Leases agreed between 1611 and 1619

A literal transcription of this section of the Knowsley Lease Book is given below. Further information about it may be found in the Records section of this website.


This transcription is published by permission of the Rt Hon. The Earl of Derby 2014.


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[Leases agreed between 1611 and 1619]

                                      The names of the tenants with the Fines
                                      who compounded with Edward Rigby Esqr Comiss:
                                      oner & with the Officers in the Island.


Kirk Malew             John Lucas for a Tenemt of xlviij acres Rent    } iijs iiijd
                       lxxiijs xjd q. his fine for xv yeers            }
                       [In the Composition Book version the fine is given as xvl]

                       Sylvester Halsal for a pcell of the said tenemt } iijs iiijd
                       Rent ijd q. the fine                            }

                       Henry Clark & his fellows for one qrtar of      }
                       ground. Rent xviijs for wch they had before     } xxvs
                       payd a Benevolence. & now betake themselves     }
                       to hould by Lease. The fine                     }

1618                   George Stanley for a pcell of groud, calld      } Cs
                       half the Lough. Rent vs. the fyne               }


Kirk Christ Russhin

1618                   Willm Tayler for one qrtar of ground & 2        } xls
                       pcells of Intacks Rent xvs. The fine            }

Kirk Arbery

1611                   George Stanley for the fine of his tenemt of    } ll
                       The rent of lxvs viijd                          }

1617                   Richard Stevenson for the fine of his tenemt    } Cll
                       Situat in Kk Arbery & Kk Mallew. Rent vjl       }

1618                   Willm Tildesley for a quartar of ground calld   } vjl xiijs iiijd
                       the Feiery. Rent xxs. the fine                  }

Kirk Maughauld

1613                   John Caloe, for one qrtar of fellish ground. Rent } lxs
                       xxiijs. the fine                                  }

1614                   Thomas Christin for one pcell of land calld      } xls
                       Carrets close Rent vjs ixd. the fine             }

1613                   Thomas Samsbury Deemster for 2 mills calld       } ll
                       Corney mills. Rent xxviijs. the fine             } 
                       Note that these mills (as appeareth by ye Booke delivrd in by mr Hoper)
                       were to have beene let to one Curlod for xxvjl xiijs iiijd & since
                       were leasd over to Samsbury for the ll aforesaid 

[page 34]

            Kirk Marowne

1613                   Gilbert Killy for one pcell Intacks. Rent iijs iiijd  } xxvjs viijd
                       the fine                                              }

                       Nicholas Moore for a pcell of Intacks morish          } vjs viijd
                       ground. Rent xijd. The fyne                           }

                       Robt Moore for a pcell of Intacks. Rent iijs          } 
                       & Willm Moore for a pcell Intacks Rent xviijd         } xxxs
                       the fine                                              } 

                       William Cotter for one pcell Intacks                  } xiiijs
                       Rent ijs. The fyne                                    }

                       James Kelly for one pcell Intacks. Rent               } xxvjs
                       iiijs. the fine                                       }

                       Willm Hutchin for certaine Intacks. Rent              } lxs
                       vjs viijd. The fine                                   }

                       Nicholas Killy for one pcell Intacks. Rent            } xxvjs viijd
                       iijs iiijd. the fine                                  }

                       James Cotter for one pcell Intacks Rent               } ixs
                       xiiijd. the fine                                      }

                       Otes Kelly for one pcell Intacks. Rent ijd            } iiijs
                       The fyne                                              }

                       Thomas Kelly for a qrtar of ground wch he             }
                       bought of Nichas Moore. Rent xijs xd                  }
                       exchanging a Lease of Lives in Being, for             }
                       the yeers to come. Also the said Thomas               } Cvjs viijd
                       for certaine Intacks, Rent xijd ob & some             }
                       Intacks in Kk German Rent xxd. the                    }
                       fine for all                                          } 

1618                   Nicholas Moore & William Moore for                    }
                       a water corne mill. Rent vs. the                      } xls
                       fine                                                  }

[page break]

[   The Composition Book version contains an additional entry here  ]
[                                                                   ]
[                          kk Conchan                               ]
[                                                                   ]
[ 1618                 Edward Fletcher for a walk                   ]
[                      mylne and a walkmilne       vjl xiijs iiijd   ]
[                      Stede Rent xxs                               ]

                           Kirk German

1613                   Willm Brydeson Jun for a pcell of viijd    } xs
                       rent, pt of the Cony greene. the fine      } 

                       Sylvester Tubman in the behalf of John     }
                       Tubman, the other pt of the said Cony      } xxs
                       Greene. Rent xvjd. The fyne                }

                       Philip Crosse for a pcell of Intacks       } vjs viijd
                       Rent xvd. The fine                         }

                       John Cayne for a pcell of Intacks. Rent    } vjs viijd
                                    xvd & an other pcell. Rent viijd. The fyne }

                       William Brideson for a pcell of Intacks    } xijs
                       Rent ixd. the fyne                         }

                       Willm Crayne for a pcell of Intacks in     } xijs
                       Gneebe. Rent ixd. the fine                 }

                       The said Willm Crayne for 3 other sevral       }
                       pcells of Intacks ^in^ Gneebe Rent iijs vjd ob } xls
                       the fine                                       }

                       Thomas Quaile for a pcell of dry barren    } vjs
                       land by Cregmallin. Rent ijs the fine      }

                       Willm Caighen for one close                } xs
                       Intacks. Rent iijs vjd. The fine           }

                       Robt Caighen & his fellows for an          } iiijs
                       Intack. Rent xviijd. the fine              }

                       Sylvester mc Ilchrist for 2 pcells Intacks } xxs
                       in Gneebe. Rent iijs iiijd. the fine       }

                       John Gell for one pcell Intacks. Rent xxd  } iijs iiijd
                       The fine                                   }

                       John Gell for a pcell of Intacks in        } xs
                       Gneebe. Rent iiijd. The fine               }

1614                   John Carrett one pcell Intacks rent xvd    } vjs viijd
                       The fine                                   }

[page 35]

                            Kirk Patrick

1614                   Willm Brideson for pcell of the ground calld  } xls
                       Rengiming Rent ijs viijd the fine             }

                       John Clark the third pt of the said pcell     } xxs
                       Rent xvjd. The fine                           }

                            Kirk Andrew

1613                   John Knell for one pcell cont 1 pcell dim     } xs 
                       Rent viijd. the fine                          }

                       Gilbert Saile for a pcell of Intacks. Rent    } vs
                       vid. The fine                                 }

                       John Kee for 2 qrtars of ground cont lx acres }
                       Rent xxxjs. And for severall Intacks in the   }
                       Parishes of Kk Andrew, Kk Christ of ye        } xls
                       Aire & Jourby, cont xvj acres. Rent xvijs     }
                       ijd. The fyne                                 }

                       Thomas Samsbury Deemster for 1 close in ye    } lxs
                       myres rent xijs the fine                      }

1619                   Philip Knell for a pcell cont ix acres        } xxs
                       Rent iijs the fine                            }

                           Kirk Christ of the Aire

1613                   John Curghy for a pcell of land, being a      } xvs
                       Turbary. Rent xijd the fine                   }

                       John Kewyn for half a quartar of ground       }
                       Rent xis. And iiij severall pcells of Intacks } viijl
                       Rrnt viijs iiijd. the fine                    }

                       John Clark for a pcell of ground in the       } xiijs iiijd
                       Myres. Rent xvd. the fine                     }

                       John Cotter for a pcell of Intacks in the     } xxxs
                       myres. Rent ijs. the fine                     }

                       Euan Crow, Edmund Casement & Finlo            }
                       Crow for one close calld Close Gill. Rent     } ls
                       iijs iiijd. the fine                          }

[page break]

                       Edmund Casement & Elizabeth Crow for one         } xls
                       Close calld Lany moorr. Rent iijs iiijd. ye fyne }

                       John Lucas for one close in the myres. Rent    } xlvs
                       vs. the fine                                   }

                       Wm Curlod for one pcell in the myres           } xs
                       Rent vd. the fine                              }

                       Robt Quay for one close in the myres           } xijs
                       Rent viijd. the fine                           }

                       John Martin, John Cotter, & Wm Knell           } iiijl
                       for a pcell. Rent xviijs. The fine             }

1614                   Euan Crow for one close of Intacks calld Molloghs            } xxxs
                       Close. Rent ijs. the fyne                                    }

                       Edmund Crow Jun one Intack. Rent iiijs. ye fyne              } xls

                       Edmund Crow Sen, one Intack rent ijs viijd. ye fine          } xxvjs viijd

                       Thomas Kynred for a pcell of land. Rent iiijs iiijd. ye fine } xls

                       Danold Christin one pcell of land. Rent xijd. ye fine        } xs

1618                   Willm Kissag for a pcell of ground cont 2 acres               } iiijl
                       di. Rent iijs ixd. the fine                                   }

1611                   Note that is ao: 1611 Euan Christin Deemster paid   }
                       Cl to the Lo: for his tenemt: wch was in Lease      }
                       Rent lxviijs viijd to thc end he might bee free     }
                       from that tenure; & to hould by the straw           }

                             Kirk Bride

1613                   Gibbon Cotter & Michael Cotter one qrtar of    } xxs
                       ground. Rent xixs viijd. the fine              }
                            The fine thus easily imposed because he had formerly payd a
                            Benevolence & held the land by tenure of the straw. And now
                            Betaketh himself to hould by Lease.

1614                   Wm mcJoughen & his fellows for a Turbary by     } xxs
                       Estimacon 3 acres. Rent viijd. the fine         }


1614                   Thomas mcFaile for one qrter of ground cont     } Cs
                       xxx acres. Rent xvjs ijd. the fine              }

1618                   The late wyfe of Dollyn Cayne for one close &   }
                       a half, cont xv acres Rent xvs xd the fine      } iiijl
                       paid in England by Deemster Christin            }

[page 36]

1614                       Kirk Michael

                       Danold mcKelly for the fourth pt of a qrtar        } xxs
                       Of land cont viij acres. Rent ijs iiijd. the fyne  }


1613                   Thomas Cry for one close, being a Turbary in       } xxs
                       or neere the myres rent iiijs the fine             }

                       Wm: Stephen for a pcell in the myres rent          } iiijs
                       xvjd. the fine                                     }

                       John mc Teare for one pcell neere ye myres         } iiijs
                       Rent - viijd the fine                              }

                       Finlo Carrett for a pcell neere the myres          } iiijs
                       Rent xvjd the fine                                 }

                       Thomas Corag for a pcell in the myres              } iijs
                       Rent iijd. the fine                                }

                       Patrick Stephan for one pcell in the myres         } vjs viijd
                       Rent - vjd. the fine                               }

                       Wm Kewsh, in the behalf of Alice Gawen             }
                       & John mcIlrea, for one close in the               } xxs
                       myres. rent - xxd. the fine                        }

                       Robt Dod for one pcell in the myres                } vjs viijd
                       rent - xiiijd. the Fine                            }


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