Rente xixs ijd valuacon xiijs iiijd Henry derby Thomas Quaine one water Corne Expired 28 Julie 29 Eliz mylne Rente xxjs valuacon xxs Thomas Stanley Thomas Woods 22 one walk myle Expired Aprill 4 Elizabeth rente xxxs valn xxs [page 06] [page break] The parish of kirke marrowe Lessors tenants and tente acres rents Estate or date of leases and valuacons termes Henry derby Nicholas Moore & two quarters of land All lyves in his assignes 31 maii acres lx Rente xxijs beinge 34 Elizabeth xjd valuacon xxs Henry derby Nicholas Moore 23 one pcell of Intacke two lives in Julie 29 Elizabeth acres xxx Rente xs beinge valuacon xxs kirke Christ and marrowe pishes henry derby Richard bondshawe All the tithes and three Lyves 10 Apr xxix of gleeb lande belonginge in beinge Elizabeth to the Churches of Kirke Christe & Kirke marrowe of the rente of xiiijl xvjs vjd valuacon xxxl [page 07] The parishe of kirke Bradan Lessors tenants and tents acres rents Estate or date of leases and valuacons termes Thomas Paule Gellinge one quarter and a halffe one Lyeffe Stanley 4 maii 4 Eliz of Lands one Intacks in beinge acres xlv Rente xxiiijs vjd valuacon xxs Thomas John Moore 12 maii twoe quarters and one lyeffe in Stanley 4 Eliz a halffe of grounde beinge twoe myles lxxv acres Rente xxxvijs vijs and vs valuacon xxxiijs iiijd and xxxs henrie Derby Robte Calcotte one water Corne Rente twoe yeres in 6 Julie 32 Eliz viijs iiijd valewe vjl Beinge [page break] The parish of kirke Bride Lessors tenants and date tenements acres Estate or of Leases Rents & valuacons termes henry Willm mc Joihgen one pcell of grounde Three yeres Derby 5 March 34 Eliz conteyninge 3 acres unexpired rente viijd valewe vjd henrie John Cougge one pcell of ground one yere unexpired Derby 8 August 1589 acres xv Rente viijs iijd dooce of the Rent Gilbte Parr Mrke mc Christen one tenemente acres Expired and other 4 July 1541 xxxvij Rente xxvs Comissioners value vjs viijd By certen xpofer Cowley halffe a quarter of Expired Comissioners grounde acres xv Rente xs ijd dooce of the rentt The sevrall pishes of kirke ball androse Jurby and Bryde henry derby humfrey Scaresbrick sevrall Closes in these one yere unex[=] 19 No: 31 Elizabeth foure severall pishes pyred acres ix and 3 Roods Lande rent not sett downe valewe xxxs Willm moore three pts of one terme expired by Recorde of quarter of lande Courte xx acres Rente xvijs valewe vjs [page 08] kirke bryde Lessors tenants date tenements Estate of Leases acres Rents and valuacons Lease confessed Willm quarke a tenemente Expired conteyninge xxx acres Rente xvijs ixd ob valewe iijs Lease confessed Mrke mc Joighen halffe a quarter Expired of Lande conteyninge xv acres Rente viijs xd ob valewe xviijd Lease confessed Willm mc A tente of xl Expired Joighon acres Rente xxiijs iiijd valewe ijs henry derby Danold mc the ffourth pte Expired Cowle of one quarter of grounde acres vij rente iiijs iiijd henry derby Gibbon Cowley one tenemente Expired 29 July 25 Eliz beinge one qr of grounde Acres 26 Rente xxijs valewe iiijs henry derby Donald xpen one halffe q of Expired 8 Junii 29 Eli: grounde contt zabeth xv acres Rente viijs ijd dooce of the Rente [page break] The parishe of kirke Ballaloughe Lessors Tennts and tenements acres Estate or date of leases rents & valuacns leases henry derby Danolde xpen one pcell of lande Expired 27 July 24 conteyninge 2 acres Elizabeth Rente ijs vjd val xiijs iijd Hen: Derby John Christen one halfe quarter of Expired 8 June 29 Eliz grounde and the 4th parte of one halffe quarter and one Close in the myres acres xviij and v Rente xxs jd ob dooce of the Rente Kirk michaell and Ballalough parishes Henry derby Thomas Woodds one tenemente and one lyfe in and others John other pcells of lands Beinge woodds 26 marcii 2 parts of a water 27 Elizabeth Corne myle one pcell of lande and one pcell of Intacce acres lxii rente xxxixs iijd value xvjs viijd henry derby Thomas Woods one pcell of one Live in and others 26 July Intacke conteyninge Beinge 29 Elizabeth one acre Rente xvijd valuacon ijs vjd [page 09] kirke Balla: and Jourby Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate or date of leases rents & valn: termes henrie derby Donalde Gawen one tente and quartr Expired or Thomas Gawen of lande 3 intackes or terme [ended?] 20 Julie 25 Eliz: one other intacke and one halffe Close cont xxx acres, the severall rents videlt xxs xd vijs xjd vijs iiijd iiijs dooce of the rente and made good by the settinge quest: valewe viijs vijs iiijd vjs Ballalough pish Thomas Stanley hugh Clerke one pasture of ground one Lyeff 25 august 5 Eliz and one other pasture in beinge and two other pcells Conteyninge 3 acres rente ijs xjd valewe xs one lyeffe in beinge Henry derby Phillip Curleott one Inclosure in the Expired 4 Novembr 27 myres Conteyninge Elizabeth three acres rent xijd valewe iiijs Lease loste Phillipe Corleod twoe quarters of lande Expired noe date or lease and one Inclosure in the myres Conteyninge lxviij acres Rente xxviijs viijd and vijs vijd ob valewe vjs viijd and xxjd Lease Loste Phillip Curleott one Close in the myres Expired one pcell of iijd Rent one Cotage acres twoe and a halffe and one mylle viijd Rente Rent in tot ijs iijd xxd value vjs & vjd Ballaloughe [NO ENTRY] pishe [page break] The parishe of kirk Ballalough Lessors tenants and tents rents Estate or date of leases acres and termes valuacons Lease Patricke Cayne one Lough and one one lyeffe in lost and others water mylle acres Beinge lxxx Rente xxs fyne xls henrie Thomas mc Crey Halffe quarter of Expired Derby 3 August 28 Eliz grounde conteyninge xv acres Rente xs iijd valewe ijs vjd Henry Dollyn gowen one pcell of Comon Expired Derby 8 August 1589 Conteyninge 4 acres rente xijd valewe ijs Lease lost Donnald xpien one mylle and three Expired and others Crofts Conteyninge one acre Rente xviijs valewe xxs Lease John Gawen A tenemente Expired confessed Intacks conteyninge xxij acres & xxiiij acres rents xxijs and xvijs vjd dooce of the rent valewe xxs Lease John Crane A tenemente Expired or confessed Conteyninge out of lease xxx acres Rente xviijs vjd valewe iiijs [page 10] The parish of kirk Christ in the Aire Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate or date of leases rents and terms valuacons henry derby Mark Connelley one Close conteyninge one lyeffe 8 August 1589 4 acres rente iiijs in beinge iiijd value xiijs 4d kirke andrese and Christ in the Aire Lessors tenants and date tents acres rents Estate or of Leases and valuacons termes Henry derby henry Radclyffe Twoe Closses Expired H D ffirst [?] 28 Eliz Rente vjs iiijd valewe xijs kirke Christe in the Ayre Lessors henry derby Willm Crowe and one pcell of lande twoe yeres John Standishe conteyninge vi acr[e]s 21 March 32 Eliz Rente iijs viijd val xxs henry derby Danolde mc Ilrea one pcell of lande two yeres 29 July 32 Eliz acres 4 rent ijs unexpired valewe xvjs henry derby John Standishe one Closse acres two yeres 20 may 32 Eliz foure et di rent unexpyred iiijs viijd valewe xs [page break] kirke Christ in the aire Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate or date of lease and rents termes wth valuacons Henry John Corleott one pcell of Land two Lyves derby and others 28 Conteyninge 4 acres in beinge Julie 29 Eliz rent iiijs iiijd valewe xs henrie Willm mc quayle the ffourth pte two Lyves Derby and others 28 of one quarter of in beinge July 29 Eliz: lande acres of rent vs vjd valewe ijs henry Ewan Carrett all those sevrall Expired Derby 26 Julie 29 Eliz Intacks conteyninge 16 acres rente xvjs vijd the valewe liijs iiijd henry derby Willm Carrett one pcell of lande Three years vth of March 34 conteyninge 2 acr[e]s unexpired Elizabeth di rente xvjd valewe iiijs henri derby Donolde kellie one tente or halffe Twoe Lyves 25 december 31 quarter of grounde in beinge Eliz acres xv rente xs ixd valewe ijs henry derby Robte Crowe one pcell of grounde Expired 31 August conteyninge one 28 Elizabeth halffe acre Rente ijs valewe iiijs [page 11] kirke kriste in the aire Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate date of leases rents and val or terme henry Robte Crere one Cotage and Expired Derby 17 ffebr 33 a pcell of inclosure Elizabeth Conteyninge one acre Rente vjd valewe ijs henry John Curghie ffoure sevrall Expired Derby 27 Jn 25 Eliz Intacks wth other pcell of ground acres xxv rente xxvs vd value iijl henry Willm Lucas The terme expired Derby 29 July 25 Eliz one Close wth other pcells of Lande acres 10 rent xs iiijd valewe xxvjs viijd henry Edmunde Ellize one halffe quarter ffyve yeres Derby 13 July 34 Eliz: of lande and ffoure unexpr pcells of Intacke acres xv et viij rente xjs & viijs iiijd valewe vjs & xxs henry derby John Curghie one pcell of ground ffoure yeres 5 March 34 Conteyninge 2 unexspent Elizabeth acres rent xijd valew xijd [page break] kirke Christ in the Ayre Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate or date of leases rents & valua[tio]n termes H derby H D John Standish and one pcell of Intacke one Lyeffe in others 26 July 29 conteyninge two acres Beinge Elizabeth Rente ijs valewe vjs H derby Thomas Samsbury one water Corne terme expired 18 June 29 Eliz mylne Rente xs value xxs henry derby Ewan Christen 7 Greate mylle towne for one hundreth yeres August 28 Eliz and little myll towne yf the sade Ewan so 2 water mylnes C[?] Longe shall lyve Rente vl vijs ijd value vl iijs henry derby Edmund Christen Certen Intacke in the terme expired 26 July 29 Eliz: myres conteyning 8 acres rente viijs viijd valewe xxxiijs Lease confessed Phillipp Crowe Certen Intacks terme expired Cont jd acre Rente xvjd valewe ijs henry Willm Radclyffe svrall Closses in Expired derby and his assignes the myres acr[e]s 1 Aug 26 Eliz xviii Rente xviijs iijd value iijl vjs viijd [page 12] kirke Christ and kirke Jourby Thomas Donell Mc one pasture of one lyffe Stanley Cayne 10 Augt grounde and one in beinge 5 Elizabeth halffe of other Close Cont ffyteene acres Rente xjs viijd et iiijs ijd value xxvjs [page break] The parish of kirk mychaell Lessors tenants and date tents acres Estate or of leases rents and termes valuacons Thomas William Mc Allowe one quarter of grounde Expired Stanley by 23 may 4 Eliz one pcell of Comon Comission one other pcell of grounde Conteyninge xxxj acre di lij acr[e]s Rente xiiijs ixd, xviijd ijs vjd valuacon iiijs iiijs iiijs Thomas Dannolde mc kellie 4th parte of one qr one Lyeffe in Stanley xiiij maye 4 Eliz of lande conteyninge Beinge viij acres rent ijs iiijd val ijs Henry derby Thomas Woods one tente and other prmis int[?] in and others 26 of pcells of lande two Ball March 24 Eliz pts of one water Corne myle one pcell of lande one Lyeffe and one pcell of [turbury?] in beinge conteyning lxij acr[e]s rente xxxixs iiijd val xvjs viijd Thomas Willm mc Cannell di qter and the Terme Stanley 11 July 4 4th pte of a Expired Elizabeth quarter of grounde acres 22 rent xiiijs ijd val iijs [page 13] Kirk michaell Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate or date of leases rents and termes valuacons Lease confessed Willm Quayle A tente conteyninge Expired John Quayle thirtie acres rente xvijs vjd val ijs Lease lost Richard Cayne & a tenemente cont terme expired pattericke Cortage thirtie acres Rente xvjs value vs Lease confessed Willm mc Fyre a tenemente cont terme John mc ffrere ffytie twoe acres expired Rente xxxijs dooce of rente Lease confessed John kellie & A Mylne Rente Expyred Donolde Croaghen xijs value xs [page break] The parish of kirk Androsse Henry Danolde Christen one pcell of grounde term derby 28 July 29 Eliz Conteyninge two Expired acres et di Rente xxjd value vs Henry derby John mc lace and John one pcell of Comon Expyred Radclyffe 8 August Conteyninge iiij acres 1589 rente xijd value xviijd kirke Andross and Jourby henry derby John mc brewe 18 Sept one quartr & a halffe of one Lyeffe in 30 Eliz: lande and othr intacke Beinge Cont [xlv?] acr[e]s and xvij acr[e]s rente xxvjs xd xvjs viijd value vijs & xxxs kirke Christ Androsse Jourby henry derby Dollin mc kaye Two quarters of Expired 26 July 29 Eliz grounde & other sevrall intacks cont lx and xvii acres rente xxxs xvijs viijd value iiijs xxxs kirke Androsse henry John Standishe one pcell of wast one Lyeffe in derby and others 26 July conteyninge nyne acres Beinge 29th Eliz Rente iijs value vijs [page 14] kirke andross Lessors tenants and tenements Estate date of leases acres rents or terms and valucn henry derby Willm mc knealle one pcell of Lands ffoure yeres 25 Octobr 34 conteyninge one acre unexpired Eliz: et di rente viijd value iijs Lease Patrick Brewe one pcell of Expired confessed Intack Cont v acres Rent vs value vjs [page break] The parish of kirk Jourby Lessors tenants and tentements acres Estate or date of leases rents & valuacons termes Thomas Danolde mc Cayne one quarter and a halfe Expired Stanley 16 June 4 Eliz of grounde conteyninge xlv acres of Lande rente xxvjs iijd val vs Thomas Robte Teare one quarter of grounde Expired Stanley 20 maii 5 Eliz: Conteyninge xxx acres rente xvjs ijd val vs Lease confessed Willm Clerke A tenement and terme not knowne noe date or sight Intacke conteyninge of Lease xlv acr[e]s and x acres the Intacke rente xxvjs & ixs xjd dooce rented value xxs Lease Willm Clerke halff a quarter of Expired Confessed noe date of lease grounde conteyninge xv acres Rente ixs value ijs vjd [page 15] The parish of Kirk German Lessors tenants and date tents acres Estate or of leases rents and termes valuacons Henry derby Thomas Binfroughe one pcell of Comon Expired 26 Julie 29 Eliza: Conteyninge xiiij acr[e]s rente ijs iiijd valewe xxxs Henry Derby Willm Bridesonne halffe quarter of grounde terme 10 July 26 Elizabeth and two sevrall pcells expired of lande conteyninge xv acres rente viijs viijd value ijs Hen Derby Thomas Radclyffe Twoe sevrall pcells of one lyeffe 8 August 1589 Lande Conteyninge in beinge vj acres rente iijs iiijd dooce rented Hen Derby Roger Barnowe one pcell of lande cont ffoure yeres 5 March 24 Eliz one acre and one roode unexpired lande rente xvd val iiijd Hen derby Phillipp Corlett one pcell of Customary twoe yeres 29 July 32 Eliz: lande Conteyninge 3 unexpired acr[e]s di rente iijs iiijd value xviijd Henry derby Phillippe Crosse one pcell of grounde three yeres 28 ffebr 33 Eliz Conteyninge one acre unexpired di Rente vjd val vs [page break] kirke German Lessors tenants and tents acres Estate or date of leases rents and termes valuacons Hen derby Willm hunter one pcell of Lande twoe yeres unexpired 29 Julie 32 Eliz: Conteyninge v acres rente ijs value xijd Hen derby John Robyson 5 March one tente and certen 4 yeres 34 Eliz pcells of lande cont unexpired 2 acres di Rente Rente iijs iijd val xviijd Lease John Crellin one peece of farme Expired Confessed noe date of lease Lande Conteyninge and Lost three acres rente ijs ijd value ijs Hen: derby John Twatts 8 one Close cont one one yere August 1589 acre Rente xd unexpired value xd Lease confessed Donell Cayne and A mylne in theire terme and Lost Thomas kellie Joyne occupacon ended Lease noe date Rente xiijs iiijd value vjs viijd Lease Gilbte [K?]athine A tenemente Cont terme Confessed noe date of lease xxxv acres Rente ended xxs iiijd value iiijs [page 16] kirk german Lessors tenants and tenements Estate date of leases acres rents or terms and valuacons Lease John Dawson A myle and terme Confessed noe lease sene grounde there expired unto belonginge Rente vjs viijd and xvjd [page break] The parish of kirk pattrick Lessors tenants and tenements Estate or date of leases acres rents termes and valuacons Hen derby Gyles Crosse the viijth of a One Lyffe 26 Julie 29 El quarter of Lande in beinge the iiijth pte of a quarter of Lande Conteyninge ten acres rente xs viijd q value ijs Henry Thomas Crayne a tenemente and one Terme Derby 24 June 25 Eliz quarter of grounde ended and the 3d pte of a quartr and one house Conteyninge in all xl acres Rente xxxvijs ixd ob value the some of xs Henry derby Thomas Burfrough one walke mylle terme and his assignes and one pcell of ended 9 August 31 Eliz Lande Conteyninge Regine Anglie 2 Acres Rent ls &c value vl [page 17] kirke pattericke Lessors tenants and date tents acres Estate or of Leases rents and termes valuacons Henry hugh Quaye The Eighte pte terme Derby the ffirst Day of one quarter of expired of August 26 Lande conteyninge Elizabeth ffoure acres rent iijs vjd ob qr value xijd The names of the Jurors wch Inquired the valewes of eich Severall ^demyse^ on the South Side videlt Charles moore John moore Willm Qualthrough Philipp moore John Tayler John Corkell Thomas Creer Thomas Woods Nicholas harrison Willm huchyn James Burke Willm Cubbin The reason why these ffarmes and tenements are so lowe valued is because they are now yerelie chardged wth duble rente [page break] memorand that in every vacant place wantinge it ffull instrucons the pties there expressed shewed noe Leases but did acknowledge to have hadd leases formerly grannted wch everie one requyred myghte be renewed The names of the Jurors wch Inquired of the valewes of eich Severall demyse on the northsyde videlt Willm Brideson Phillipp Corlett Phillipe Carrett Willm Curghie John Crosse Willm Cowley John Christen Gilbte Cannell Willm Corlett John Brewe Dollen Cayne John Leece The reason why wee have value the tents and quarte Lands att soe lowe rate as are above expressed is for that the tenants thereof are yerely chardged wth the paiemente of a double rente ffor the same [page 18]